Pregnant after One Night With The Vampire



“What the hell are you talking about?” Seb eyes blazed with anger as he pinned Elise to the wall.

“Let my sister go this minute, vampire” Esmee yelled as Seb shot her a hard glare which was enough to send her stumbling backwards.

“Sebastian let the witch go” Evans tried intervening, but Sebastian looked untameable, he had reached his peak of bloodlust and would kill Elise if not stopped.

“What did you do to her?” He growled at Elise, pinning her to the wall in an attempt to strangle her.

“Nothing I swear” Elise managed to say, as she coughed hard.

“My sister had nothing to do with this Seb, the ritual went just fine” Eloise tried butting in and she had this look of worry on her face, nothing was wrong, but Sebastian wouldn’t see reasons with them and calm down.

“Then why isn’t Adia waking up!!?” He yelled and the ground trembled, one could tell he was really angry.

“How do you expect us to know that, huh?” Esmee uttered, he just wouldn’t listen.

“You just have to understand and stop acting like a mad man, Adia is fine” she said trying to sound convincing, but she was not sure of there was a way she’ll use to convince Sebastian.

“But she’s unconscious ” Sebastian gritted his teeth on anger, they all heard a cry of a baby, the babies were fine, but Adiabwws not waking up.

“Yes she is, but she’ll gain consciousness in the soonest, let me sister go”

“I promise you is anything happens to my sister, I’ll make sure Adia does not wake up from that coma she’s in” Esmee swore in anger.

If Sebastian ever tries anything to hurt her, she’ll make him pay, in ten folds.

She’ll see to it that he losses everything he cherish.

“I promise you, you’ll die along with your sisters”

“Then you’ll never see Adia again, she’ll die with us” Esmee challenged and Sebastian’s grip on Elise tightened.

“I think you should listen to them Seb, violence willnkt solve any of this” Celeste tried reasoning with him, and she stepped closer to him.

“Let her go Seb, don’t di something drastic because of your anger” she added, and that seemed to. have smoothen his venom a little as he let Elise go, throwing her to the ground.

“Elise” Eloise screamed rushing to her sister who laid on the floor gasping for breath.

“Are you alright?” She asked in concern, Esmee moving closer to them also as both sisters tended to their sister Elise.

“I’m fine” Elise coughed.

“Happy now?” Esmee said to Sebastian with scarcam as they helped Elise stand on her feet.

“Forget it, we’re leaving” Esmee announced.

“Our job here is done, we should probably leave before a certain someone kills us” she rolled her eyes at Sebastian.

“You can’t leave ” Celeste chimed in.

“Adia is not waking up, you have to help us” she uttered. They can’t leave just yet.

“Well I would have loved to, but guess what I change my mind” Esmee snapped at her.

“You vampires are ungrateful creatures, instead of saying a thank you, you tried to kill us, as if it’s our fault that Adia refused to wake up” she concluded.

“Why isn’t she waking up?” Celeste questioned.

“I changed my mind, deal with your problems yourself, at least we helped you deliver the babies safe and sound” Elise said weakly.

“And I regret ever trying to help, you don’t deserve it” she shot a glare at Sebastian before turning to get sisters.

“Let’s get out of this place”

“You know you can’t do that?” Celeste stopped her from taking a step.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“You shouldn’t mind Sebastian’s actions, he’s just being delusional, you must know how he feels, just over look whatever he did” she pleaded with them, she still needed the help of the witches.

“You mentioned the babies have magic, you know we can’t deal with that and Adia also we need her to wake up, so please stay ” she begged, hoping they adhere to her pleas.

“Adia is fine, Celeste ” Elise informed.

“She’s only in a coma and might wake up soon”

“I check all of her vitals also, they’re in check” Evans chimed in.

“Yes. She’s still breathing and will be fine ” Elise assured.

“And for the babies, I’m working on something”

“I’ll have Eloise send that to you when it’s ready ” she informed making her way to leave.

“Elise” Celeste called holding Elise arm stopping her from going.

“Don’t leave, I won’t allow it” she stated.

They’ve done so much for her family, she can’t just let them off because of Sebastian’s mistake.

“You girls are like family to me and I’ve Finally met you girls after so many years, at least allow fulfil my promise to your mother and take care of you girls”

“This place is your home and I promise you that no one will ever lay a finger on you” she swore settling her eyes on Sebastian.

“So please”

“Alright Celeste, Eloise can stay, Esmee too, if she wants” Elise obliged, though Esmee would never agree to stay.

“I have a family Celeste, a son and a husband, I have to be with them, but I’ll stay until Adia recovers to make sure she’s alright” Elise voiced out as Celeste hugged her tight.

“Thanks dear” she mouthed planting a kiss on her forehead.

” I really appreciate”

“You’re welcome” Elise said smiling warmly.

“By the way where are Adia’s babies, I’ve not seen them?” Celeste asked looking around.

“Oh, Monica must be taking care of them, both her and Ace took them to the Nanny to feed them” Eloise replied as Celeste shook her head.

“I really want to see them” Celeste announced happily.

“They will be here any minute ” Eloise informed.

About ten minutes later, Monica and Ace stepped in, each carrying a baby wrapped up in their arms.

“They’re here” Celeste announced her face full of smiles as she rushed to hold the little bundle of joy.

“Seb look at your..”

“Don’t bring those little urchins near me” came his next words as everyone stilled.

“What are you saying?” Celeste stammered in surprise.

“Unless you want them dead” he added.

“I don’t want to ever lay my eyes on them until Adia wakes up ” he warned and with that he leaped away leaving everyone perplexed.

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