Pampered by the Demon

Chapter 62 She Suddenly Feels Very Tired

“Then I’ll go to the nursing home to see my mother. Is that okay? I haven’t been there for many days!”

Mike thought for a moment and saw that Scarlett was about to cry. He agreed with mercy.

Scarlett left quickly and happily.

The nursing home was the best one in City B and the country.

There were small bridges and streams. The scenery was nice. Patients were taking walks in groups of twos and threes.

Scarlett went to her mother’s ward, but she didn’t find Julia. She went to the garden and saw Julia staring blankly at flowers.

Scarlett was overjoyed. Just as she was about to go over, she heard Julia’s nurse talking angrily.

“What are you doing here again? I have to change your clothes if they get dirty. It’s very troublesome!”

“I want to wait for the man I love. He likes roses very much. I want to pick some for him.”

“No! Put down the flowers, even the withered ones. It’s very troublesome. Really, how many times have I told you that the man you are waiting for will not come.”

The nurse pushed her roughly. Scarlett saw that Julia was shivering.

She clenched her fists.

She had spent so much money here, but Julia was ill-treated.

“He promised me that he would come to see me. My daughter will find a way. My daughter will find a way…” Julia was cowering, afraid of the nurse.

“You lunatic. Stop talking nonsense every day. Maybe your daughter will be like you and inherit the neurotic genes. When the time comes, she will be sent here and I have to take care of her,” the nurse said.

Patients in this nursing home had all kinds of mental disorders. Even if the staff were unkind to patients, they didn’t feel it. Therefore, when there was no one around, the nurse would treat Julia harshly.

Scarlett couldn’t bear it anymore.

Every time she came over, the nurse would smile and tell her how hard it was for her to take care of Julia. On some occasions, Scarlett gave this nurse tips in hope that she would treat Julia kindly. She was surprised that the nurse behaved so meanly towards Julia.

“I don’t know whether I have inherited my mother’s genes, but I know that even if I were to be sent here one day, it would not be your turn to take care of me!”

When Scarlett appeared from behind the bush, the nurse immediately turned pale.

“Mrs. Abraham!”

“From now on, my mother doesn’t need you to take care of her. I will report to the director and find another one for her. Now, please apologize to my mother and apologize to me!”

“I didn’t do it on purpose,” the nurse argued.

Scarlett was furious. She walked over to her and demanded, “Make apologies!”

After being with Mick for some time, she became as domineering as him. She spoke with cold arrogance. The nurse was shocked and hurriedly apologized. She did not expect herself to be caught by Scarlett.

What was even more unexpected was that when Mrs. Abraham who was usually gentle and easygoing could be so terrifying when she was angry.

Scarlett mercilessly reprimanded the nurse for neglecting her duty and insulting Julia. After driving the nurse away, she walked to her mother.

“Mom, did she often bully you like this?”

“No one bullied me. Scarlett, don’t talk like that. Your dad doesn’t like to see you behave in this way.”

After the nurse had left, Julia didn’t thank Scarlett for standing up for her. Instead, she scolded Scarlett.

“If she bullied you, you should tell me immediately,” Scarlett said sadly. Julia was cowardly to others but was sharp to her.

In appearance, Scarlett and Julia didn’t look alike. Scarlett was a classical beauty with strong willpower. Julia was barely average. She had been sick for a long time and looked haggard. Their personalities were different, too. Julia was too soft and timid.

Scarlett knew from a young age that her mother was a weak woman. She had started to protect her mother since she was a child. That was why she grew into a woman with a tough mind.

“Scarl, did you ask your father to come over? When will Allen come to see me?” Julia ruthlessly grabbed Scarlett’s arm.

“He has been very busy recently,” Scarlett said, trying to calm Julia down.

She had made up her mind to stall for time and firmly disagreed with Allen, who asked her to steal Mike’s plan to put Mike in danger.

Julia slapped Scarlett. A moment ago, she was shivering with fear when the nurse was here. Now she was furious and started to punch and kick Scarlet.

“You are a demon. It is because of you that Allen doesn’t want to come over. You should die at birth!”

Julia started cursing again. Scarlett sighed softly. Ignoring the pain on her face, she grabbed her mother’s hand.

“Mom, look carefully. I am Scarlett. I am Scarl. I am your daughter!”

Manic depression was a serious mental illness. When in depression, the patient wanted to commit suicide; when in mania, the patient would suddenly jump up and hurt others.

Julia was an extreme. She spent most of her time trying to threaten Allen with death because she wanted to see him. Usually, she would not dare to fight back when anyone bullied her. Only when Scarlett came would her violent side come up.

Only Scarlett was her target of violence.

“You are not my daughter. My daughter died when she was born. You are a devil, a devil, and you are the one who makes Allen abandon me. I want to kill you!”

Julia, who was normal a moment ago, immediately grabbed Scarlett’s hair and pulled her hard when she heard that she could not see Lan Allen. She reached out and hit Scarlett’s face hard.

Scarlett couldn’t fight back. She could only turn around and leave. Julia seemed to have gone crazy and chased after her. She scratched her face a few more times. Fortunately, the doctor who passed by saw it and gave Julia a tranquilizer shot to calm her down.

Scarlett was angry, but she couldn’t lose her temper to her mother. So, she went to the director of the nursing home.

When she arrived at the director’s office, she requested to immediately change Julia’s nurse. The director knew Scarlett and hurriedly nodded. He tried to pacify her and promised he would find the best nurse for Julia. Scarlett was satisfied and left. Standing under the bright sun, she suddenly felt very tired.

For her mother, she gave up her life and chose the most difficult path, but she felt at a loss.

Scarlett could take revenge on anyone who was unkind to her, but not Julia, who gave birth to her and raised her. She didn’t know when such a life would come to an end.

As soon as she left the nursing home, she received a call from Allen.

“I heard that you were beaten by your mother?”

Scarlett frowned. Allen was too well-informed and too quickly. The minute she came out of the nursing home, Allen learned what had happened. There must be something unusual.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“As you can see, it is very dangerous for your mother to continue living like this. Do you get Mike’s plan?” Allen’s voice made Scarlett feel disgusted.

“Not yet.”

“Trash! It’s been so long, but you haven’t got it. The Lauren Group can’t wait any longer. I order you to Mike’s plan as quickly as possible!”

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