My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter



Bailey's pov

I acted quickly, pushing off Kaleb's dick despite his protest and flung myself on the passenger seat, rapidly looking for my clothes.

" Flower," Kaleb whined but I ignored him as I reach in the back for some of my clothes that were scattered there.

Did Juliet see us? Did she follow us here?

So many questions raced through my head as I started putting on my clothes. " Did you see a ghost or something?" Kaleb questioned in intrigue as he eyed me. He pulls out the condom and it's filled with his cum. He tied it and rolls down the window to throw it out.

Rolling the window back up he stared at me, his brows pinched in worry. " What's wrong baby?"

Throwing my shirt over my head, I murmured. " I think I just saw Juliet." My voice comes out a bit muffled with the shirt over my head.

" Huh?" Kaleb questioned, his fingers pinching the shirt to push it down to reveal my face so that he can hear my words more clearly.

" I think I just saw Juliet." I repeated, finally having the shirt over my body.

Kaleb's brows raised in surprise. " Where?' He whips around, looking for her. His eyes narrowing as he concentrated to find Juliet.

" She went inside the house." I uttered, confused about Juliet being here. Could it be that she was just visiting here seeing as her best friend once lived here before she died?

Kaleb turned around to look at the abandoned house, his brows drawing in confusion. " What's she doing there?" He voiced his confusion, turning to look at me as though I had the answers.

" How should I know Kaleb? " I huffed and pointed at his still exposed dick. " You may want to put that away before she's lurking around. Though she has already seen it." I grumble, fixing my hair to pretend that I was not silently seething in jealousy.

I turn to face forward and Kaleb's eyes are burning a hole on the side of my head. He grumbles something under his breath and fixed his briefs and his jeans.

" Did she follow us here?" Kaleb grumbled, voicing out his thoughts that were the same as mine. I shrugged. " I thought so too, but why did she enter the house? She came from the bushes and didn't use the road. Didn't look over at the car either." My brows furrowed as I thought about it more.

Juliet sort of looked like she was in a trance as she made a bee line for the house.

" I should go ask her. She'd not dare lie to me." He groaned in annoyance. My heart skipped. It's not like I was scared Juliet would do something to Kaleb....okay I was. I can't have him go alone. She could do anything.

" I'll come with you." I said with a nod, making Kaleb look over at me in concern. " I don't know if the house in good condition to walk in baby. I don't want to bring you into danger."

My heart fluttered as I melted at his words. He didn't have to try much for me to know how much he loved me. He only had to use his words and I'd know.

I smiled. " And I don't want you to walk in danger too. So it would be the best idea for us both to go."

His brows pinched with more worry. " I rather get hurt than to see you hurt Bailey. Stay here please."

As much as I understand how protective he was of me, I wasn't some weak girl that needed protecting. I gave him a slight hard stare. " I'm coming with you Kaleb, end of discussion." I raised a brow, challenging him to deny me.

He eyed me for a few before letting out a breath and nod reluctantly. " Okay, fine. But stick beside me and don't leave my sight." He warned, making me grin broad.

" Okay dad." I giggled at the annoyed look in his eyes and we stepped out of the car. Kaleb is beside me in seconds, clutching my hand protectively as we made our way to the house.

Up close the house seem to be in even worse condition and looked ready to collapse at any second. As we stepped onto the step, it creaked under our weight. Kaleb pulls me closer to him, eyeing around wearily.

The door is closed, windows are shut and it's quiet, showing no signs that someone is in here. Kaleb stops just before the door, gripping me and pushing me behind him slightly as he took a protective stance in front of me.

" You sure you saw her here?" He asked me softly over his shoulder.

I nod, tilting to look at that one shattered window. " I'm sure. I saw her."

Kaleb nodded and lifted his hand to knock on the door, but before his knuckles could hit the wood, he stopped, sighed and instead gripped the flimsy door handle and pushed it open. He kept me close to him and we searched around.

We started from the bottom and worked our way upstairs where we entered in a room we were sure belonged to Gloria. Her picture frames were still there on the nearly collapsing shelf. A picture of her and Juliet lay shattered on the floor and I walked over to it, gripping the edge lightly.

" Careful." Kaleb warned as he searched through the wardrobe.

I crouched, leaving the picture frame on the floor and stared.

" I don't think she's here." Kaleb grumble, referring to Juliet. Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

My brows pinched as I eyed the little drop on the frame. Someone was here. I touched the frame, staring at the little drop in wonder.

" Let's go baby. This house gives me the creeps." Kaleb said behind me. I nod and stood up. He clutch my hand and guided me out, before we walked out the room, I looked back once more. Juliet was here, I know she was.

But why was she here?


Kaleb dusted off another spiderweb on his shirt, cringing as he looked at the thready thin white stuff. " I'll never enter that house again."

I snorted. " I happen to not have walked into one."

He sent me a look of disbelief that made me giggle. " That's because I protected you from them."

I reach over to dust his shirt, smiling. " Thank you my knight in shinning armor."

He pouted, started the car and we were off. I looked at the house through the rearview mirror and my eyes widen when I see her figure. " It's Juliet!"

I whip around and Kaleb's eyes quickly snap to the rearview mirror. " Where? There's no one there baby."

And he was right, there were no signs of Juliet.

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