My Corpse Husband

Chapter 31

The Entire Knights castle was buzzing with excitement the next morning. Everyone was indulged in completing their chores quickly and impress their Lady on her first day. It was like there was huge celebration taking place when a spectator looks at the excited staff preparing everything that their Lady may need.

Lyndon was given special orders by the Lord to arrange a carriage for the Lady specially if she wanted to go out anytime. Lucy was given the responsibility tagging along with Lady Ella everywhere she goes and looks after her.

The whole castle was preparing for this day from years and when the time came that their Lord finally swooped his Lady, everything they have done till that moment fell lacking.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“We have an early breakfast everyday and it will be served just on time. You need to keep up with the time and Lucy will help you understand few other trivial rules.” Xander spoke up once he pulled a chair for Ella in the dining room. He couldn’t express the amount of joy he was feeling the moment he sat beside her as her husband.

Ella nodded her head slightly trying to remember the rules. She still couldn’t get the fact into her head that she was now wife of a Lord and she was now a Lady. Though she didn’t know why she was involved in the marriage with the Lord, she did felt a sense of peace from the past couple days.

No doubt there are many rules and disciplinary policies that set boundaries, but following them was not tough. They were simple and definite that needs to be acted upon at the given circumstance; otherwise she was free to do anything she liked and go anywhere that would give her the enjoyment.

What Ella liked the most about all the set of rules system was, they were not just for the staff or the visitors but the Lord himself follow them too. Xander was a person of limits. He makes them, follows them and makes certain others follow them too.

“Hmm.” Ella hummed in positive after hearing another couple of simple rules and nodded in understanding. Xander couldn’t help but smile at his adorable wife who was making an effort to learn his way of living and not just learning but understand it too.

He knew she was still hesitant around him but that was expected. She had many questions and many puzzles that she was looking up to solve them. Though his secrets were dark and implausible, he would give her the answers slowly in due time so she gets prepared for the biggest truth he was hiding under his sleeves.

“Alright Love, I have some work to be done and few correspondence to answer too so I will take your leave. Lucy will guide you to the flower garden for your first lesson.” Xander stood up from his chair and pulled Ella into his arms, kissing her fully on her lips.

“Lesson?” Ella asked in confusion. What lesson? She suddenly got scared and started thinking if she had done anything wrong to receive a harsh lesson.

“Shush Ella. You did not do anything wrong. Shush.” Xander hushed her and pulled her into his chest patting her back soothingly. “This is not the kind of lesson given for offenders.”

Ella sniffed back her tears and pulled back from his arms looking into his eyes for confirmation. “No?”

“Dear heavens, No. I know you like colors and I know you try to use them in variety of things so I called a governess for you so you can learn painting and flowers assembling. You like flowers, don’t you?” Xander explained to while Ella nodded once and relaxed in his arms once she got the clarification she needed.

“But – Is it alright for me to learn it?” Ella was not a high bred or an aristocrat person to be learning such exclusive skills.

“Why not? Dear, I will be occupied with work the whole day and I do not want my wife to stay jaded and spend time getting scared about the past. You have a new life with me now and you will get to learn all you craved for.” Ella was touched by Xander’s words. No one had ever done something like that for her. All the people she knew only used her and threw after the work is done. Never did anyone asked how she was and how she was feeling.

No one asked if she liked anything.

It was an entirely new thing for Ella to be loved and respected. It made her happy when she noticed the look of concern in Xander’s eyes. Her experience was telling her to not trust the concern that the Lord has for her but her heart, strangely, was comfortable with the affection the Lord was showering on her.

“Hmm.” Ella hummed in reply and Xander smiled at her submitting to him. He would have to make her more comfortable with him to make her defy him. He doesn’t want a submitting obedient Ella. No, he wanted a defying, fiery Ella who could express her anger to him anytime any place.

She has every right on him and he would make her understand the fact soon. He need to be slow in his attempts as his lovely Ella has gone through worse phase of life and it was up to him to transform the scared little Ella to a happy confident Lady.

“Good. Now go. Your instructor is waiting for you.” Xander sent her off to her lesson not before giving her a sweet kiss on her forehead. He also signed Lucy to keep an eye on Ella and to make sure she was all safe and secure.

Sighing in despair to be away from his Ella, Xander dragged himself towards his study to get the impending work done quickly so he could go back to the warm arms of his wife soon.

“You called for me, My Lord?” He heard familiar voice and looked up from his chair to see Blythe Garrick standing before his table with her head bowed forward in respect.

The kind and soft-spoken Xander was immediately replaced with the evil and sly Lord. His lips turned upwards into a smirk and eyes shining with an unethical thirst.

“Miss Garrick. Yes, I have indeed called for you.” The Lord said in a mock tone and leaned back ns chair in a relaxed posture. “I have a job for you.”

Blythe’s eyes turned to slits but nodded her head obediently as there was nothing she could do at the moment. She could not be able to defy the Lord ever given she was scared out of her life of him.

“Just command it, My Lord.” Blythe’s response brought another evil smile on his face and dark excitement was lurking in his eyes.

“Your Lady of Honor would be tired by the evening, given she would be extremely exhausted by her classes. I want you to prepare a hot bath for your Lady and massage her feet as well before supper.” Blythe blinked her eyes in bafflement at the orders.

He wanted her to serve that wench like a maidservant?

“M-My Lord, You want me to serve her like a maid?” She gathered an ounce of courage and questioned his commands. The Lord raised his brow at her with a mocking smile ever present on his lips.

“Aren’t you one?” He chuckled in humor. “Aren’t you a maidservant here? Miss Garrick, you are nothing more than a maid who was kept here to serve me and my Lady.” His answer brought a series of tears in Blythe’s eyes. She didn’t understand why the Lord has chosen Ella over her.

She did not understand why the Lord has made her a maid in the castle.

“Why? Why am I here, My Lord?” The Lord erupted into a bout of laughter and walked close to Blythe with strong predator steps. Blythe took a step backwards in utter fear which the Lord liked a lot. He caught her jaw in a strong grip and pulled her face up so she could see the danger swirling in his eyes.

“You are one of the many people because of whom my Ella suffered a lot. And unlike others, your punishment is not death. Death is not an interesting punishment for you. Your punishment for degrading and shaming my Ella all those years will be killing you every moment of your life. You will be a servant on call and will serve my Lady and look at the amusing thing here, you cannot do anything about it rather than doing as you were told to.” The Lord’s evil chuckle brought Goosebumps on her skin.

He was going to fulfill his promise no matter what and Blythe was scared that she couldn’t do anything.


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