My Not Yet Mate

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Chapter 101


He watched Lily pace back and forth in front of the bed. She kept glancing in the fireplace at their egg, the open door leading to Lucy’s room, before coming back to land on him. He put his arm behind his head, waiting patiently for her to calm down. She was going to wear a path through the floor and end up in lo’s room below them. Finally, she sat on the edge of the bed with her hands clasped between her knees. She kept her head down and he knew she was trying to hide her tears. He could feel her sorrow through their link. He shifted on the bed to press against her from behind with his legs beside hers. He brushed her hair aside to place a kiss on the side of her neck that drove her crazy as his arms wrapped around her waist

“Baby, you can stay here with us.”

She leaned back against him. “I want to finish school there, but my life is here. How am I supposed to do this?,” she whispered.

He nuzzled into her neck. “You could always attend school there everyday and come here every night. Papa Slonsky would be more than happy to open portals for you.”

She sighed and ran her fingers over his arm. “That would be harder. I would never want to leave.” She got up to put her arms around his neck and pressed her forehead against his. 7 months. I’ll come home on breaks?”

He kissed her softly. “You can come home whenever you want. I can also have your credits transferred and finished here. You can stay here.”

She ran her fingers through his hair. “How about you bring the kids to me every weekend and I’ll bring them home. You can stay the weekends at Dragão with me. Well, on the weekends I don’t have work to do. I really want to graduate with my friends.”

“And when 1 punch the shit out of your friends, what then?”

She pulled back with her mouth open. “Would you really punch them?” Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

He put his face against her stomach. “Yes. You should all transfer. I can make it happen. If they are the reason you won’t come home right now, I will do more than punch them. Maybe only punch Kenny, but the others……

She giggled. “You’re ridiculous. Still think you should come spend weekends with me and them. I will link you more often and we can do dream dates again.”

He grew hopeful “Yeah?”

She nodded. “Yeah. I promise not to leave you alone again. You mean a third of everything to me.”

He rolled his eyes. “You are lucky I know you’re talking about our kids. You don’t want to see a jealous Gideon.”

There was a knock on the door. Lukas growled.

“Come in,” Lily called.

Papa Slonsky poked his head around the door. “Are you going to school, honey? I’ve been waiting downstairs for you for over an hour.”

The sighed and kissed Lukas again. “Yeah. Let me say goodbye to the kids.” She smiled and touched Lukas‘ cheek. “Our kids.”

He took her hand and kissed the back of it. “You’re damn right, they are our kids.”

He let her go and she scampered into Lucy’s room. She came back to kneel in front of the fireplace. She ran her fingers over their egg surrounded by both of their fires.

“Don’t hatch without me, little pay.”

She went back to Lukas and kissed him deeply. “Are you going to be able to handle two kids?”

“Piff. One isn’t even hatched yet. I got this. You forget I’m the King of Kings? I am in charge.”

Lucy started crying and he jumped to his feet to hurry into her room. Lily burst out laughing.

“Yeah, you’re in charge,” she called after him.


Chapter 101

‘I love you,” she linked him.

‘Love you, too, Lils. Have a good day!

He picked Lucy up and began to rock her as he walked over to the changing table to change her diaper. He cursed silently, before taking her into the bathroom to her potty chair. He got her on it and went about preparing her toothbrush, face rag and clothes for the day. He heard her urinate and sent up a prayer to the Goddess. He snagged a pull up from the bathroom cabinet and held it up.

“Lucy, we’re going to try this today, okay? Mommy wants us to practice.”

She clapped her hands and he got her cleaned up, before showing her how to clean herself. He got her pull up on and handed her the dress. He helped her put it on, before helping her on her stool so

she could brush her teeth and wash her face. He got his own toothbrush and slowly brushed his own teeth while she tried to copy his actions. They rinsed their mouths and he picked her up. He tickled her belly and she shrieked with giggles.

“Daddy! Daddy, that tickles,” she squealed.

He smiled at her. “Come on, breakfast time.”

He put her down and held his hand out to her. She took it and he led her down the stairs, moving slowly as stairs were another new thing they had started while Lily had been there the past week. He hated that she wanted him to let her be more independent, but he understood why. Lucy was already a daddy’s girl and he always wanted her to be one. Lily had promised him that she always would be, but Gideon agreed with him that he should still be her silent shadow forever.

“Daddy, look.”

He turned to look at the bottom of the stairs where an anxious Casey stood waiting for them. He narrowed his eyes as he continued to slowly help Lucy down the stairs. When they got to the bottom, Casey fell into step with them. As soon as they entered the dining hall, Lucy pulled away from him to run over to Lucian.


He turned to glare at Casey. “What’s wrong?”

She shifted nervously and licked her lips. “Luka, I just wanted to talk to you about something”

He grabbed a plate to make Lucy her breakfast. He scooped eggs, bacon, a sausage and a biscuit, which he smothered in peach preserves onto it. He handed it to Lucian, before making his own plate. She followed him to the head table. He took a bite and slowly chewed it.

“Alright, Case. What’s up?”

She anxiously played with the tablecloth. “So, you know I found my mate.”

He sipped the orange juice that was placed in front of him. “Ok? And?”

“I wanted to let you know that when this school year is up, I want to move to Dragão to be with him.”

He bared his teeth. “You are 16 Casey. What does your father think about that?”

“Well, here’s the thing. I haven’t told him,” she responded slowly.

He looked at her curiously. “Why haven’t you?”

“He’s not exactly a fan of Kenny. He thinks I’m too good for him.”

“He’s not wrong. Casey.


know your mate tried to hit on mine and even took her on a date?”

She sighed. “He’s not a virgin, Luka. Neither was I when we got together. I know every single person he has been intimate with!” She pulled her shirt down to reveal a new mark embedded in her skin. He growled. “I’m going to be with him, with or without your permission. Dad’s, too.” She stood up angrily. “How would you feel if Papa Sterling told Lily not to be with you? Why is my mate any different than yours? You really should give him a chance. Why would he insist that I mark him if he was not faithful? I would feel it.” She took a deep breath. “Fuck you, Lukas. Fuck Dad. Fuck everybody who doesn’t want us together. I am leaving at the end of the year. You have until then to find another assistant.”

She stormed out of the hall and he g


Chapter 101

“She’s right, you know, Gideon said. ‘Kenny is good to her. You should get over that he tried to kiss Lily. Aja and Lani like him.‘

He tapped his fingers on the table. Fucking women

Gideon laughed. “Take your own advice, Lukas. Happy wife, happy life. What do you think Lily would say if she found out you were being this way?”

He ran his fingers through his hair, knowing he was right, but not liking it. He reached for his link with Aiden.

“Hey, brother. Are there any houses for sale in your clan?”

*I can find out for you. Are you moving here?

“No, Casey is. Thought I’d show her that I lov

love her, because right now she hates me. If she wants to be with Kenny, I guess I’ll support her.

Alden chuckled, ‘Cheer up, Lukas. If he messes up, Gregory and I will fuck him up.‘

Lukas rolled his eyes. “If he messes up, I’m having Irina eat his ass. And that you can bet your life on.‘

Chapter Comments

chiko brooke::


Lucas does too much in the punishment department so Kenny better beware


9…………………………………__my nat yet mate



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