Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan King


Nolan’s and Xander’s car arrived almost at the same time.

“We’re here!” Xander announced happily as Layla alighted from the car along with Nolan.

She stared at the open club which was buzzing with life. She shouldn’t have come here. Layla immediately began to reject her decision, she felt quite uncomfortable.

She rubbed her hands as she inhaled sharply, she was dressed in a simple blue jumpsuit.

“Come on in..” Xander invited as they all walked into the club. The music was loud and pulsing, and the lights were flashing in every direction. People were laughing and dancing, and the whole place was alive with energy. Layla was overwhelmed as she looked around. This was her first time visiting a club.

She could tell this was no ordinary club, judging from the people she saw. They were all rich folks everywhere.

Xander led them to a quiet corner and Nolan went to sit down immediately, he brought out a packet of cigarettes from his pockets which he began to descend on.

Xander on the other hand got busy with a beautiful woman who had approached him.

Now Layla felt alone, she shouldn’t have come here, she thought again, regretting her decision of coming here more than ever.

She was about to take her seat when someone tapped her shoulders, Layla instantly turned to see who it was.

“Regan!!” She called in surprise as her face became filled up with smiles. She genuinely felt delighted to see her.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“Layla I knew it was you..” he said equally surprised to see Layla at a club. She was never a club’s person.

“It’s so good to see you,” he said as they both hugged each other.

“I didn’t hear from you again after the day we met at the grocery store..” he frowned. After Nolan saw the message Regan sent and created a wrong impression out of it. She completely forgot to text him back and left the message unread.

“I’m so sorry for not answering your message Regan..” she apologized, raising her voice a little as the music was overpowering their voices.

“Apology not accepted..” he stated. He was so worried for her and she didn’t even call back and when he called back her number never went through.

“Please Regan, I’m sorry for not answering your messages. A lot was on my mind..” she begged.

“By the way what are you doing at a club?” He grilled with squinted eyes, still very surprised to see her.

“Well actually..” Layla cleared her throat as she scratched the back of her neck.

“I came with a friend..” she informed.

“What friend?” He asked as Layla hesitantly pointed at the direction Xander was. She didn’t dare point at Nolan, she knew how irrational he could act.

“Xander!!” Regan exclaimed in shock. That was a bigger surprise for him. When did Layla and Xander suddenly become friends?

“Yes Xander,” she confirmed.

“Wow, I never knew you both have gotten this close. The last time I checked he’s supposed to be your boss at work..” Regan said. Both him and Xander were not too much like close friends. They were better off as cool friends. They were just cool with each other.

“Well he’s more than a boss..” Layla began.

“He’s like a friend to me. A very good friend..” she deadpanned.

“I can see that,” he hummed, shaking his head. They must be so close to the point that he even invited Layla to a club and she agreed.

“Okay, since you’re busy , let’s dance..” he suggested, shaking his body as Layla quickly waved him off.

“No I can’t!” She declined.

“Come in Layla, it’s just a dance!” He persuaded as he held her hand.

“Come on, Layla, just dance!” Regan said, grabbing Layla’s hand and trying to pull her onto the dance floor.

“I don’t want to dance, Regan!” Layla said, resisting Regan’s efforts.

“Why not?” Regan said, a confused look on her face.

Layla took a deep breath, trying to find the words to explain herself. “I just feel self-conscious, okay?” she uttered, feeling vulnerable.

“I’m not a good dancer, and I don’t want to make a fool of myself.” Regan gave Layla a sympathetic look.

“You don’t have to be a good dancer to have fun, Layla,” he assured, her voice soft and reassuring. “Just let yourself go and enjoy the music.”

Layla looked at Regan, unsure if she could really do that. She would have tried but there was another problem restricting her, Nolan.

Layla took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay, fine,” she said, a small smile playing on her lips. Regan clapped her hands together, a grin spreading across her face.

“Yes!” she said.

“Let’s start with something simple. Just move to the beat of the music. You don’t even have to dance, just let yourself feel the rhythm.” Layla nodded again, more confidently this time. She closed her eyes and focused on the sound of the music. At first, she just tapped her feet in time with the beat. But after a few minutes, Layla started to feel the music move through her body.

She felt the beat in her chest, in her fingertips, and in her toes. She began to sway to the music, letting the rhythm take over. Regan watched, a proud smile on his face.

“See, you’re doing great!” Regan exclaimed, his voice full of encouragement.

Layla opened her eyes and met Regan’s gaze. “I think I’m starting to get the hang of it,” she said, a smile growing on her face. Regan nodded, and then something unexpected happened. The DJ started playing one of Layla’s favorite songs.

“I love this song” Layla exclaimed happily and they both began to dance hand in hand.

Layla felt her inhibitions melt away as the familiar beat of the song filled her ears. She and Regan moved together, their bodies in sync with the music. They laughed and sang along, letting the music take control. Layla felt free, like she could do anything. She felt like she was flying, like she was on top of the world. Regan was laughing and dancing, and Layla couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so happy.

Meanwhile at a corner Nolan was seated at a corner watching them as his icy blue eyes darkened.


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