My Blind Fiancée

Unexpected Results

With great care, and holding back her tears, the nanny placed the test results back among the others. She would wait for the doctor to review them, and it would be him who spoke with Ava.

Days later, Ava was nervously squeezing her hands in the waiting room of the doctor’s office. She was about to find out if she would ever see again, and she had mixed emotions of sadness and hope.

“Calm down, my dear. Your nervousness is starting to affect me.”

“Nana, today the doctor will tell me if there’s a chance I can regain my sight.”

“Yes, but you must be aware that specialized tests are needed, and it’s a long process ahead. You must take it as calmly as possible; there’s no use in getting yourself worked up.”

“I’m trying, Nana, but the nerves are getting the best of me.”

Shortly after, she was sitting in front of the Swiss specialist. After examining her eyes and asking her a series of questions about the causes, the doctor requested the results of the previously ordered tests.

“These tests are routine; I need to know how your system is. Depending on these results, we will proceed to the next step. You need to be aware that it will require much more than this.”

“I know, Doctor. If you find even a slight possibility of regaining my sight, I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“As you don’t have previous studies, it’s too early to tell.” He said as he carefully examined the results she had handed over. After reviewing them, he noticed that there was a result of a test he hadn’t ordered. Perhaps there had been a mix-up in the lab, but it was clear it belonged to the girl because her name was written on the sheet.

“The results I ordered came out perfect,” Ava smiled at hearing this, “But for now, we won’t be able to move forward. We’ll have to wait a few months, maybe a year would be more appropriate.”

“Why do we have to wait?” She asked, completely bewildered.

“The studies we need to conduct and the surgery are impossible to carry out due to your pregnancy.”

Ava felt like she had been doused with a bucket of ice-cold water. She hadn’t thought this could happen, but now that she considered it, neither she nor Mateo had taken any precautions.

The poor girl was completely pale. She couldn’t see, but she could imagine the look on her nanny’s face right now. She had let her down, and not just her-she felt like she had disappointed her parents, wherever they were.

Lola and Ava left the doctor’s office with mixed emotions. On one hand, there was a small possibility of her regaining her sight, and on the other, the news that she would become a mother very soon.

Her greatest fear was coming true. At that moment, she remembered Guido’s words, and the tightness in her chest returned. Once they got into Tadeo’s car, the girl began to cry, and although she did so quietly, it was impossible for the detective not to notice that something was wrong.

“What happened? Did the doctor give you bad news?”

“No, on the contrary, he said there’s a small possibility I might regain my sight.”

“That’s great, I’m happy for you,” the detective replied, not asking any further questions, thinking Ava was excited about the news.

Meanwhile, at Miller Corporation, Teodoro summoned his assistant. He felt that the woman’s relationship with Mateo would bring benefits to his company.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

“Do you need something?” she asked while chewing gum.

“Yes, I saw today’s newspapers. I want to congratulate you for catching the biggest fish in all of Italy.”

“Thank you, I have him eating out of my hand,” she said proudly.

“If you manage to get him to agree to my requests for new investments, you’ll be promoted.”

“You know that if I can get him to marry me, I won’t need what you can offer anymore,” she replied with a mocking smile.

“Until that happens, you still need your job. You wouldn’t want to blatantly appear as a gold-digger,” he replied, seeing the expression on her face and knowing he had struck a nerve.

“You’re right about that. I’ll see what I can do for you. I’m having dinner with him again tonight, but it’s still too early to make any demands.”

“I know, gain his trust, dazzle him, and when you have him in your grasp, we’ll talk again.”

The woman left her boss’s office strutting, feeling even more superior to others. Since she joined the company years ago, she had been in a privileged position, recommended by a friend of Teodoro’s. She quickly gained his trust and became his right-hand person. She had access to her boss’s files and personal computer. They were so alike, two peas in a pod, as they say.

In a nearby bar, Mateo and Akiro had a few drinks. The Japanese man was his confidant, the only one who dared to speak plainly and give him advice.

“I can’t believe Ava abandoned you. I thought she loved you. But even less, I believe what I saw this morning, the pictures in the newspapers surprised me.”

“That damn woman probably tipped off the media. She wanted attention, to show everyone that she’s by my side.”

“If you can’t stand her, why are you dating her?” Akiro asked, puzzled.

“She’s the only one who can get me access to Miller’s files. I did some research, and she’s his right-hand person. She’s responsible for cooking the company’s books. Since she joined, they’ve been very close.”

“We were all surprised when we saw that news. You’ve always avoided being photographed with anyone. Those playboy rumors have been mere speculation. There have even been rumors that you like men.”

“Haha, they don’t know what to make up about my life. What they can’t investigate, they invent just to sell.”

“Those who know you well believe you’ll be anything but that, or at least I think so. I’ve always seen you in the company of women. Being reserved is another matter.”

“I’ve enjoyed the company of beautiful women as long as they agreed to fulfill my desires. That was until I met Ava.”

“What will you do if you don’t find her? Because it’s possible that she doesn’t want you to.”

“I’ll find her, I assure you of that. In the meantime, I’ll have to endure the assistant. I’ll make her believe I’m going to marry her, so it’ll be easier to convince her to give me access to Teodoro’s files.”

“Good luck with that, my friend. I hope you can expose him soon.”

They spent some more time together. After leaving the bar, Mateo picked up the woman at the Miller Corporation. She was waiting at the entrance, dressed as usual, in an exaggerated and almost vulgar manner. She believed her style was elegant.

“Hello, love,” she greeted him cheerfully, speaking loudly enough for the people around to hear.

“Hello, love?” Mateo thought. This woman was foolish if she believed he had chosen her because he liked her. He found her vulgar.

He opened the car door for her, and she got in, fluffing herself up more than usual.

“Your Lambo is so beautiful,” she said, amazed at the car’s interior.

“It’s my favorite car,” he replied, although he was secretly annoyed at having to let this woman into his car.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they were immediately offered a table. Clara was there, and when she saw Mateo with this woman, she approached in a fit of rage. She couldn’t understand why a man like him was with a woman like that.

“Wow! At least this time you’re not accompanied by the blind girl. Although your taste keeps getting worse, dear,” Clara complained, nearly having a hysterical fit.

“What’s going on? Who is this woman, Mateo?” Daría asked, furious.

“Mateo is mine and no one else’s,” she said, approaching him.

“Enough, Clara. I warned you about what could happen to you.”

“And I told Akiro what I can do, and believe me, my life doesn’t suit you,” she threatened while grabbing his arm.

“Let’s go, Daría, let’s have dinner somewhere else,” he said, removing Clara’s hand and taking his companion by the arm.

“Yes, dear, the atmosphere here is contaminated,” Daría concurred mockingly.

Clara spilled her wineglass onto Daría. Daría grabbed her by the hair, and it turned into a spectacle with Mateo trying to separate them.

Clara pulled down the top part of Daría’s dress, leaving her breasts completely exposed for everyone to see. Photographs and videos were quickly taken.

“Damn it, Clara,” Mateo exclaimed.

Mateo couldn’t believe everything that was happening; it was going to be a complete scandal. He didn’t even want to imagine the expression on his grandfather’s face when he found out about it. Those two women were a total disaster, and the gazes of everyone in the restaurant were on them.

Clara smiled, satisfied with what she had done. She would figure out a way to force that woman to stay away from Mateo.

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