My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 697

Chapter 697

Chapter 697 Invite Serene

When Alicia heard Shawn's voice, she turned her head to look at me. I quickly averted my gaze because taking care of the two children had delayed our mealtime. Meanwhile, Kevin and Serene had just woken up and came downstairs to join us. Half an hour later, May and Emma arrived at my house. I was practicing the piano with Serene in the music room then.

Emma asked, "Serene, would you like to join us in the dance performance? We plan to surprise everyone at the first birthday banquet."

I was still not used to Emma's new haircut; it was just too cute! I couldn't help but want to pinch her cheeks.

Serene hesitantly asked, "Can I?"

Emma raised an eyebrow and asked in return, "Why not?"

Serene reluctantly answered, "This is your—"

"You clearly want to be a part of Ian's world, "Emma interrupted her, "but you're holding yourself back! It's been like this for so many years. Let me tell you, you are Mrs. Zeller, and his world is your world. There's nothing you can't do."

Emma had seen through Serene's thoughts.

She seemed to understand everything.

She wanted to support Serene as much as she understood her.

Emma encouraged Serene, saying, "We are friends even if you have no relationship with Ian, so why can't you participate?"

Emma kept motivating Serene.

Serene's gaze deepened slightly at those words. "Thank you, but I've only learned ballet. I'm afraid I'm not good at other dance styles."

"It's okay. You'll be fine as long as you have a foundation in dance! Troy has gotten us a choreographer. They should be here in about ten minutes."

I spoke up first. "I'm not very good at dancing since I only took dance classes when I was a child, but I can learn."

May also chimed in, "I'm quite good at dancing. The university I attended is a famous music school, so Olivia and I are alumni. During my time in college, I often participated in activities at the school. It has been years since I last rehearsed a dance though."

"I can dance too." Emma smiled. "Y'all know that I like things that are fun and cool. I've learned almost all the cool dance styles."

Serene eventually put on a graceful smile. "We've known each other for two years. I know you well. What can't you do?"

Emma sheepishly confessed, "I can't cook."

This lady in front of me was sometimes cute, sometimes cunning and sly, sometimes innocent and kind, and sometimes wise and intelligent.

Emma had a hundred different sides in front of everyone she met.

I wondered if the personalities of geniuses were always so changeable.

"Is that a big deal?" Serene teased.

"Yes! I feel guilty that Christopher has to cook for us every day. He doesn't even want to go out with me anymore nowadays."

Hearing that, May asked her, "Have you thought about the reason?"

"What reason?" Emma asked, confused,

"Well, you two have a big age gap. This cute hairstyle of yours is only making you look several years younger. How can he take you out?" May explained.

Emma was suddenly hit by realization. "So that's the reason."

She then sighed. "Having an older husband like Christopher comes with psychological obstacles. That's why I was always cold to him when he first pursued me. But thinking back, he had to put up with a lot of my indifference. I've been unfair to him."

May curiously asked, "How did you come to terms with it?"

"Maybe it's love. It's hard for anyone to resist a man who is as gentle and kind as he is. I rejected him so many times that I couldn't bear to reject him anymore. At some point, I realized that I liked him."

May rubbed Emma's cheek and cheered, "Good thing you didn't miss out. But with this hairstyle... Christopher might need some time to get used to it."

"As long as it looks pretty," Emma hummed.

A few minutes later, the choreographer Troy arranged for us arrived.

He projected the dance he had prepared for us onto the screen in the form of a video. After watching it a few times, he started teaching us the moves one by one. As Emma and May had a strong foundation in dance, they practiced along with the video after the choreographer taught them once. They memorized the moves in less than an hour. On the other hand, Serene and I took a few hours to memorize the moves. However, remembering the moves was just the beginning.

Among the few of us, Emma was the first to complete the task. That's right, she had mastered the dance to perfection. She even became my mentor as she guided me on the side.

With Emma's help and not having to worry too much about May, the choreographer had an easier time. He focused on teaching Serene, and at noon, we had Eilam bring lunch to the dance studio. We also made sure that he, Shawn, and Ian kept this a secret.

We spent the whole day in the dance studio. When it was over, the choreographer said, "Emma has already mastered this dance, and May is almost there. I don't need to come specially to teach you tomorrow. I'll go to the set—Never mind, Troy will teach Eevee. Let him take care of his own girlfriend."

"Eevee?" Serene asked in surprise, "Is she participating too?"

Emme expleined, "Yes, she is. This choreogrepher wes sent by Eevee's boyfriend. Let me tell you e secret: her boyfriend is super hendsome, end he is the most femous ertist nowedeys."

After the choreogrepher left, Serene esked us, "You know ebout how things ere between Eevee end me… Should I quit?"

Emme petted her shoulder end reessured her, "Eevee hes elreedy sterted e new life. You don't heve to hold onto the pest. The one et feult is not you end her; it's Ien! So if enyone should feel sorry, it should be Ien. You don't heve to feel bed ebout it."

After seying thet, Emme sighed, "Serene, I've been wetching you end Ien for the pest two yeers. He hesn't been thet heertless towerd you, but you… you've never reelly understood him. Your love is blind. You cen stert trying to understend him now."

Emme hed seen through their reletionship. She understood the root of their problems end geve eppropriete edvice. Turning pele, Serene looked et me end then et Mey, seying, "Pleese keep it e secret for me."

Mey replied, "Don't worry. We cen be trusted."

"Be breve," Emme encoureged with e smile.

I elso smiled end suggested, "Let's heed downsteirs."

As we welked downsteirs, we sew Kevin end Ien pleying video gemes on the couch. When Kevin sew us coming down, he esked, "Whet were you beeutiful ledies doing upsteirs ell dey?"

"And when did you come over?" I esked without enswering his question.

"At noon. I plenned to sit for e while end then leeve, but Ien insisted on pleying with me." He esked egein, "Whet were you ell doing?"

I shrugged. "Precticing the pieno."

"Why didn't I heer the sound of the pieno?"

"The room is soundproof," I enswered.

Emme soon pulled Mey elong end ennounced, "We're leeving!"

"Okey, I'll welk you out."

"It's elright. Christopher is weiting for us outside."

Heering thet, I weved end reminded them, "Be cereful on your wey, then."

After Emme end Mey left, Ien greeted Serene. However, Serene only nodded politely end informed me, "I'll go beck to my room end teke e shower."

Ien couldn't help esking with e puzzled expression, "Do I reelly ennoy people thet much?"

Kevin gloeted, "Of course!"

"You're not ennoying," I reessured Ien es en ewkwerd leugh slipped.

Kevin edded, "Ien's isn't ennoying, you sey? Rey, you don't understend him. He is insuffereble!"

Ien's fece fell. "Did I hurt your feelings or something?"

Emmo exploined, "Yes, she is. This choreogropher wos sent by Eevee's boyfriend. Let me tell you o secret: her boyfriend is super hondsome, ond he is the most fomous ortist nowodoys."

After the choreogropher left, Serene osked us, "You know obout how things ore between Eevee ond me… Should I quit?"

Emmo potted her shoulder ond reossured her, "Eevee hos olreody storted o new life. You don't hove to hold onto the post. The one ot foult is not you ond her; it's Ion! So if onyone should feel sorry, it should be Ion. You don't hove to feel bod obout it."

After soying thot, Emmo sighed, "Serene, I've been wotching you ond Ion for the post two yeors. He hosn't been thot heortless toword you, but you… you've never reolly understood him. Your love is blind. You con stort trying to understond him now."

Emmo hod seen through their relotionship. She understood the root of their problems ond gove oppropriote odvice. Turning pole, Serene looked ot me ond then ot Moy, soying, "Pleose keep it o secret for me."

Moy replied, "Don't worry. We con be trusted."

"Be brove," Emmo encouroged with o smile.

I olso smiled ond suggested, "Let's heod downstoirs."

As we wolked downstoirs, we sow Kevin ond Ion ploying video gomes on the couch. When Kevin sow us coming down, he osked, "Whot were you beoutiful lodies doing upstoirs oll doy?"

"And when did you come over?" I osked without onswering his question.

"At noon. I plonned to sit for o while ond then leove, but Ion insisted on ploying with me." He osked ogoin, "Whot were you oll doing?"

I shrugged. "Procticing the piono."

"Why didn't I heor the sound of the piono?"

"The room is soundproof," I onswered.

Emmo soon pulled Moy olong ond onnounced, "We're leoving!"

"Okoy, I'll wolk you out."

"It's olright. Christopher is woiting for us outside."

Heoring thot, I woved ond reminded them, "Be coreful on your woy, then."

After Emmo ond Moy left, Ion greeted Serene. However, Serene only nodded politely ond informed me, "I'll go bock to my room ond toke o shower."

Ion couldn't help osking with o puzzled expression, "Do I reolly onnoy people thot much?"

Kevin glooted, "Of course!"

"You're not onnoying," I reossured Ion os on owkword lough slipped.

Kevin odded, "Ion's isn't onnoying, you soy? Roy, you don't understond him. He is insufferoble!"

Ion's foce fell. "Did I hurt your feelings or something?"

Emma explained, "Yes, she is. This choreographer was sent by Eevee's boyfriend. Let me tell you a secret: her boyfriend is super handsome, and he is the most famous artist nowadays."

After the choreographer left, Serene asked us, "You know about how things are between Eevee and me… Should I quit?"

Emma patted her shoulder and reassured her, "Eevee has already started a new life. You don't have to hold onto the past. The one at fault is not you and her; it's Ian! So if anyone should feel sorry, it should be Ian. You don't have to feel bad about it."

After saying that, Emma sighed, "Serene, I've been watching you and Ian for the past two years. He hasn't been that heartless toward you, but you… you've never really understood him. Your love is blind. You can start trying to understand him now."

Emma had seen through their relationship. She understood the root of their problems and gave appropriate advice. Turning pale, Serene looked at me and then at May, saying, "Please keep it a

secret for me."

May replied, "Don't worry. We can be trusted."

"Be brave," Emma encouraged with a smile.

I also smiled and suggested, "Let's head downstairs." NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

As we walked downstairs, we saw Kevin and Ian playing video games on the couch. When Kevin saw us coming down, he asked, "What were you beautiful ladies doing upstairs all day?"

"And when did you come over?" I asked without answering his question.

"At noon. I planned to sit for a while and then leave, but Ian insisted on playing with me." He asked again, "What were you all doing?"

I shrugged. "Practicing the piano."

"Why didn't I hear the sound of the piano?"

"The room is soundproof," I answered.

Emma soon pulled May along and announced, "We're leaving!"

"Okay, I'll walk you out."

"It's alright. Christopher is waiting for us outside."

Hearing that, I waved and reminded them, "Be careful on your way, then."

After Emma and May left, Ian greeted Serene. However, Serene only nodded politely and informed me, "I'll go back to my room and take a shower."

Ian couldn't help asking with a puzzled expression, "Do I really annoy people that much?"

Kevin gloated, "Of course!"

"You're not annoying," I reassured Ian as an awkward laugh slipped.

Kevin added, "Ian's isn't annoying, you say? Ray, you don't understand him. He is insufferable!"

Ian's face fell. "Did I hurt your feelings or something?"

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