My Destiny Is To Become Billionaire’s Wife

Chapter 66: Ansel’s unexpected decision

After talking with Erica, Ansel felt much relief. It seemed like the knot in his heart as well as his mind had been released. However, he still felt a bit pressured as he stepped into the crowded hall. Upon seeing Ansel, some guests stopped talking and stared at him. Instead of looking foolish, Ansel tried to pretend not to notice anyone.

Suddenly, a trusted friend of Ansel’s father approached him. He whispered in Ansel’s ear that a special event was about to begin.

“Madame is calling for the young master,” the person said, pointing towards the stage. Ansel looked up at the stage and saw his parents standing on it, realizing everything. Ansel turned to the messenger and said, “I know. Thank you.”

Afterward, Ansel quickly moved toward the stage. Seeing Ansel approaching, some guests actively moved aside, giving way to him. Ansel chose to stand far from the podium placed in the middle of the stage, along with his mother and some other people. Meanwhile, Ansel’s father was standing in front of the podium. It seemed like Ansel’s father had something to say to the guests. After his father finished his speech, it was definitely Ansel’s turn. Therefore, Ansel needed to prepare himself mentally.

The words of his father did not enter Ansel’s mind at all. At this moment, he was concentrating on a final consideration.

While waiting, Ansel inadvertently turned his eyes and saw Desi and Kevin walking into the hall together. Why were they coming back now? Could it be? A thought that could very well be in Ansel’s head When Ansel left, Kevin and Erica were still arguing or engaging in a steamy activity, which Ansel knew very well what it was. But no matter what they do with each other, Ansel no longer cares.

Desi walked towards her parents, who were standing in the center of the hall. Meanwhile, Kevin pretended to look for a spot that he liked the most. After a while, he also chose to stand behind Desi so that he could be close to her. Ansel observed every movement of the two with hatred and disgust, but he tried to pretend not to care about them and focused on the event instead.

“And now, Ansel, the sole heir of JK, would like to say a few words to everyone,” Ansel’s father announced. Immediately, all eyes turned toward Ansel.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Ansel stood still and had no intention of moving. It was only when his mother stood beside him that she urged him to speak.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Ansel, it’s your turn now,” the woman said. “I have been looking forward to this moment. Make this night a memorable one.”

Understanding his mother’s implication, Ansel looked at her with an indescribable expression before walking toward the front. He replaced his father’s position and stood on the podium to deliver his speech.

After receiving the attention of the guests, Ansel began his speech: “First of all, I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to attend our family’s party.”

A warm round of applause echoed as Ansel thanked all the guests for their presence. Ansel then added, “As my father just revealed, I would like to share some special news with everyone tonight.” Ansel’s words aroused the crowd’s excitement and curiosity even more.

Ansel made an impressive announcement, stating, “I am getting married!” The audience responded with a swift round of applause, expressing their surprise at the news.

Ansel also revealed, “And tonight, here, I will propose to the most wonderful woman I have ever known.” With this information, the audience became even more excited and nervous.

The crowd below the stage not only clapped but also cheered enthusiastically for Ansel and his girlfriend.

Several guests excitedly discussed who would be Ansel’s future bride. Some guessed it would be Desi, the beautiful girl who had the honor of being escorted into the hall by Ansel. Others didn’t think it would be Desi. More precisely, they hoped it wasn’t Desi. Everyone who is jealous of Desi silently prays that it is not her. Rumors filled the party, creating curiosity and excitement for everyone.

Ansel feels happy and excited to know that he will propose to the woman he loves. The crowd was curious and had high expectations for the lucky woman.

The lively atmosphere of the night seemed to have been contaminated with a bit of excitement and chaos. Desi, realizing the admiration and envy of everyone looking at her, felt both embarrassed and excited. Desi is convinced that the woman Ansel chose is herself. Meanwhile, Desi’s parents, who were being looked at with envy by everyone, raised their heads high, showing satisfied expressions. They make many people jealous when they are about to become relatives of the prestigious and rich Brown family.

Kevin’s feelings were completely opposite, as he silently cursed Ansel and remained unmoved by the news of his marriage.

As for Erica, upon hearing Ansel’s words, she felt a tightness in her chest. She felt both happy for Ansel and sorry for herself. The pain was so intense that her heart felt like it would burst. Erica felt a little jealous of the girl who had won Ansel’s love. It’s hard for her to let go of her feelings for Ansel. Sadness is overwhelming and cannot be easily overcome. Adding to her despair was the loneliness of the party atmosphere. Erica mustered up the courage to leave. She thought she needed to be alone to get over the shock of hearing the news.

From the stage, Ansel watched Erica leave. Her attitude looked pitiful and hurtful in Ansel’s eyes. As soon as Erica turned her back on Ansel, a strong feeling welled up in him. It urges you and commands you. No more hesitation or indecision. Ansel was adamant about his bold decision.

Gripping the microphone, Ansel said in a serious voice:

“I hope that everyone present tonight will witness an event that is important to me. And I ask you to extend your best wishes to us. So please do not leave the assembly at school when the event takes place”.

As soon as Ansel finished speaking, everyone turned their heads to look in both directions. Most people remained in their places, except for Erica.

Upon hearing Ansel’s words, Erica’s feet automatically stopped. She realized that there were several eyes nearby looking at her. She felt embarrassed, so she stood still and could not move anymore.

Was Ansel too cruel to want Erica to see him propose to another girl? For a moment, Erica silently cursed Ansel’s heartlessness.

After finishing his speech, Ansel quickly walked down the stage and toward the woman he loved. Knowing his intentions, the crowd actively moved aside to make room for Ansel in the middle of the hall. Only Desi remained in the same place. Desi believes Ansel is walking towards her. And indeed he was.

After a few steps, Ansel stood in front of Desi. He looked at her for a long time, but his eyes were nothing special. Everyone expected a romantic and emotional proposal, while Desi anxiously waited for Ansel to kneel down and ask her to marry him.

Everyone thinks Desi is Ansel’s girlfriend. Desi haters almost went crazy with disappointment when their wishes didn’t come true. Desi’s parents and herself believe the crowd’s reaction is confirming everything they believe to be true. However, something unexpected happened as Ansel kept moving and passed Desi.

Desi accidentally walked over to Ansel and was about to say something, but Ansel coldly walked past her. Everyone was stunned, and Desi was shocked to the point of paralysis. Ignoring her feelings of disappointment, sadness, and anger, she immediately turned around and stared at Ansel’s every move.

Ansel took each step towards the exit, drawing everyone’s gaze towards him. He stopped when he was facing Erica’s small back.

Erica still didn’t know what was happening. She seemed to be indifferent to everything around her, including the suspicious silence of the crowd. This was because Erica was hiding from the harsh and cruel reality by retreating into her inner world.

Everything fell silent. What would happen next?

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