My Not Yet Mate

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

Chapter 98


He paced angrily in front of his castle, waiting for Casey to bring Lucy back home. Over the last three months every time he sent her to pick up Lucy, she took longer. He knew she was spending time with that boy.

“Her mate, Kenny, Gideon yawned inside his head.

“I don’t care. She sees Lily twice a week and spends nights with her mate. The least she can do is bring my daughter home,” Lukas snapped.

Relax. Lily is just busy. We will see her when she has time!

‘Fuck. I miss her, Gideon

“I know, I do, too. She gave herself to us. We’re her only ones?

“What if she changes her mind?

Gideon laughed. ‘Just call her then.”

A portal opened in front of them and Casey danced through with Kenny behind her. Lukas narrowed his eyes as he watched them walk past him. He bared his teeth at them as he turned.


Hands touched his back and sparks raced along his skin. He spun back around and his face broke in

into a huge smile.

“Lily, baby, hi.”

She laughed and tilted her head down to where Lucy clung to her hand. “Hey, King Lukas, oh mighty bringer of death,” she teased.

He opened his arms and she instantly moved into them. He hugged her, before moving back a little to pick Lucy up. He smiled at Lily. “What are you doing here?,” he asked her.

She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. “And here I thought you would be happy to see me.”

“I just wasn’t expecting to see you until you graduated. It’s the middle of the first semester,”

She laughed and winked at Lucy. “Isn’t Daddy silly, baby?”

Lucy giggled and Lukas” chest puffed out with happiness. “How long are you staying?”

“Well, Principal Dora told Sasha that the school had to have an emergency teacher only meeting, so we were dismissed for the week. I finished all my work over the weekend, so that leaves me free for a week.” She grinned and pointed to the portal that was still open. “I mean, I can go home if you

want me to.”

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to give her a kiss. “You are already home. How have you been, Lils?


He rolled his eyes as he led her up the stairs to go inside. “No, I want you to lie to me.”

“I’ve missed you, like a lot. I can’t tell you how many times I have wanted to come to see you.”

squeezed her hand. “You can come home whenever you want.”

“I know, Did Sasha tell you I placed first in the essay competition again?”

“No, she didn’t. Who did you write about this time?”

*Well, the prompt was: People who have risen to power.”

Chapter 98

“Who did you

u write it

it on?”

Lily leaned her head on his shoulder as they entered the dining hall. “My true father of course. There wasn’t anybody better.”

He eyed her. “Laly…. I d

I don’t want you to think about-

“Preston? He’s a great king. Did you know that he opened his borders to rogues who wanted to be part of a family again? Doing that has opened up so many business opportunities for them.” She got Lucy into her high chair, before wrapping her arms around his neck and lightly swinging. “He has been so good for Lotus. You did really well making him king.”

He pecked her lips. “Remind me to reward him.”

or else.”

She smirked. “He said to tell you, you better treat me right or el

He laughed and picked her up. “Tll treat you right alright, he murmured.

She ran her fingers through his hair. “So, I was thinking that this week you could show me around Deegan and teach me about being queen. I mean, if you wanted to,” she said shyly.

He kissed her softly. “Anything you want. We can start now if you want.”

How? What

it can we do now? It’s dinner time and then we should get Lucy down.” She licked her lips. “And then I thought we could spend some time together. Just me and you.”

His eyes lit up and he nodded. “I like your idea better. Let’s eat and go to bed.”

Lily made Lucy a plate of cubed chicken, mashed potatoes and peas. She put the plate on her tray and took her seat next to Lukas. They talked about her school and the new things happening in the kingdoms as they ate. He gave her a run down on the kings that she had given a month to get their records in order and she was happy to hear that they had complied. She leaned back in her chair.

“Whoo! That was close. I so did not want to have to eat them. That’s Sasha’s thing.”

He laughed. “Don’t ask Irina. She’ll say we taste like chicken, but we don’L”

Her eyes widened. “But everything tastes like chicken.”

He leaned close to her. “I’ll let you know if you do later.”

She groaned and hopped up. She quickly pulled Lucy out of her high chair and started heading out of the hall.

“Where are you going?,” he called after her.

She glanced over her shoulder. “She yawned.”

He watched her leave, confused about her statement. Lucy hadn’t yawned.

“Fool! Go after her. She wants to be alone with us. Idiot, Gideon growled.

Lukas leapt up and hurried out of the dining hall after her. He went straight to their room where she was bathing Lucy. He leaned against the door frame to watch her. She smiled up at him.

“Lucy asked where the bubbles were. What bubbles is she talking about?”

Lukas walked over to kneel beside the tub. He picked up a bottle from the side of the tub and dumped some of the contents into his hand. He breathed on it and the cubes began to bubble. He tossed them into the water and they erupted into a million bubbles. Lucy shrieked with laughter and began to splash. Lukas put his arm around Lily’s shoulders and she pressed against his side.

“You know, when I used to take her for the weekends, I would talk to her for hours about how much I couldn’t wait for us to be a family. I would tell her about you and how much I knew you would love her. For as much doubt as there was in my mind, I always held out hope that you would accept us. When I saw you with her at the meeting, I knew that I was right to trust you,” she linked him. “I know I luve had my trust issues, but I want you to know that I trust you, Lukas. I trust you in a way that I will never trust another person. So, thank you.”

He kissed her forehead. “I love you, Lilianna. I love our daughter, too. Without you by my side, I’m miserable, I am going to marry you as soon as you let

Chapter 98

She giggled. “Want to tomorrow?”


She touched his cheek. “I’ll tell you what, I graduate June 12th. For my graduation present, why don’t we plan a wedding?”

His head snapped around to look down at her. “Are you serious? From NôvelDrama.Org.

She nodded. “Dad just got my adoption papers. I’m legally his and Joy’s daughter, 1 looked up the age of when I can get married legally. It’s 16. I just need my parent’s consent. She pulled away to pour body wash on a washcloth to clean Lacy. And I don’t think either of them would deny us getting married.‘ She glanced over her shoulder. Also, there is one more thing that I want to tell you.”

He raised an eyebrow at her. “What’s that?

She didn’t answer as she rinsed Lucy off. She got her a towel and lifted their daughter out of the tub. He got up off the floor to take Lucy from her. She took his hand and placed it on her stomach. His eyes widened as he moved his hand around.

“Sasha, confirmed it for me three days ago.” She put her hand over his on her stomach. “Gemma says congratulations. You’re going to be a father again.”

Chapter Comments

chika brocke

Oh wow!

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