Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan King



Layla walked into her daughter’s room to see her still sleeping. “Noelle dear” Layla called as she opened the curtains.

” Noelle get up. It’s time for school..” she announced walking over to the bed.

Noelle opened her eyes slowly, letting out a big yawn. “Mommy, I don’t want to go to school,” she yawned, her voice still groggy with sleep.

“I want to stay here at home, good morning morning” She added slowly.

Layla smiled, unable to resist Noelle’s pleading eyes.

“You know you have to go to school, sweetie,” she said, trying to sound firm. “It’s important for you to learn and grow.”

Noelle pouted. “But it’s boring,” she yawned again.

“Come on sweetheart. Get up” Layla urged as she picked out Noelle’s uniform from the closet.

Five years had passed and her daughter had grown into a beautiful girl.

She was smart and kind, above all very stubborn.

She acted in her own will and hardly listened to anyone and got into trouble all the time.

She was always up to one mischief or the other.

“Noelle, please get up,” Layla pleaded, a hint of frustration creeping into her voice. She knew her daughter was stubborn, but she also knew that Noelle needed to go to school. It was the only way she would be able to learn and grow into a responsible, well-rounded person.

But Noelle was having none of it. “I don’t want to go,” she frowned, using the duvet to cover herself up.

“I hate school.” She uttered from under the duvet.

Layla sighed. “Noelle, this isn’t a choice,” she stated, her tone more firm now.

“I know you don’t like it but you don’t have a say in this..” she pointed out as she sat on the bed.

“I don’t want to..” she grumbled still covering herself with the duvet.

Layla took a deep breath. She knew she needed to be patient with Noelle as she could never see herself getting angry at her. Noelle was her little angel.

“Noelle, please. Don’t make this hard for mommy” she tried coaxing, her voice soft but firm.

“Get up and get dressed. You have to go to school, whether you like it or not.”

Noelle sat up in bed, her face set in a scowl.

“Why?” she demanded, her voice unwielding.

“I don’t see the point of going to school. It’s not like I’m going to learn anything. I already learned everything I needed to know from my governess. So why should I bother going there? ” She protested.

Layla knew she was in for a long talk

Layla understood where Noelle was coming from. Her governess, Mrs. Porter, was a very intelligent and accomplished woman who had taught Noelle a lot over the years.

“It does not mean dear. Kira and Malcolm are both ready. You should join them..” Layla hoped mentioning her friend would make her want to go.

Kira was Keisha’s daughter and Malcolm has become a big brother to her over the years.

Just when they were speaking Nolan walked in and Layla found herself breathing in relief.

Noelle got her stubbornness from him, so he should speak with her instead.

“Hey babe..” Nolan waved at Layla as he planted a kiss on her forehead.

“Morning darling..” Nolan carried Noelle up from the bed as she hugged him tightly.

“Morning Dad..” She greeted her father.

Nolan smiled at his daughter. “How are you feeling today?” He questioned.

Noelle shrugged, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. “I’m fine,” she replied though her tone implied otherwise.

“But I don’t want to go to school.”

Nolan shot a look at Layla, who just rolled her eyes.

“Come on, Noelle,” he began, trying to reason with her.

“It’s not that bad. You get to see your friends and learn new things”

“Friends are lame dad, they’re no fun..” she pouted as Nolan chuckled. As little as she was she could already distinguish how fun was.

Nolan laughed at Noelle’s declaration. “Lame? I think that’s a bit harsh,” he said. “I bet your friends are fun”NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

Noelle looked unconvinced. “I doubt it,” she shook her head, her stubborn streak showing through. “School is boring.”

“And I have to wear a skirt I hate them..” she stated and Layla wanted to scream at her daughter that she was a girl.

Noelle always hated cute things and acted like a boy. She hated the color pink, dresses, and those cute things that girls loved, the same was the opposite for Noelle. She acted like a boy.

Layla was growing increasingly frustrated with Noelle’s stubbornness.

“Noelle, you are a girl,” she pointed out.

“It’s okay to like things that are considered feminine, like skirts and dresses. It doesn’t make you any less of a person.”

Noelle crossed her arms and looked away, a pout on her face. “I don’t want to wear a skirt,” she said, her tone stubborn. “I want to wear pants.”

Layla looked at Nolan, exasperated. “Please talk to her,” she left the issue for Nolan to deal with. It was no longer convincing her to go to school, they now have to convince her to wear a skirt.

“Look Noelle, stop being stubborn and get dressed. If you’re late for school Daddy would be very angry” Nolan concluded.

Noelle scowled at her father, but there was a hint of fear in her eyes. She knew her father wouldn’t be happy if she was late for school.

“Fine,” she grumbled as Nolan dropped her on the ground.

“Good girl..” Layla praised Making her way to unbutton her pajamas…

“Once you get back. I’ll make you your favorite dessert.” She informed and Noelle’s face lit up.


“Of course!” Layla confirmed, smiling at her daughter.

“But only if you promise to be on your best behavior at school. Okay?”

Noelle nodded enthusiastically. “I promise,” she swore, already looking forward to the dessert. “I’ll be the best-behaved girl in my class!”

“I’m sure you will be,” Nolan said, ruffling Noelle’s hair.

” Come on let’s get you ready for school… ” Layla held her little hands as she led her to the bathroom.

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