Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2

Arguments and Breakfast

Zoey Pov

I had awoken early to start my morning training. After I got dressed, I went to the training grounds. The training was always a great distraction for me. Training and sex, and since I couldn’t get one, then the other would just have to settle.

Speaking of sex, my mind drifted to Xavier. We used to get up around each morning and train every day around this time, then fall asleep next to my favorite tree. He has been my best friend ever since we were kids. As we grew up, I had started to develop feelings for him and him for me, but we decided whatever was between us would stop once we found our mates. I was always disappointed that he was not my mate, but I was going to honor our deal.

Years passed and he became king. With my fighting experience, I became his top warrior for the palace. Time would go by and still, he hadn’t found his mate. I knew his wolf was already warmed to the idea of taking me as his queen if he didn’t find him, since he knew and trusted me so easily, but that he would keep looking first. I was patient. When I came back yesterday, I was so happy to see him. I showed up naked thinking maybe we could finally just mate and make it all official. Even though he told me he had found his mate, I could tell he still felt something for me.

However, we promised to honor the agreement and I would do that. I won’t lose hope though. If I can get him to myself, I will. I was punching some test dummies when I heard his voice behind me.

“You still have one hell of a punch on you,” he says. I turned to him and smiled. Sweat was dripping from my face and onto my chest and I saw his eyes trail each drop. I smiled and grabbed my water bottle.

“Why are you up early?” I asked, though something tells me my feelings are NOT one-sided.

Xavier Pov

“Why are you up early?” Zoey asked me.

” Samael just landed here. He has some business with his sister. I figured the best thing to do would be to let him crash here”, I told her.

“Ah” was all she said. I can see the sweat rolling down her body and I’d be a liar if I hadn’t been turned on by it. I can’t think about this shit. Fuck! I went to turn around to head back to Jasmine, but Zoey grabbed my arm.

“Stay for a while” She begs, but I shake my head. Dangerous thoughts were coming into my head, and I needed to get away from the situation.

” Please, just talk to me. It’s been a while and I could use it”. She says and tosses some water at me and runs. It took me by surprise for a moment, but I ended up chasing her and tackling her near our favorite tree. Being near this tree gave me so many memories we shared from childhood. We even had our initials carved here. I tickled her until she apologized. We ended up laughing and spent the rest of the morning talking. I had a feeling I was being watched, but when I looked around, I didn’t see anyone.

Zoey and I ended up falling asleep together. When I woke up, I saw she was lying on top of me with her arms around me. I smiled at our position. It was how we used to sleep frequently on the ground here. I lifted her in my arms after I stood up and took her back to her room. I then went back to my room and crawled into bed with Jasmine. Apart from me, I felt like I betrayed her, but I told myself I did nothing wrong. Being with Zoey was harmless if nothing sexual happened. We just talked and discussed old memories. No need to worry my queen about any of it. I convinced myself my feelings for Zoey were nothing more than a best friend. Yes. Just that. Just a best friend.

Jasmine Pov

I somehow managed to fall back to sleep but it didn’t last long. When I opened my eyes, it was morning light, and I was hungry. My stomach growled, signifying what I already knew. I looked over and Xavier was gone again. Typical.

Harmon came in extremely happy that her brother is here. I decided to act like I hadn’t met him. Even though I did nothing wrong, a part of me still felt like I was cheating on Xavier because of the thoughts I was having, and I didn’t like it. However, I also didn’t like the fact that Xavier was all hugged up with the bitch Zoey either. Lunar agreed.

After I listened to Harmon squeal and I faked all my smiles, I washed up and got dressed in black jeans and a long tan sleeve shirt. I let my curly brown hair fall all around me since I usually keep it in a ponytail and decided to go with black sneakers. My tan shirt complimented my eyes well. I walked to the kitchen and there was already a spread of food on the table. Xavier and Samael were already sitting down. One would think that the first person you would take notice of would be my mate, but my eyes went straight to Samael’s, who was already taking in my appearance, and I didn’t like how that made me feel. I took my seat next to Xavier, doing my best to avoid Samael’s eyes and he knew it too. Xavier looked at me with a smile as I quickly shifted focus to him. My mate is so beautiful!

” Jasmine, my love, this is King Samael Delquire from London Palace. He is visiting us for some business in the states”, Xavier introduced. I blushed at his nickname. Which was weird, since he had never said it before. Also, I’m wondering why Samael didn’t tell Xavier what we were planning, which I’m actually happy about.

“Among other things,” Samael said, and I could feel his gaze on me. I looked up, trying to keep a straight face.

“It’s nice to meet you, King Samael,” I told him, keeping my voice steady and giving him a warm smile.

“This beautiful creature is my mate and queen,” Xavier said, grabbing my hand and kissing it. I gave him a small smile, trying not to think of what I saw last night. It was innocent. It was innocent. I keep repeating to myself because there is no way Xavier would be doing things to violate my trust in him. Especially not after we just mated and marked each other. It’s just my insecurities.

“It’s my pleasure to meet you, Queen Jasmine,” Samael said, and I rolled my eyes inwardly. I hate formalities.

“Please, call me Jasmine”: I tell him, and he nods amused. I can feel Harmon’s eyes on me, and I already know she will have a million and one questions for me. We spent breakfast talking about the kingdom and trading resources. Xavier kept smiling at me and holding my hand lovingly and I blushed deeper. I could feel eyes on me, but I pretended to ignore them. The way Xavier looked at me, there was just no way he was doing anything behind my back. His eyes held so much love. Even more so now that we mated. Things were perfect at that moment until……

“King, Queen,” a voice said politely. Lo and behold, it’s Zoey. She comes in and sits in the chair beside Xavier right across from me. Samael was in that chair, but he left the room for some stuff. She looked at Xavier’s hand in mine and Xavier removed his hands out of mine quickly. What the fuck? I could see a playful smirk on her face, and I wanted to grab her body and punch her fucking lights out, but all I could do was look at Xavier’s face. He looked…. lost. I wanted to punch his face. I should, indeed, punch his face.

” Good morning, Zo zo,” Xavier said, and he went back to eating. It took a moment, but I realized what he had just said. He just called her by a fucking nickname. I was about to stand up and punch both him and Zoey when a warm presence wrapped around me.

” Calm down beauty”, I heard a voice say and I did. I knew whose voice it was, but I was scared to reply to it. How the hell did he get into my head and why do I feel him calming me down? I looked over and saw Samael coming back into the room. He was looking at me and his eyes were a darker shade of orange. He sat down beside Zoey, who had her ugly gray eyes on him.

“Well, hello there” She purred. Samael ignored her as if she hadn’t been speaking to him. Well, at least I’m not the only one who dislikes her.

“Um hello I’m speaking to you, the fuck” She snapped, but he still ignored her. He glanced at me, rolling his eyes, and I caught a small smirk playing on his mouth and I smiled a bit. I looked at Xavier who was looking between me and Samael and I put my head down. He will probably ask about that later.

“Xavier, who the fuck is this, and why are they ignoring me”? Zoey pouted, grabbing Xavier’s hands. I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t stop looking at her grabbing his hands. He didn’t even fucking pull away!

Right, when I was about to address it, I heard Samael speak.

“Xavier, do you let all of your subjects touch you and address you by the first name? ” He asked. Xavier then pulled his hand back and glanced at me. I was seething but somehow able to keep my cool. The same can’t be said for Lunar.

” Zoey, this man sitting beside you is my cousin King Samael of England” Xavier addressed. Zoey’s eyes went wide and so did mine.

“Cousin”? I asked, looking between Xavier and Samael. Xavier just nodded and Samael just grinned. Now that he mentioned it, they do share similarities with each other. Is this why I find Samael handsome?

“Is that so strange to believe in beauty”, Samael, linked me? I looked down at my food, still not answering him. When I looked back up, everyone was sort of doing their own thing going over the papers, but I could feel Zoey’s angry eyes on me.

” Is there a problem, Zoey?” I questioned. This bitch was pushing her luck. Her angry look came as a bit of a shock, since I’m sure she didn’t expect me to address her directly. She quickly changed it to a smirk. Xavier was looking between us. I’m sure he was feeling my rising frustration.

“None at all, my queen, just admiring your features,” she said, and started rubbing Xavier’s hand again. He still didn’t pull away. I was starting to see red. Lunar was about to come out and play when the same calmness from earlier penetrated and started soothing me.

“Remember beauty, stay calm. I do not doubt if you challenged her you would win, but don’t give anyone a reason to think you can’t control your feelings” Samael to me

“I want to fucking snap her neck”, I linked him back. I wanted to be pissed but the calmness he was projecting was so peaceful. I’ll have to ask him later how he does it. Zoey was smirking at me as if she could tell she had won.

I took a deep breath and started eating the rest of my food, paying no mind to Xavier. I knew he could feel my rising anger and sudden calmness since I was close to him and I could feel him looking at me, probably confused.

“Better?” Samael asked me in my head. My rage subsided to being mildly annoyed.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“Yes”, I replied to him through whatever link we were sharing, and I went back to eating. Lamar and Raymond both came in and joined us at the table. They started talking about politics and suddenly everyone other than Samael and I were arguing with each other. The way Zoey kept touching Xavier’s hand or playfully hitting his arm didn’t go unnoticed by me either. Neither did it pass Harmon.

“Can you be like, a bit less touchy on your king?” Harmon asked with her eyes narrowed at Zoey. I smiled a bit at it and Samael was smirking.

“Who me? I’m not”, Zoey said, turning red a bit and looking at Xavier, who was looking at Harmon with an almost upset expression.

” While I respect your position here, you won’t talk to my top warrior this way,” Xavier said, defending her and that was the last straw for me. I stood up suddenly. I looked at Xavier, but I said nothing to him. I only stared at him and let him feel my emotions through the link before blocking the link in front of his face. His mouth dropped when I did it.

I looked at Harmon, who knew I needed her at that very moment. She stood up too and walked behind me. Xavier was about to stand up and follow me, but Zoey just grabbed his arm.

“I have some news about some rogues we need to talk about. Let her cool off”, she says. I swear if I had a machete, I would chop this bitch’s head off. I walked outside and went to the forest behind the palace. I ended up at the same tree I saw Xavier and Zoey at. I saw their initials carved in the tree. It looked old, so I know it wasn’t recent. I ended up punching a hole straight through the bark.

Harmon gave me space to vent. She knew I needed this, so I did. Some time passed and I felt tears coming down my face. Harmon was trying to console me, but I couldn’t help them. They were bitter tears I didn’t even know I had.

“Let me,” a voice said behind me. I turned around and saw Samael standing beside Harmon.

“Not again Samael please, just leave me to myself”, I pleaded to Samael, and Harmon looked at me confused. He completely disregarded what I said and pulled me into a hug. His hug was warm and as much as I wanted to push him away I couldn’t. Not even Lunar would let me. Being like this was calming her down. Harmon cleared her throat dramatically and we pulled away from each other. I ended up blushing while Samael just gazed at me with his mesmerizing eyes.

Well. That was awkward!

“Well, brother, since you are here, we can get down to planning on the rescue,” Harmon said, ignoring what just happened, and he nodded. I knew her and she was gonna end up talking about it soon. We spent the next hour planning, unaware that we were being watched.

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