Nick’s Obsession (The Billionaire’s Obsession 3)

Chapter 25 Controlfreak Nick(1)

We were getting closer to our wedding date, just three more weeks and Nick and I would make things official between us. Matthew was close to hitting three months, his face slowly taking form. His eyes and nose reminded me of his father, those beautiful eyes always shining with happiness. What I adored most about little Matthew was seeing his eyes shining with so much adoration. He recognized our voices and his face always lit up when Nick came home at night and his father picked him up. I also started to notice that he seemed to recognize Evan, mainly because Evan was coming over whenever he could. Wanting to spend time with Matthew rather than Nick and me. It was cute, it also meant that I got the opportunity to get closer to Zoey, his girlfriend. I wanted her to feel part of our family and she reassured me I didn’t need to put so much effort into it, she loved coming over whenever she could. She loved our little family and wanted to be part of it too.

Matthew was laying on his blanket on the floor, playing around and making noises. Letting me know he was also in the room. Smiling I picked up my cup of tea and went through the list of things my wedding planner told me to check and either giving her green light to go ahead with it or tell her to revise. Zoey was sitting beside me, scanning through my guest list to make sure I didn’t forget anyone. It was fun to have a girlfriend to talk about boys and weddings with. Brandon was there, but it was different with him. I couldn’t tell him everything because in the end, he was still a guy, he had a dick and couldn’t quite appreciate Nick the same way I could. Zoey, however, knew exactly what I was talking about.

“Your wedding planner is freaking amazing.” Zoey told me, “You need to give me her number.”

My lips curled up to a smile, “Planning ahead?”

“I’ve made up my mind.” She told me, “Evan is the guy I want to marry.”

“You two make a good couple.”

“We’re no Emily and Nick.”

I laughed, my laughter causing Matthew to stir and be even louder. It made Zoey laugh and shake her head at him.

“Trying to catch our attention?” She called to him, “We know you’re there, sweetie.” She got up and picked up the little boy holding him close to her while she kissed his hair, “It’s hard to ignore you.”

I loved how the people close to us adored him, Matthew had a lot of people around him who loved him without restraint. He was blessed.

“He’ll be a charmer like his dad.” Zoey told me, “I’m not sure women are ready for another Nick.”

“By the time Matthew is old enough to think about girls that way his father’s good looks must have worn off.”

Zoey laughed, the sound causing Matthew to place his chubby hands on her face as he watched her. He looked fascinated by her laughter making both of us smile.

“Please let me tell Nick that.”

“I’ll tell him myself.” I smiled at Zoey.

Zoey sat down beside me again while she talked to Matthew, the little boy listening to her while it seemed he tried to respond with noises. It was cute.

“I’m trying to convince your parents to go on a honeymoon so uncle Evan and I can keep you to ourselves for a while.” She made Matthew face me, “Tell your mommy to go have some fun. Uncle Evan and I will take really good care of you. We are your godparents.”

The last part was to remind me of their role in Matthew’s life.

I smiled and sipped my tea again, “It’s not me you need to convince. Nick is the one who decided we’re not going on a honeymoon. I’m okay with leaving Matthew in your care.”

Zoey sighed and made Matthew face her again, “Your daddy is such a control freak it’s not even funny.”

She laughed when Matthew made a noise which sounded like he agreed with her. Zoey entertained Matthew while I went through all the things my wedding planner told me to check. Giving her green light, because she did everything right, I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner, knowing Matthew was in good hands.

…Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

Nick and Evan came home together, both of them in good spirits. Matthew woke up from his nap and seemed excited to see his dad, moving around so much Nick had to hold him carefully. He kissed his son’s head and then moved to me, kissing my cheek.

“Missed you.” He whispered to me.

I smiled at him, “Missed you more.”

Evan caught onto our quiet conversation and butted in, “That is actually quite insulting considering I kept you company for hours.”

Nick shifted his gaze to his friend, “Sometimes I feel like pushing you in front of a bus. That’s how much I enjoy your company.”

Zoey helped me set the table, amused by the usual banter of Nick and Evan.

“He is messing around. We both know Nick can’t live without you.” I reassured Evan.

My fiancé glared at me, “Don’t tell him that. You’re supposed to side with me.”

We had dinner together, Nick and Evan entertaining us the entire time. I didn’t know what brought on their excited behavior, but it was appreciated. While I settled on the couch with our friends after dinner, Nick was putting Matthew to bed. It took a while for Matthew to settle in, because fifty minutes into the movie we were watching Nick finally joined us, taking a seat beside me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and let out a sigh.

“It’s hard to tuck him in when he is that excited. He kept making noises at me, squirming around and giving me a hard time changing his clothes.”

“I think Emily and you need some time to yourself.” Zoey was bringing up the topic of our honeymoon, I smiled as I quietly sipped from my water, letting her try and convince Nick, “Like actually going on a honeymoon after the wedding.”

“We’ll eventually do that, we can’t right now.”

Zoey wasn’t letting it go, which I knew would annoy Nick. Maybe if she pushed him enough he’d finally agree though.

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