Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2

Seeing The Truth

Xavier Pov

“That bastard wants my mate. MY FUCKING MATE. I can see it in the way he looks at her. She belongs to ME” I growl while pounding into Zoey, who doesn’t have a care in the world.

” Ah ah ah ah ” Zoey moans while I fuck her. Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m still doing this with her. I admit, the first few times with her were fun and made from lust, but now I don’t know. I don’t get the enjoyment out of it as I used to. Though my wolf is based on this. He doesn’t care who we fuck, yet somehow, he still loves our mate. I don’t get it.

“And to make shit worse, I can tell she wants him too. I felt that shit through our link.” I growled, still pounding into Zoey who is a moaning mess. Thankfully, we are in the forest, not many people can hear us, and the servants can know death will befall them should they say anything to anyone.

“I told you, you can’t trust her”, Zoey moaned as I came to her. Since Zoey is not my mate, I can’t get her pregnant. Well, that and other things. Suddenly I had a strange feeling we were being watched. I looked around but saw no one. It was time to go back to the palace. Talk with my dear mate. I should handle this lightly though. I need her, not that she is going anywhere anyway. She belongs to me, and I will raise hell on anyone for anything that tries to take her from me.

Jasmine Pov

” Ah, there you are!” I heard my mate’s voice say from behind me. After breakfast, Samael said he had some stuff to take care of and I decided to go for a swim with Ava, Katie, and Harmon. I saw Xavier’s hair was bushier than usual. Must have come from a run. He came up to me and kissed me on the forehead.

“Can we talk?” he asked me. I nodded and waved bye to the girls before following him inside the place. Once we got to the room, he let me take a quick shower to wash off the chlorine before I came out for us to talk. I have been waiting for this for a while now.

He was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed. I hopped on the bed and crossed my legs, waiting for him to start. He took a minute to take in my appearance before bowing his head and sighing before looking up at my eyes.

“Please be honest with me. Do you have any feelings for Samael?” He asked me. Guess I should have been expecting that since this morning.

“Lie,” Lunar says out of the blue. Hunh?

” Lie to him. Say no”, she told me. I looked up at Xavier, who was waiting for an answer.

“No,” I told him as I looked into his eyes. He held my eyes searching to see If I was lying. It took everything I had to keep my heart calm. Thankfully, Lunar helped. Though why she wanted me to lie is beyond me.

” I don’t know. I just know you need to say no” is all she says before cutting my link with her and retreating to the back of my mind.

He nodded his head before sitting beside me and kissing my head.

” I’m sorry if I’m coming off as a dick. I just don’t want anyone to take you from me. You’re my mate. Made for me and only me. I don’t know who I would become if I ever lost you” he said, and I snuggled in his embrace, smelling his mate’s scent. It was mixed with something I couldn’t place which was frustrating trying to understand. I pulled away.

” My turn,” I told him. I feel like we have been drifting apart, and I feel like it’s because of Zoey. I feel like she somehow has hooks on you and I don’t want to let you go either. I love you”, I told him. I didn’t miss how he tensed at Zoey’s name.

“Yea, I admit I have allowed her to be around me more than other people, but I don’t have feelings for her, I swear. It’s all professional. To be honest, she is becoming very annoying”, he says with a smile, and I laugh. So, he is finally getting sick of her too. Well, great. We are both laughing so hard until there is a knock on the door. He kisses me.

“Well, I’m glad that’s settled,” he says before yelling comes in. Speak of the devil and she will appear.

“Yes Zoey,” Xavier said, rubbing his hands through my hair, not paying her any attention. I smile while looking at her, but she just returns my smile. I don’t trust her one bit.

” Urgent business meeting with your Cartise”. She reports to Xavier.

“Thank you, Zoey. You can leave now”, he tells her. She bows and leaves, but I didn’t miss the glare she sent me as she did.

“She hates me,” I tell Xavier, who is smiling at me again. It feels good to be able to talk and be in his arms again. I did miss him. He is my mate after all.

“She will be fine. Don’t forget, you are still her queen”, he says, before kissing my head again and leaving. I decided to head back to the pool with the girls, but before I stepped outside the room, a letter suddenly appeared out of nowhere and was floating in the air in front of me. I grabbed it. It had a sort of old school calligraphy to it, and it was titled, to Jasmine. I opened it.


Do not trust the King.

A trusted source.

After I read the note, it burned up. I felt a strange chill run through me as I realized this was the same thing someone said to me in one of my dreams or visions, or whatever they were. I was warned. Who was this note from? It was a witch, as no one could make something disappear like that.

I guess the only question that remains to be seen is

Which King Do They Mean?

I stayed up in my room until night fell. Xavier had yet to come to the room. Zoey told me no one had seen him since he came to get me. I needed to calm down so I decided I would go tree jumping, hoping it was something I enjoyed doing to relax. As I jumped from tree to tree, I took in the sights of the forest. The beauty of life here. I heard some people talking and I started to jump away from them to give them their privacy when I became nearly startled. There, in a tree behind me, was Samael, looking very menacing and looking very dangerous in the night. Like a predator stalking its prey.

“What are you doing here?” I linked him, staying in the tree I was in. After the warning I just received, yes, I became even more cautious. He hopped into my tree, effortlessly. No need to ask how he could, Harmon most likely taught him how.

” I saw you jumping through the trees. I came to check if you were okay. I know tree jumping is something Harmon does when she is frustrated”, he links me back.

” I just had some stuff on my mind. It is okay. You can go back”, I told him.

“Come find me when you’re done. We’re having another movie night. Maybe you can keep your eyes open for this one” he says with a smirk, making me roll my eyes before jumping back through the trees and disappearing into the night.

“Follow the voices,” Lunar said. I could feel her hesitation in my head for me to do this, but it was almost like there was something she needed to see.

” Do not open your link back up until I tell you to” she said, as I followed the voices that no longer sounded like they were just talking. They sounded intimate. I’m not sure why Lunar wants to see this. As we got closer, the sounds of pleasure were increasing louder and, for some reason, my heart rate started increasing. I realized it was because I was feeling Lunar’s emotions. She was afraid, scared, and angry. This piqued my curiosity. What could make my wolf feel these emotions?

I smelled it before I saw it, and once I saw it, I couldn’t stop watching. I believe “In shock” is the most appropriate word to use. In the heart of the forest were my mate and Zoey. They were fucking each other. My heartbeat was in my ears, and I was seeing red. I started to jump down and instantly kill them both when an arm grabbed mine and pulled me onto them. I knew who it was instantly. I shook and spasmed. I was ready to taste blood and he was holding me. Samael. He was stopping me and, for a shattering second, I wanted to kill him too.

” Please calm down beauty. If your goal is to indeed kill them both, it will take proper planning. He is still a king and is more loved by his people than you are. Trust me”, Samael says, making me pull away from him with tears pouring from my eyes. We both watched as Xavier and Zoey both finished before getting dressed and running out of the forest in different directions before we jumped out of the tree and onto the ground, right across from where it happened. I had an anger inside me now, and unfortunately, Samael was holding me back from acting on it. Lunar was growling in my head, walking back and forth. She was just as devastated as I was and wanted blood.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“MOVE” I growled at Samael while fusing with Lunar, trying to push past him. If I couldn’t kill him, I would at least make him feel pain. I expected him to move and bow, like all others do when I use Lunar’s voice, but he didn’t move. I admit that distracted me for a moment as I watched him fight the command until he growled back.

“NO” he growled at me, stunning me. Even Lunar was taken back. No one can ever resist our command.

What is he?

Tears started pouring from my eyes. I had the bond turned off, so it would explain why I didn’t feel him cheating on me. This mate. Who claims to love me? Who claims to never hurt me? I dropped to my knees feeling defeated as I looked up at Samuel’s worried eyes.

“Come back to my home with me,” he says, standing up and holding out his hand.

“What” I stutter.

“You heard me. There is nothing for you here anymore. Even though you don’t admit it, I know you don’t feel comfortable here. Not many people talk to, or care for you. Your real family will be in England in my castle. You will be protected, and we will face any threat towards you together. ” he said, still holding out his hand to me.



What should I do?

Go with him. Our goddess wants you to go with him. I can feel it.

If our goddess wishes me to go with him, then who am I to deny her request? I looked up at Samael who had half-hopeful eyes before taking his hand.

“I will go with you,” I told him, and he smiled, helping me stand up.

” Go to your room. Pack anything that’s not replaceable. We leave within the hour. I will distract Xavier by giving you time. I have also already linked to Harmon. She is getting your sister and her friends as well as her mate ready to go. Meet me at my jet in 30 minutes.” He tells me and I nod. I can’t believe I’m about to do this. Then again, if someone told me I would have caught my mate cheating on me, I would have laughed in their faces. I could hear Lunar growling. She wanted to rip his throat out.

We jump back into the trees and land in front of the palace. Once we landed on the ground, we went inside. Xavier was headed our way.

“Baby, I was looking for you,” he said, smiling at me. Then he looked at Samael and growled low, but we all heard it.

Before he reached me, Samael stood in front of me.

” There is a threat I need to discuss with you right now, if you have the time,” Samael said to him. Xavier looked over to me and then back to Samael and nodded.

” I’ll see you later baby,” Xavier said, incredibly cheerful, before leaving with Samael. I couldn’t bring myself to reply. It was taking everything I had not to slaughter him on sight. Thankfully, I could keep the link closed, so he wouldn’t feel my murderous rage. As soon as they were both out of earshot, I dashed upstairs and grabbed what I needed, which wasn’t much. The only things of value were my letters from both my mom and Sabrina.

I linked Lori and Adam, who were packed in less than 10 minutes. According to them, they never trusted Xavier, and they somehow knew we would need to leave. They even had a bag for me prepared, which just melted my heart even more for them, but we had no time to waste. However, I still had a few minutes before everyone started boarding. I may not be able to take care of Xavier right now, but Zoey has no exceptions. I will taste vengeance tonight! I grabbed one of my poisons and tree jumped until I got to her room on the other side of the palace. She was sleeping. Easy prey. I slid into her room undetected and injected her with the poison fast. Top warrior my ass. She woke up fast and tried to fight me off quickly, but very soon the poison took form, and she was paralyzed. Aware of what was happening but unable to move. I kicked her in the stomach. She looked up at me with fearful eyes.

I could tell she was trying to link Xavier. Too bad, the poison wouldn’t allow it.

“You thought you were being funny bitch, parading with my mate, and now fucking him. The punishment for seducing a King is death”, I told her with a wicked thought in my head that Lunar had just given me. I held my arms to her and pushed her against the wall, forming some sort of soundproof barrier chamber around her. I pulled the poison from her body, enough for her to move around, leaving only a little, to keep her mind link cut off.

“There’s no one to save you now” I smiled as I told her. Her eyes widened and she started pounding on the barrier, but whatever Lunar created was soundproof, so I couldn’t hear her.

I crouched down as she fell to the floor in tears.

“See you in hell bitch” I growled, and I pictured her body burning from the inside. Using Lunar’s powers, I was able to make it happen and soon she was on the ground tearing at her skin, making herself bloody. Her skin was becoming melty and gooey. Very soon, the floor was just a pile of blood and bones. Lunar broke the barrier and it spread from inside the barrier to the whole floor. With a triumphant smile, I hopped out of her window and made my way towards the plane where everyone, but Samael was.

“Where is Samael?” I asked as Ava patted the seat next to her for me to sit.

” He wasn’t coming until you were on the plane. I just linked him. Our father is already on his way to England waiting for us. He says he was on his way here but will meet us in England with urgent news. Something about you, I think” Ava says and I nod. The pilot started the jet and Samael climbed on at the last second. He did a quick scan, making sure everyone was on board before his eyes landed on me. He took the seat next to me.

“Sorry I’m late, there was a report of someone’s blood seeping from the floor as if someone had exploded? He said although it sounded like a question. He looked at me.

“She got what she deserved,” I told him, to which he just smirked.

“Hell, yes she did,” he said as the jet lifted off the ground. I looked outside the palace only to see a terrifying sight.

Xavier was standing in Zoey’s window looking straight at me. He was smiling. This wasn’t his usual ordinary smile. This was one of a hidden promise. A dangerous promise. I was never going to leave him, and he was coming for me. He yelled something and his eyes went fully red before he disappeared in black smoke, completely gone. My eyes went wide as I looked at Samael, who had seen the whole thing and pulled me closer to him as the jet took off heading into the clouds, leaving me with a literal fear of the unknown

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