Nick’s Obsession (The Billionaire’s Obsession 3)

Chapter 13 Love Confession(1)

After checking in I got in my seat beside Nick, Max was sitting in the row next to Nick. The two of them talking nonstop, they were bonding and I didn’t know if I liked that or not. Max had no ulterior motive when it came to my relationship with Nick, but it was odd seeing them get along so well. Max was my older brother, but it felt like Nick was the one who knew him better like they have known each other for years. Shifting in my chair I let out a tired sigh which caught Nick’s attention. He shifted his gaze to me, his eyes narrowing on me. Probably worried about my health.

“You okay, Em?”

His eyes trailed down to my stomach, making me place a hand over it, “I’m fine.” I reassured him, “I can’t wait to see Evan again.” I told him quietly, my face lightening up when Nick placed his hand on top of mine, “I’m still worried, you know?”

Nick trailed his eyes up again, his piercing blue eyes warming up, “I know, you care about him as much as you care about Brandon.” Nick laced his fingers with mine and tightened his hold on me, “Evan and I needed you in our lives. I don’t even mind sharing him at this point.”

I giggled, “Don’t worry he’ll always be your Evan.”

“Good, because I don’t feel like getting too close to Brandon. No offense.” He leaned in to kiss me, trying to soothe the pain he thought he inflicted by telling me that.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“None taken.” I told him leaning in for another kiss, yet my fiancé pulled away, “What?”

He glanced over his shoulder before he met my gaze again, “Your brother is right there.” He whispered, making me frown, “We can’t.”

“I’m pretty sure Max is aware I’m not staying a virgin till our wedding night.” I muttered sarcastically, glancing down at our hands which were still resting upon my swollen stomach, “Matthew being the big hint, I assume.”

“I know that.” He leaned in, lowering his voice even more, “But it’s still odd.”

“Never pecked you for the shy type, Nick.” I pulled my hand away and leaned back against my chair, “Good to know that even you have a weakness. Maybe we should ask for separate rooms at the hotel, you know, so my brother won’t get the wrong idea about us.”

“Don’t be like that, Em.” Nick sighed, trying to pull my hand back in his but I wasn’t having it.

“I’m not in the mood anymore.” I told him closing my eyes and trying to get some rest before we would land and face all the drama, “Don’t touch me.” I warned him.

I could feel his eyes lingering on my face, but I wasn’t giving in. Nick was being silly about not wanting to kiss in front of my brother. I was living together with Nick, having his baby and marrying him in the near future, I’m pretty sure my brother was aware of the type of relationship we had. Nick kissed me before, I knew it was a quick kiss just to let me know he didn’t mean to harm me. But when I tried to kiss him again he stopped me, probably worried things were going to get heated. Things always got like that between us. I guess he didn’t want to embarrass my brother, so it wasn’t unreasonable of my fiancé. Sighing, I opened my eyes and glanced aside, meeting Nick’s gaze. He pouted, making me melt for him.

“I get it,” I told him, my annoyance slowly fading away.

“You’re going to be the end of me.” His eyes dancing with amusement, “Your mood goes up and down.” Reaching for my hand, he raised it to his lips and kissed my pulse, “But you always find your way back to me. I want you to know that I recognize it and I really appreciate it. I’ll try and do better too.”

I don’t know how but our light and teasing conversation suddenly turned very serious. I couldn’t look away from him.

“Things are good.” I told him when he released my hand, “There is no need for you to worry about our relationship, I feel like we’ll always find our way back to each other no matter how intense things get between us.”

His lips curled up to a genuine smile, “I love you.”

“Love you too,” I whispered back.


Max let us settle in our hotel room while he went to my father’s house first. I’m sure he needed to prepare my father for my arrival. I didn’t know if the two of them stayed in touch while Max visited us in New York, but I assumed they did. If they didn’t, dad would get the surprise of his life to see me together with Nick, knocked up and engaged.

Glancing down at my hand I stared at my empty finger, I suppose he wouldn’t know about the engaged part since people wouldn’t actually know without us telling them about it. Clenching my fist I tried to shake the feeling of disappointment off. It didn’t bother me before so I wouldn’t let it bother me now either.

“I’m going to fresh up, you want to eat lunch first before we leave?”

Nick walked into the bathroom, leaving the door ajar to continue his conversation with me. I heard him move around, not wanting to be creepy about it I focused on getting my toiletries out so I could freshen up after him.

“We should. You want room service or should we eat downstairs?”

“Let’s eat downstairs, we can leave right after,” Nick called back.

After he freshened up I headed into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Putting my clothes back on I redid my makeup and hair and met Nick in the bedroom.

“Ready,” I told him.

We had dinner at the hotel’s restaurant, Nick was keeping the mood light because I knew he wanted me gentle and warm when I met up with my brother and father. It was important to him that I’d get along with them. His concern came from the right place so I would just let him lead me. If things didn’t go the way he wanted to we’d leave Sunday night to head to Tokyo to meet up with Chris and Evan. This whole ordeal would be forgotten and we’d move on. All of us.

“Max told me your father is an investor.”

“Yeah, he is.”

“Why did you start working at the club?” Nick’s tone was light so I knew he wasn’t judging, he was just curious, “Your dad could have paid for your education while you focused on graduating.”

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