My Ex-Wife Remarried Me

Chapter 45: A New Boyfriend For Mommy

Chapter 45: A New Boyfriend For Mommy 

Amora came back to her rental apartment three hours later.She was at a law firm to inquire about custody issues regarding her eldest son.But the woman was devastated when the lawyer told her flat out that the chances of her getting custody of lan were zero.

Her dead identity in government archives being the first obstacle.

Secondly, the party that she was up against was just too powerful for her to gain any foothold before a judge.

I could deal with the first problem by restoring my identity and then divorcing that scum.

Since our hatred for each other is mutual, that shouldn't be difficult to achieve.

But the second problem is just driving me mad! With Ronin Corporation now ranking among the top ten companies in the world, I'll never have the same backing as he does to win this case.

Amora dragged her tiresome body into her rental apartment.

"Mommy, you're finally home! Uncle Solomon is here, and he's bought us lots of stuff!"

The delighted voice came from Vivian, who ran toward her mother with a lollipop in her hand.

Matteo, on the other hand, seemed to be having a great time talking to Solomon.

Solomon was Amora's good friend.

They had known each other when they were abroad a long time ago.

Amora gathered herself and walked over to greet Solomon, "Hello there.Did the kids call you up again? You shouldn't have given in to them.You live so far away!"

"That's alright.I actually came here on my own accord to visit the kids.It had been a while since I last saw them.Even less so after you came back,"

Solomon replied.

Solomon was a lawyer.

Bespectacled, he exuded a pleasant and polite bearing that always managed to make people around him feel at ease.

Amora stole a glance at the clutters around the house and instantly felt embarrassed.

"I'm sorry about the messiness, Solomon.You see, I didn't expect a guest..." Amora said apologetically.

"Don't be ridiculous.I'm not a stranger."

Solomon gave a faint smile and said, "By the way, Matt was telling me that you were out to see a patient.Is the patient feeling better now?"


Solomon's unexpected question took Amora by surprise as she fumbled for the right words.I have just managed to turn off that bloody switch!

"His condition was beyond medical help.Forget about him!" the woman grunted.

In the next moment, something seemed to have struck Amora as she spoke, "That's right! I almost forget that you're a lawyer too.Mind if I pick your brain for a minute? If a couple is getting divorced, does the party with extreme wealth always get custody of their kids?"

"Hmm, custody?"

Solomon sat back down elegantly on the small couch.

His gaze stopped momentarily on Amora before he calmly replied, "Yes, almost always."

Instantly, Amora's hopes were shattered.

Solomon was amused by the deflated look on Amora's face as he continued to explain, "Having said that, there are exceptions to it.Although having enough money is important, the law dictates that under certain circumstances, the less wealthy party can overtake custody of their children."

"Is this true?"

Amora's face instantly lit up as if seeing hope for the first time.

"That's right.For example, if the guardian has caused physical harm to the kid or engaged in criminal activities.These are just some of the examples.Do you know someone who's in such circumstances?"

Solomon asked out of curiosity after explaining in detail to Amora.

He was not one to pry, but this was the first time Amora had sought legal opinion on that kind of matter from him.

Hence, Solomon thought that was a little odd.

However, Amora was not ready to confide in him.

So she simply replied, "Oh, it's just a friend of mine.

She's getting a divorce, but her husband is withholding their kid.

So, I just thought I might be able to help her out by seeking some legal Opinions on her behalf."

Solomon smiled in acknowledgment.

Meanwhile, Matteo, who had been eavesdropping on the adults’ conversation, was in complete shock.

His jaw dropped when he heard the word "custody."

Custody! I wonder what's on Mommy's mind. Is she thinking about taking over lan's custody? If that's the case, it'd be awesome to have lan coming to live with us.

Mommy and the three of us will then form a complete family of four! As for bad Daddy...

There were twinkles in Matteo'’s eyes as an idea took form in his cunning little mind.

He then looked across the living room at Solomon, who had been stealing glances at his mother, and said, "Uncle Solomon, since Mommy doesn't know anything about this custody issue, why don't you take her out and teach her what to do?"

"Teach her?" Solomon was puzzled. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

"Yes, Uncle Solomon.I think you should take her over to your place and tell her what to do in detail.I'll look after Vivi at home, so don't you worry about us," Matteo eagerly suggested.

Since Daddy is in love with the mean woman, I should find Mommy a boyfriend too.She is such a nice person, so there's no way men will reject her.

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