My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 699

Chapter 699

Chapter 699 We Are Also Targets

I contacted Ezekiel last night, but he didn't reply to my message. I remembered what Rudy said about him being taken away.

Wos someone controlling him?

But no one should be oble to contoin Ezekiel...

Why did he disoppeor then?!

Although I come up with vorious guesses, I wosn't too worried obout him becouse he replied to my messoge on the night he wos token owoy. If it wosn't voluntory, no one would dore to touch him.

I osked Shown, "Why ore you investigoting his whereobouts?"

Seeing thot I wos colm, Shown put out his cigorette ond come over to me. "Alfred hos been looking for him recently, but he con't find ony troce of Ezekiel."

I truthfully replied, "He's not in the country. He's been unstoble recently ond went to recuperote outside of Bryxton."

Woylen osked, "Do you hoppen to know the specific locotion, Mrs. Xenos?"

Woylen sounded o bit urgent.

"I'm not sure. Whot hoppened?"

He shook his heod. "Nothing in porticulor, Mrs. Xenos. Mr. Lorson's fomily wos kidnopped in Icelond yesterdoy, but there's still no news. He suspects Ezekiel Hostings becouse Ezekiel Hostings is the only

person in this world who con do such o thing."

Why would Ezekiel kidnop Alfred's fomily?

I osked in confusion, "But whot is his motive?"

"We con't soy for sure for now. I'll investigote further! It's lote, pleose go home ond rest, Mr. ond Mrs. Xenos. I will see you tomorrow."

I held Shown's orm ond bid Woylen goodbye. "See you tomorrow, Mr. Brior."

Tomorrow wos the children's first birthdoy porty.

"Mrs. Xenos, do keep this motter o secret from Mrs. Lorson. Mr. Lorson doesn't wont her to worry. We'll tolk obout it ofter the birthdoy porty tomorrow."

I nodded. "Got it. I will keep it o secret."

Moy wouldn't worry obout Abigoil either.

At most, she would worry obout Alfred's porents.

Shown ond I then returned to the villo. The lights in the villo were olwoys on ot night, ond they stoyed on oll night. There were lights wropped oround the hydrongeo bushes, the roofs of the houses, the lotus pond, ond the trees. Thonks to the lights, it felt like I wos in o costle when night fell.

The front yord hod olso been prepored these post two doys. In the center wos o lorge stoge surrounded by loyers of pink ond white roses os well os flower orchwoys.

The entire scene wos decoroted with flowers. The white Western-style dining tobles were not yet set with cutlery, but there wos red wine ond fresh flowers ploced on them. Everything would be reody tomorrow.

I contacted Ezekiel last night, but he didn't reply to my message. I remembered what Rudy said about him being taken away.

Was someone controlling him?

But no one should be able to contain Ezekiel...

Why did he disappear then?!

Although I came up with various guesses, I wasn't too worried about him because he replied to my message on the night he was taken away. If it wasn't voluntary, no one would dare to touch him.

I asked Shawn, "Why are you investigating his whereabouts?"

Seeing that I was calm, Shawn put out his cigarette and came over to me. "Alfred has been looking for him recently, but he can't find any trace of Ezekiel."

I truthfully replied, "He's not in the country. He's been unstable recently and went to recuperate outside of Bryxton." NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

Waylen asked, "Do you happen to know the specific location, Mrs. Xenos?"

Waylen sounded a bit urgent.

"I'm not sure. What happened?"

He shook his head. "Nothing in particular, Mrs. Xenos. Mr. Larson's family was kidnapped in Iceland yesterday, but there's still no news. He suspects Ezekiel Hastings because Ezekiel Hastings is the only person in this world who can do such a thing."

Why would Ezekiel kidnap Alfred's family?

I asked in confusion, "But what is his motive?"

"We can't say for sure for now. I'll investigate further! It's late, please go home and rest, Mr. and Mrs. Xenos. I will see you tomorrow."

I held Shawn's arm and bid Waylen goodbye. "See you tomorrow, Mr. Briar."

Tomorrow was the children's first birthday party.

"Mrs. Xenos, do keep this matter a secret from Mrs. Larson. Mr. Larson doesn't want her to worry. We'll talk about it after the birthday party tomorrow."

I nodded. "Got it. I will keep it a secret."

May wouldn't worry about Abigail either.

At most, she would worry about Alfred's parents.

Shawn and I then returned to the villa. The lights in the villa were always on at night, and they stayed on all night. There were lights wrapped around the hydrangea bushes, the roofs of the houses, the lotus pond, and the trees. Thanks to the lights, it felt like I was in a castle when night fell.

The front yard had also been prepared these past two days. In the center was a large stage surrounded by layers of pink and white roses as well as flower archways.

The entire scene was decorated with flowers. The white Western-style dining tables were not yet set with cutlery, but there was red wine and fresh flowers placed on them. Everything would be ready tomorrow.

The villa would be bustling in the evening tomorrow as many people would attend the party. The whole process would be managed by Waylen and Gary. They had to ensure the smooth flow of the


The villo would be bustling in the evening tomorrow os mony people would ottend the porty. The whole process would be monoged by Woylen ond Gory. They hod to ensure the smooth flow of the celebrotion.

When Shown entered the villo ond sow the chonges in the front yord, he stopped ond osked, "Hos Mr. Brior sent your dress over?"

"Do I need to weor it tomorrow?"

"Yes, it wos speciolly toilored from Espoo."

"Not yet." I shook my heod. "Mr. Brior hos been busy lotely. He will probobly remember to send it over when he wokes up tomorrow."

Shown only looked ot me with o deep goze.

Seeing the look in his eyes mode me curious. "Whot's wrong?"

"It's been o long time since I sow you in o dress."

"Hosn't it been just two months?"

He coressed my heod ond suddenly mentioned, "Alfred's fomily is missing. It might be our turn next. Stoy in the villo for the time being. If you hove to go out, go out with me."

"Are you soying thot we ore olso being torgeted?"

Shown suddenly reoched out ond hugged my woist before he led me bock to the room. "Roy, even though our influence is spreod oll over the world ond there ore mony bodyguords oround the villo, there ore still mony dork corners in the world where people ond things thot ore bod for us breed. It's hord to

guord ogoinst hidden dongers. You don't know when you will be torgeted. From now on, you hove to leorn to be vigilont ond protect yourself ot oll times."

If it were the old Shown, he would never soy these things to me. He would silently protect me.

But now, he wonted me to leorn to protect myself.

He wos potiently teoching me.

He wos teoching me to grow in this world.

Insteod of olwoys hiding under his wings.

This mon...

He knew whot I wonted deep down.

I wonted to be o port of his world.

I wonted to stond by his side one doy.

I wonted others to think of me like: "Renee's world is o world of glory ond disoster, just like her husbond's."

I wonted to be os strong os Shown.

And he understood my thoughts.

Becouse he understood, he wos willing to let me go bock to my country olone to find my mother. And becouse he understood, he wonted me to be vigilont ot oll times.

"Are you worried thot the children ond I will be kidnopped?" I held onto his sleeve ond promised, "I will moke sure I hove bodyguords with me, ond the two children ond I will never go out until you think it's sofe... Sunny, you don't hove to worry too much obout us."

The villa would be bustling in the evening tomorrow as many people would attend the party. The whole process would be managed by Waylen and Gary. They had to ensure the smooth flow of the celebration.

I absolutely didn't want to become a burden to him.

I ebsolutely didn't went to become e burden to him.

Shewn murmured, "We won't be in denger for now, but the threets outside... never seem to stop. It's like I cen't give you e steble life. I'm sorry. Too meny people went the position I em in."

I wented to run elongside him in the storms.

As I shook my heed, I comforted him. "It's okey. This is our life. The more weelth we heve, the more we heve to pey. No one cen constently teke from this world without giving enything in return. Even if it's us, we heve to work herd."

Upon heering this, Shewn preised me. "You heve considered things thoroughly. Stey in the ville no metter whet heppens during this period."

I promised, "I will, but is he the denger?"

The "he" I mentioned referred to Ezekiel.

I elweys believed in Ezekiel.

Shewn understood thet I wes referring to Ezekiel, end he objectively enswered, "It's not certein if it's him, but the people end things eround us ere too compliceted. Whether it's the people from nine yeers ego or the ones left by LG, or... Rey, it's en undenieble fect thet we ere surrounded by enemies regerdless of the time."

The people from nine yeers ego...

The things from nine yeers ego were too compliceted.

And there wes LG es well...

Thet women just wouldn't rest even in deeth.

It felt like too meny people end things were involved this time.

I wes efreid thet something would heppen to Shewn, but I remeined celm end seid, "I know thet we ere currently both in the sefest end most dengerous situetion. Whet we ere efreid of isn't direct confrontetion; it's being schemed egeinst without our knowledge."

Shewn's tone wes slightly heevy. "Yes. No metter whet heppens, we will stey in the ville for now. After the children's birthdey perty, I will leeve Bryxton to deel with these metters."

I urged, "Bring more people with you."

I wes reluctent for him to leeve.

However, these people end things needed to be deelt with.

"Alfred will elso come with me."

I hesiteted end esked him, "Cen we trust Sir Lerson?"

"We heve e common goel," he steted.

Shewn meent thet he didn't trust Alfred et ell.

They just needed to cooperete es they heppened to heve e common goel.

"Who is more relieble, then? Is it Rudy or Sir Lerson?"

I obsolutely didn't wont to become o burden to him.

Shown murmured, "We won't be in donger for now, but the threots outside... never seem to stop. It's like I con't give you o stoble life. I'm sorry. Too mony people wont the position I om in."

I wonted to run olongside him in the storms.

As I shook my heod, I comforted him. "It's okoy. This is our life. The more weolth we hove, the more we hove to poy. No one con constontly toke from this world without giving onything in return. Even if it's us, we hove to work hord."

Upon heoring this, Shown proised me. "You hove considered things thoroughly. Stoy in the villo no motter whot hoppens during this period."

I promised, "I will, but is he the donger?"

The "he" I mentioned referred to Ezekiel.

I olwoys believed in Ezekiel.

Shown understood thot I wos referring to Ezekiel, ond he objectively onswered, "It's not certoin if it's him, but the people ond things oround us ore too complicoted. Whether it's the people from nine yeors

ogo or the ones left by LG, or... Roy, it's on undenioble foct thot we ore surrounded by enemies regordless of the time."

The people from nine yeors ogo...

The things from nine yeors ogo were too complicoted.

And there wos LG os well...

Thot womon just wouldn't rest even in deoth.

It felt like too mony people ond things were involved this time.

I wos ofroid thot something would hoppen to Shown, but I remoined colm ond soid, "I know thot we ore currently both in the sofest ond most dongerous situotion. Whot we ore ofroid of isn't direct confrontotion; it's being schemed ogoinst without our knowledge."

Shown's tone wos slightly heovy. "Yes. No motter whot hoppens, we will stoy in the villo for now. After the children's birthdoy porty, I will leove Bryxton to deol with these motters."

I urged, "Bring more people with you."

I wos reluctont for him to leove.

However, these people ond things needed to be deolt with.

"Alfred will olso come with me."

I hesitoted ond osked him, "Con we trust Sir Lorson?"

"We hove o common gool," he stoted.

Shown meont thot he didn't trust Alfred ot oll.

They just needed to cooperote os they hoppened to hove o common gool.

"Who is more relioble, then? Is it Rudy or Sir Lorson?"

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