Pregnant after One Night With The Vampire


YEAR 1256 AD….

The fire crackled beneath the large utensil with the burning charcoal and the logs of wood which were added just a few minutes ago.

The woman in the kitchen with a baby bump, picked up a wooden ladle to mix up the food she was making.

Bending towards the pot, she smelled the aroma coming from it and smiled.

Just as she finished setting the table, she heard the clucking sounds of horses coming to a halt just outside the house, going towards her window she looked outside the curtain to see rather an unfamiliar figure, she was certain it was the man from the way his built was, but was unable to identify who the person was, as he was covered with a black coat.

She watched the man walk to her door as she heard a knock, wiping her hands on the front of her apron, she opened the door to see who the person was.

“Hello how can I..” she stopped talking midway the moment she saw the person, he’s the last person she ever expected to see, not anytime soon.

“Hello” the person smiled, but she still stood in shock and disbelief.

“Moreau..” she stammered,

“I thought you were..”

“Dead” he completed smirking at her.

“Me too, I didn’t expect you to still be alive and this…” he drawled out, his eyes traveling to her baby bump.

” You’re also with a child, interesting” he added, as she looked at him, he looks so different from the last time they met, now he looked scary his eyes held danger, mischief and nothing else.

” It’s been 200 years..” she whispered to him.

” I know, I’m a vampire remember, I’m shocked at how you’re still alive, all the council members are all dead, except you and Pierre of course, and I see you guys are already making babies..” he said as a hint of jealousy flashed through his eyes.

” What do you want?” She asked, he’s not meant to be seen around her.

” Will you not do the pleasure of inviting me In, I’m an old friend after all” Moreau asked politely, as she hesitated a bit.

” Come in…” she invited, locking the door immediately he came in.

“Tea” she offered,


” So why are you here?” She asked immediately , they both settled down.

“How have you been?” He asked, ignoring her question.

“Good and you?”

” Good not good” he replied,

” You’ve not changed at all, Estelle La Fey” he confessed as her green eyes met his Gray ones, she still looked beautiful as before.

“How’s Celeste and the other Vampires?” She questioned ignoring his statement.

“Good not good, as I mentioned earlier”

“And what is not good and good..”

“You need to uplift the curse you witches placed on us” he began, two hundred years ago, the witches connived and placed a curse on them, restricting the way they lived, in other words making them somewhat useless.

“If that’s why you’re here I’m sorry, I will have to say no” he said with a note of finality.This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

“We vampires have been staying away from Romanesque” he reminded Estelle La Fey.

” But you still feed on blood..”

” Do you know how hard you witches made it for us?”he asked her , he came to realize there were more to being Vampires than he thought, they could recreate other Vampires, by feeding their blood to the human, then they kill the person that has Vampire blood in their system, the person comes back to life and undergoes transition, only the strong survives a vampire transition.

But a few changes have been noted between them and the turned Vampires, they were far more stronger than the turned Vampires, the turned Vampires could die, while they regenerated, they didn’t die, not only that they had the power to compel someone to do their bid.

During the years they have all succeeded in building an army of Vampires, who are nothing but loyal to their makers.

“You left us with no Choice, you guys were killing people, feeding on blood..” Estelle phased out, it took them lots of power to take down the Vampires years ago.

“Estelle I came to you because you’re the only one who can undo the spell..” he could have ran to Serefina for help but Serefina was killed hundred years ago by the witches.

“No Moreau..” he bluntly refused.

“You have to help us, you council members turned us night creatures” she stated, the run has become their worst enemy, that’s the course the witches placed on them, sunlight was fatal to them, Vampires only came out at night to hunt, and then they return home before the sunrise, and still indoors till the evening again.

“That’s what you are, night creatures, Blood suckers..” she spat at Moreau, it hurts her till date that Moreau tricked her along with Celeste and went ahead with the quest of being a vampire.

“Estelle La Fey you have to undo the spell” he begged, he can’t even remember the last time he felt daylight, all their lives had been hiding and creating Vampire armies.

“Where are the others?” She asked, she was worried for Moreau and Celeste.

“We found a vast land at the east and settled there, only Vampires resides there” he informed, after wandering about, th finally came to a stop at a place, where the all began building shelters, the place is usually very quiet during the day, as all vampires are indoors because they are hiding from the sun, they are mostly seen at night when they go hunt for food, and any unfortunate human who is seen around becomes their meal.

“I see, you guys are doing quite fine then..”

“No Estelle I need your help” Moreau begged again, staring at her beautiful face he will forever love her, his heart will forever yearn for her, but they can never be together again, because it’s obvious she has moved on, she’s with child.

“And why should I help you?” She asked meaningfully

“You Blood suckers have brought us nothing but pain and death, you’re a curse never meant to exist..” she stated, feeling bad and deceived that he lied to her and did something as gruesome as this behind her back.

” Then let’s make a deal Estelle..” he proposed as Estelle La Fey watched him with her curious green eyes.

” If you I agree to help us lift this curse, I promise to keep the Vampires away from here, we will go far away and mind our own business, please help” he voiced out, as Estelle La Fey held a long gaze with him, as she pondered hard on the issue.

” It’s a deal, I’ll help lift your curse, but you’ll have to keep the end of your bargain.” She accepted as Moreau said a silent prayer muttering a thank you.

Estelle La Fey is really the best woman he will ever meet.

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