My Celebrity Crush


Jeanne’s Pov:

The doctor led me to the ward where Alex was and my heart skipped at the condition I had seen him in.

What the hell happened to him?

A bandage was wrapped around his head; a drip was running through him, he looked pale and his cheeks held an unhealthy palor.

Two nurses were there with him, one was writing down in a notebook, and the other was touching the drip.

“How’s he?” The doctor asked as we got in but Alex didn’t even move.

He probably had no idea I was there.

“He’s fine, sir. There’s been an improvement” one of the nurses replied and I moved closer to him in such a way he could see me.

His eyes beamed the moment he noticed me standing in front of him.

“Let’s give them a moment” the doctor said to the nurses who nodded and followed him out of the room.

I was left with just Alex.

“Jeanne” he called weakly and tried moving his finger.

I sniffed and held his hand.

Tears were forming up in my eyes already.

“A…Alex” I called ruefully and let out a tear.

I know I shouldn’t be doing this in front of him, but I just can’t help it.

“Jeanne” he called again and I held his hand and placed it on my lips.

“What happened to you, Alex? How…How did this happen?” I asked amidst tears, but he didn’t say a word as he kept staring at my face.

I bent my head and wept for a while.

Oh, Alex; why does this have to happen to you?

“Please, Alex, you need to stay strong for me. I need you” I whimpered.Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

He withdrew his hand from mine and moved it to my tummy, holding it lightly.

He didn’t say a word as he just kept staring at the tummy with his hand on it and it made me wonder what he was thinking.

“I love you, Jeanne” he said ruefully, his eyes still on my tummy.

“I love you and the baby in you. And I don’t ever want to lose you.”

“Please, promise me, Jeanne; promise me no matter what happens, you’ll always remember I love you”

I looked at him in dilemma. Why’s he speaking this way? What’s wrong with him? Why’s he trying to make me scared?

“A…Alex” I called in a cracking voice.

“Wh…What re you talking about? Of course, I…I know you love me”

“Just promise me, Jeanne, please” he said with pleading eyes and I scoffed.

“I…I promise me, Alex” I said and he sighed and brought his hand down from my tummy.

He looked away and closed his eyes and all I could do was stare in confusion.

I held his hand again and kissed it.

“I love you too, Alex, and I’ll always be there for you. Just be strong for me, please” I said and immediately, I saw a tear rolling down his cheek.


“Alex” I called, but he couldn’t look at me as he just closed his eyes.

What’s happening to him? Could it be a result of what Theo did?

I held his hand tight and placed it on my cheek. It was so cold.

Another tear came running from his eye and it made me panic.

I didn’t even know what to do

He wouldn’t talk to me or look at me.

I had no idea what was happening anymore.

I just stood and watched him,. His hand on my cheek..

And that was how he stayed till he slept off in my presence.



I walked out of the room, my head aching and pounding. I felt so bittered.

Alex’s uncanny attitude had really startled me and left me speechless. It scared me to the guts.

I don’t want to lose him and I hope he doesn’t have anything in mind. Or, could his terrible condition be the reason he was saying all that to me?

I felt like crying, but couldn’t as I already came out of the room where Hetty and the rest were already waiting for me.

“Jeanne’ Hetty called as I moved closer to them morosely.

Kim and her crew were no longer there and neither was Mrs Tristan.

“How was it, Jeanne? Were…Were you able to speak with him?” Carl asked curiously with the others staring.

I just sniffed and nodded.

“Is…Is he fine?” Hetty asked.

“Yeah” I replied and tucked my hair behind my ear.

I didn’t notice a tear was already on my cheek.

It was Daniel who wiped it off.

“I…I need to go now” I said with a snivel and Hetty scoffed.

“What are you talking about, Jeanne?” She asked.

“You can’t think of going back to that monster” Carl added and Daniel and Malcolm flinched.

“is she talking about Theo?” Malcolm asked and Hetty nodded.

Oh, God! These people really need to let me go. Alex’s in this condition because he took me away from Theo. I can’t think of letting it happen again. He might just end up killing Alex this time around.

Just then, someone walked in and we all turned to have a look and just as if he burster out of my thoughts, it was Theo!


Oh, God!

What’s he doing here?

I panicked as I moved away from their hetty.

He stood at a spot for a while, dressed in a black leather up and down.

He kept staring silently for a while and it made my heart pound even faster.

What’s he doing here?

“I thought I told you not to leave the house?” He asked, referring to me a a he started ambling to where we were.

My hands became all sweaty as my legs shook.

God, please.

“And what re you doing here?” Carl asked, stepping in front of me.

He stopped walking and scoffed.

“I came to see an old friend” he replied with a dark look in his eyes and immediately, Hetty walked up to him and slapped him.


“You must be insane to show your ugly face here, Theo. Alex’s on his deathbed because of you and you dare call him a friend?” She said angrily and Theo’s eyes glinted.

He looked down at the floor and took his eyes to me.

“Let’s go” he said icily and it sent shivers down my spine.

Oh, God! Is this really going to happen again?

“She’s going nowhere, Theo.” Daniel said, making a fist with his hand.

“You know,”: Carl started.

“Since you returned, I’ve been wondering; is this the same Theo I knew? The same guy I regarded as a brother?

“I’ve always been confused, but then, I got to know he’s not the one. Theo’s gone, and the person right in front of me is a cold hearted beast”.

The room went silent as neither Theo nor the lover boys said any other thing. I really don’t want this to happen.

“The choice is yours, Jeanne” he finally broke the silence.

“You can. can come with me, or you can stay back”.

And with one fierce look, he turned around and started walking away.

I looked at Hetty who was giving me an inquisitive look.

Oh, God! What do I do?

Theo’s definitely going to hurt me if I go back with him.

And he’s also going to kill Alex If I don’t. I’m so scared.

“I’m…I’m sorry” I said tearfully and ran after him.



I followed him to the car and sat next to him on the front seat.

I was so scared. I could hear my heart pounding like a party drum.

What’s he going to do to me?

He was so angry.

I know I shouldn’t be doing this, I know it’s risky, but I can’t help it. It’s the only way I can keep Alex safe.

He started the car and took off on a very speed.

The day had already gone dark and the speed at which he was driving really got me scared.

He was so furious and made it obvious. His hands were shaking on the sterling.

Carl shouldn’t had spoken to him in that manner. Now, I’m scared I’m the one who might get to suffer it.

He started moving on a dangerous speed, violating traffic rules and driving out of route.

My heart was leaping.

I turned and looked at him and felt like pleading with him to stop, but I was scared he might end up hitting me.

Oh, God! How do I get out of this?

He kept driving on a mad speed and finally, he screeched to a halt and I turned to notice we were on a bridge.

Why did he stop here?

I looked at him, my hand on my chest. I had been so scared. Tears were already forming up in my eyes.

But, why did he stop the car?

He whacked the door open and came out of the car and I kept watching in fear.

He came to my side and opened the door and immediately, he dragged me out, taking me to the bridge.

What’s he doing?!

“Theo?” I called in fear as he took me to the bars and made me lie against it.

“I’m a monster, huh?” He growled as he held my neck and I choked.

“I’m a monster?! You really wanna stay away from me, right? You hate me! Everybody hates me, right?!” He yelled into my face and I felt my breath seizing as a result of the choking.

“T…Theo” I struggled to say as I touched his hand on my neck.

Then, he let go it and I started coughing uncontrollably.

Suddenly and shockingly, I felt myself going over the bars and that was when I realised he had pushed me.

Oh, my God!

I gasped but was quick enough to hold onto the bars of the bridge and that was the only way I didn’t end up falling into the big body of water below me.

My eyes opened wide in shock as I found myself between life and death.

How much longer can I hold onto this bars? I might fall off any moment from now.

Oh, God! Theo.

I looked up at him in deep breath and found him staring at me.

How can he think of doing such a thing?

Does he really want to kill me the same way he killed Alex’s other lovers?

“Theo!” I called out in fear.

“Theo, please help me. Don’t do this to me.”

He stared silently for a while and dipped his hand into his pocket.

“Just let it go, Jeanne. You’ve always wanted to be free from me and now I’m giving you a chance to be free. So, go” he said without any guilt and that was when I saw what he brought out of his pocket.

It was a knife!

God, no!

“Theo! Theo, please. Don’t do this. I’m begging you. Don’t do this to me, please” I said with uncontrollable tears running down my cheeks.

I don’t want this to happen. I can’t leave Alex. My baby…I can’t go now.

Theo, please; don’t do this to me.

“I’m a monster, Jeanne; you told me yourself. And now, I want to show you how a monster truly behaves”.

I kept whimpering and slowly, he cut the knife across my hand and I screamed loud in excruciating pains.

“No!!! Theo, please!” I cried as blood oozed out from my hand, making it weak.

Oh, God! He wants me to let go of the bars myself.

“What’s the need of holding on, Jeanne? I’m only going to make life unbearable for you” he said and pressed the injured part of my hand, making me feel more pains.

I cried out in excruciating pains and felt my whole systems drowning.

Why did I have to encounter someone like this in my life?

“Please” I cried.

“I promise never to offend you again. I’ll do anything you want me to do. Just don’t do this to me, please”.

He smirked and brought the knife closer to my hand again and I screamed.

Immediately, a black car showed up on a full speed and stopped at the bridge.

I watched blearily as the door opened and Alex came out, holding the side of his tummy, groaning in pains.

My heart skipped at the sight of him.

What’s he doing here?

Did…Did he actually follow us?.

How can he leave the hospital in such condition?

Oh, my God!

Theo turned and looked at him and looked surprised.

Oh, God! Alex; he won’t be able to fight Theo.

“Theo, please don’t” he said weakly as he leapt towards us.

He couldn’t even walk properly.

Oh, my God! How did he leave the hospital in such condition?

Wasn’t he seen by anyone?

“Wow! Did you really come here to witness her demise?” Theo asked in a tone of sadism.

He turned back to me with the knife.

“You don’t wanna do this, Theo. Listen to me” Alex said and Theo laughed.

“I have nothing to listen to” he replied and cut the knife across my second hand and I screamed in more pains.

“She’s Olivia!” Alex suddenly said and I saw a sparkle run across Theo’s eyes.



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