My Destiny Is To Become Billionaire’s Wife

Chapter 80: Night at Erica’s house

Time has passed quickly, and the clock has signaled midnight.

“Ansel, look at the clock; it’s past eleven,” Erica said softly but with a hint of regret. “It’s hard to believe that we talked and discussed all night like that.”

Ansel gazed deeply into Erica’s eyes with a warm smile. “That’s true; time flies when we’re together.” Ansel said, “Thank you, Erica. Having you by my side, I feel fortunate and at peace.”

Erica is feeling very happy and, at the same time, more comfortable upon hearing Ansel’s words. “I feel the same way too,” Erica hesitantly admitted, surprising Ansel.

“Erica, you just said…” Ansel wanted to confirm, but Erica chose to dodge as she quickly changed the topic:

“Ansel, it’s late. You can sleep on the sofa. I’ll prepare blankets and pillows for you.”

“Thank you,” Ansel replied, hiding his disappointment as Erica once again evaded addressing the matter he was concerned about.

After saying that, Erica went into the bedroom to get a pillow and blanket for Ansel. However, when she opened the closet, Erica remembered that she only had one blanket.

This problem is not small. What should Erica do now?

Erica feels awkward about not having enough blankets for Ansel to use. She thought in her heart and made a decision to find a way to resolve this situation. It was raining heavily outside, and Erica’s apartment didn’t have air conditioning. Therefore, the nighttime air would surely be cold. Ansel’s lying on the hard and cramped sofa was already a significant disadvantage for him. Now that he has to endure the cold, how could Ansel bear it? Erica believed that Ansel must have never experienced a life of poverty and hardship like hers, so she couldn’t let him suffer. Erica strongly desired to create the best conditions for Ansel to rest comfortably. After a moment of contemplation and thought, Erica returned to the living room, bringing the only blanket she could find along with a pillow.

“Ansel, I’m sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.” Erica interrupted Ansel’s thoughts. “Here’s your blanket.”

“Thank you,” Ansel said politely as he took the blanket from Erica.

“The bathroom is over there; feel free to use it,” Erica enthusiastically guided Ansel.

“I know,” Ansel replied, following Erica’s finger.

“Goodnight,” Erica said shyly.

“Goodnight to you too,” Ansel said as he bid Erica farewell.

After that, without saying anything more, Erica turned and walked back to her room. Ansel watched Erica with an indescribable longing in his eyes until Erica entered the bedroom and the door closed behind her. Ansel wanted to make a suggestion, but in the end, he still didn’t have the courage to say it.

As Khi Ansel lay on the sofa, he couldn’t help but think about Erica’s earlier avoidance. He wondered what might be bothering Erica that she wasn’t ready to share. However, he respected Erica’s privacy and hoped that, in time, she would open up to him.

While waiting, Ansel tried to push aside his own worries and focus on the warmth and comfort of the moment. With a grateful heart, he tried to drift off to sleep, cherishing the connection he had with Erica even though there were still unanswered questions between them.

Time continues to pass, and tonight feels longer than usual.

At this moment, Erica has fallen into a deep sleep. However, it is unfortunate that Ansel’s efforts have been unsuccessful. He cannot find tranquility within his mind while lying on the small and uncomfortable sofa. The rain shows no sign of stopping, and the thunder outside reflects the inner chaos he feels. He tosses and turns, unable to find a comfortable position or quiet his racing thoughts. The weight of the decision he needs to make bears down on him, causing restlessness and fear to seep into his very bones.

Ansel reflects on his conversations with his mother, attempting to discover a means of closing the divide between them. He ponders whether there is any possibility of making his mother comprehend his perspective and see the deceitful nature of Desi. Yet doubts and uncertainties overshadow Ansel’s thoughts, making him doubt the end result.

Abruptly, the piercing screams of agony and fear from Erica’s room startled Ansel, causing anxiety to race through his heart. Without hesitation, he rushes into her room, his mind racing as he tries to ascertain the cause of the commotion.

When Ansel bursts into the room, he is met with a horrifying sight. Erica is writhing on the bed, wrapped in the bedsheets, trapped in a haunting nightmare. Her face is contorted with agony, and beads of sweat adorn her forehead.

“Father, mother, please don’t abandon me.” Erica pleads desperately, “Please don’t leave me alone. Why doesn’t anyone need me? I don’t want…”

Unable to bear witnessing Erica’s anguish any longer, Ansel takes decisive action.

“Erica!” Ansel calls out, his voice filled with urgency and concern. He rushes to her side, gently shaking her shoulder, attempting to awaken her from her deep slumber. “Erica, wake up! It was just a dream!”

As if hearing Ansel’s call, Erica’s eyes suddenly flutter open, fear still lingering within them and haunting her gaze. Her breath comes in rapid gasps, filling the room, and she instinctively clings tightly to Ansel, seeking comfort and reassurance.

“It’s okay, Erica. You’re safe now,” Ansel whispers, his voice gentle and filled with genuine concern. He holds her tightly, providing a sense of security within his embrace. “You had a nightmare, but you’re awake now.”

Erica buries her face into Ansel’s shoulder, her trembling body gradually calming as she clings to him. The remnants of Erica’s harrowing dream started to fade as reality settled, and she found solace in the warmth and presence of Ansel by her side.

Ansel sat with Erica, patiently comforting her until her breathing calmed down and her fear subsided. He brushed Erica’s hair away from her face and gently kissed her forehead, a gesture of tenderness and support.

“You’re not alone, Erica. I’m here for you,” he whispered, his voice full of sincerity. “Whenever you need me, I’ll be right here.”Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Hearing Ansel’s voice, Erica looked up dreamily at him, her eyes filled with gratitude and vulnerability.

“Ansel?” Erica whispered, feeling suspicious about what was happening. She believed that Ansel’s presence at that moment wasn’t real. Because every time she woke up from a nightmare, Erica was always alone, facing loneliness and loss. But today was different. Erica heard Ansel’s deep voice and saw his gentle image. For a moment, she couldn’t believe it, thinking it was just an illusion.

“I’m here,” Ansel reassured. Sensing that Erica had something to say, Ansel quickly replied, “You don’t have to be afraid anymore, Erica.”

“Ansel, are you really here?” Erica wants to confirm: “Isn’t it a hallucination, or am I dreaming?”

“It’s me, Erica,” Ansel affirmed. His hand gently stroked Erica’s sweaty cheek.

The touch from Ansel startled Erica. She was taken aback as she realized that Ansel was embracing her and that she had instinctively held onto him.

“I’m sorry,” Erica said, feeling confused and quickly pulling away from Ansel. Erica’s sudden movement caught Ansel off guard. He didn’t have an opportunity to do anything to prevent or object to Erica’s withdrawal.

“Erica, what’s wrong with you?” Ansel asked, concerned. He wanted to know the meaning behind Erica’s actions.

“What’s going on? Why are you here?” Instead of answering, Erica moved on to another matter.

“I heard your screams, so I rushed in here,” Ansel calmly explained. “It seems like you had a nightmare.”

“Is that so?” Erica shyly said, “I’m sorry for waking you up from your sleep.”

“It’s nothing. Actually, I haven’t slept yet.” Ansel’s confession made Erica look at him with bewilderment, wanting to know the reason. Afraid that Erica might misunderstand and think he had bad intentions, Ansel explained further:

“To be honest, I’m not used to sleeping on the sofa. Plus, the rain outside is so loud.”

“I see,” Erica replied nonchalantly.

There was a sudden silence. Both sides felt awkward about the situation. Until Ansel discovered something remarkable, the silence ended.

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