My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter



Bailey's pov

" Now you two, break it up. We will have none of that in your room." A stern voice reaches my ears and I instantly grow red, peeling away from Kaleb as though he had lit me on fire.

Leaning against my doorframe and pushing the already ajar door wide open, stood my very stern dad. He crossed his arms, his eyes leveling with Kaleb who cleared his throat.

" I may have given you the okay to date my daughter young man, but that doesn't mean I will have you two stay inside her room without some rules." He stepped into the room and stared at the two of us sternly. " Well her bathroom."

Flustered beyond measure I rushed out of the bathroom, Kaleb following close behind me. Dad pointed at the bed. " You two, sit." He commanded.

I plopped my ass on the bed robotically and so does Kaleb. I would have laughed at his expression if I too wasn't in the same predicament.

Dad stood silently, a couple steps in front of us. His arms are crossed and he has that serious expression he does when he is about to go into dad mode. I awkwardly fiddle with my fingers, dropping my gaze to my lap.

" We need to set some ground rules. I will not have my teenage daughter getting pregnant."

I snapped my eyes up and stared at him in surprise, my lips parted as a silent startled sound tumble out.

" Mr-

Kaleb started but dad shook his head, lifting a hand to tell him to hush up. " We have spoken downstairs but my daughter have not heard what I need to say." He returns his eyes on me, a strict expression on his face.

" Your mother and I should have been the first ones to have known you were dating Bailey."

I opened my mouth to respond but he cut in before I could. " Though I am disappointed that you didn't seek us out when you started dating Kaleb, I am at least happy that Kaleb asked me permission to date you himself. Not many guys would do which is why I agreed."

He sent me a pointed look and swept his gaze to Kaleb who I noticed gulped from the corner of my eye. I bit the inside of my cheek.

" Oh come on Blake," Mom's sweet soft voice traveled inside the room. Instinctively I turn my head to see her but she's not here yet.

The sound of faint tapping of her shoes near and she appeared in a few seconds after speaking. Her smile was warm as she enter the room with a smooth grace. She stood beside dad who was already visibly losing some of that stern aura around him.

" We were once teenagers ourselves." Mom wrapped her arm around dad's midsection and beamed up at him. His eyes lose all traces of hardness and is instantly replaced with a warm glimmer.

" Let the kids enjoy themselves as we once did." Her teeth appeared when her grin widened and her eyes glint with something secretive only dad would be able to decipher.

Dad sighed, murmuring something under his breath before turning to us. That stern expression returned but it was not as hard as it was before mom joined. " We still need to set some ground rules. And my lovely wife over her-" He squeezed mom to him lovingly. " Will give you two the talk about the birds and the bees."

Embarrassed, my face flushed uncontrollably. Mom's eyes widen, clearly not expecting dad to throw her under the bus. She snapped her attention to him, stuttering.

He looked down at her with an amused gleam in his eyes. " I think it is only fair....right baby?"

Something passed between the two, something secretive before mom gave in with a light sigh and nod. " Fine." She looked at both Kaleb and me, her grin spreading but doesn't reach her eyes.

"Now you two I am sure you know what sex-

For the next twenty minutes mom rattled on about intercourse and ways to protect and avoid pregnancies. Dad on the other hand made sure to give us a lecture about the rules of the house.

When we were finally let free from I'd say cage, we could only sigh in relief.

" I'm sorry about that." I apologized to Kaleb as I buckled myself in for safety. I winced, remembering what we had just gone through. My parents were embarrassing.

Kaleb responded with a light chuckle and looked over at mom and dad who stood on the porch, waiting for us to drive away. Dad's arms are crossed and mom is beaming at the two of us.

" It's nothing." Kaleb turned to me, his eyes curving at the corners as he smiled. " I'd expect your dad to strangle me but I think coming out alive calls for a celebration." he joked, starting the vehicle. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Mom waved at us while dad gave a stiff nod to Kaleb, as if silently telling him that if I do not return in one piece he'd be buried in the backyard.

I bit my lip and waved them goodbye as Kaleb pulled out of the driveway.

I buried my face in my hands, groaning as my house become a small dot the further we are. " Oh gosh today was embarrassing." my voice is muffled because of my hands covering my mouth.

" I like your dad. I've always liked your parents." He laughed lightly. " I can't wait to say those exact same words to our kids in the future."

His words made me peel my hands off my face and I peeked at him through the cracks in the strands of my hair.

He must have sensed my gaze because he turned to me and smiled. His eyes are filled with tenderness and a hint of playfulness that made me speechless.

" I know you're going to say I am thinking way into the future but," his voice soften, growing faint. " when you know, you just know."

And as though he had not said something so serious, he cracked a smirk. " At least let me dream about it flower."

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