My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter



Bailey's pov

This was not how I imagined my Saturday morning to be like.

I expected to be chilling and watching a show. Maybe even visit Mira. Not this.

Kaleb and Stefan fighting? Did Kaleb go to Stefan's home to fight him? If so, why?

" What are you talking about Mira? Why are they fighting?" I rushed out, scanning around my room for my shoes.

" I am not sure, Ryan didn't tell me. He just said I should go over there because they are still arguing and Kaleb won't listen to him. Stefan's house is like a fifteen minute drive from here, I won't get there soon enough. Can you, can you go please? You're closer."

Even though Mira and her brother do not get along as much, she still care for him. Which is why her voice is so full of worry right now.

I nod instantly. " I will. I'll call you when I get there okay?"

" Thanks Bailey. I'm going to ask dad to drop me off." Her voice is now coating with relief and we both bid our goodbyes, promising to meet at Stefan's.

As I placed my shoe on, my mind races with possible reasons on why the two were fighting, but came up blank. They were close friends, and sure they argued occasionally but they never fought physically.

Worried, I grabbed my phone tightly and rushed down the stairs. Dad's helping mom cook lunch and I skidded to a stop before the kitchen. They both looked up when they heard me.

Dad's brows furrowed in concern. " What's wrong?"

I laughed awkwardly. " I uh kind of forgot something in Stefan's car last night."

" Have him drop it off." Mom suggested as she sprinkled the cheese on top of the macaroni.

Lilian and Ricky had already gone to have the picnic in the park, accompanying the two is aunt Rosalie and uncle Arden, Ricky's parents.

I looked at them nervously. I didn't want them to know that Stefan and Kaleb were currently fighting. But I needed dad to drop me off.

" I'm also meeting Mira there," I bit my lip and quickly added. " For a group project. The three of us, Stefan, Mira and me."

Dad's brows furrowed. " Why don't they just come over here?"

I pinched the ends of my shirt in frustration. I know it was one of those days they get to spend together but a few minutes away wouldn't hurt.

" Dad please?" I pleaded, doing that puppy dog pouty face he could never resist. I learnt from mom.

With a deep sigh, he nod. " Okay," he reach for the kitchen towel to wipe his hands while leaning to kiss mom's head. " I'll be back soon baby."


The drive to Stefan's house was a short one and as we approached my heart pounded faster. I wondered what could have triggered such a heated argument between Kaleb and Stefan. Two friends who were practically inseparable. It had to be something serious for Mira to be this worried.

"Thanks dad." I leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek and stepped out of the vehicle. I spotted Kaleb's car parked in front of the driveway. He didn't park it straight too, which indicated that he came here in a hurry.

Ryan's car is also parked a bit further down the road.

My belly swirled with unease.

"What time should I pick you up? Or are you catching a ride with Mira or will Stefan drop you-

" Yes." I cut in quickly. "I'll have Stefan drop me off."

He nod, his brows furrowing as he peered at me with a quizzical stare. " Is something going on I should know about Bailey?"

I shook my head quickly, sending him a reassuring smile. " Nothing is going on dad. I'll be home for lunch."

I closed the door and waved him goodbye while keeping that smile on my face. When he drives off I quickly turn to Stefan's house.

It's quiet but I know the boys are probably inside. I hurriedly made my way over and knocked on the door, chewing my lips.

What was I going to say to them? I've never really stopped a fight between the boys because I never had to. They never fought before!

Nervously shifting on my feet, I waited with battered breath for someone to answer the door. A minute goes by and no one showed up.

But in that last second I heard it, well him, his loud angry shout that blasted through the walls and reached my ears.

" You kissed her!" He roared, making my heart jump in my throat at the aggressive tone. The intensity of Kaleb's anger sent shivers down my spine and I didn't really think about it when I pushed the door open and stepped inside.

If I had known it was unlocked I would have opened it a long time ago.

I froze when I saw the scene in front of me, Kaleb and Stefan standing in the middle of the room, Kaleb's fisting Stefan's shirt with one of his hands raised. Ryan is standing beside them, his eyes wide and his hand on Kaleb's to stop him.

My heart thrust against my chest.

" What the hell is going on?" I yelled, earning everyone's attention. I noticed the sudden stiffness of Kaleb's shoulders when my voice traveled through the air but he doesn't turn around to glance at me.

Stefan on the other hand looks at me and I winced inwardly when I noticed his split lip, his bruised jaw and the blue coloring happening around his left eye. NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

Stefan's eyes narrowed as he swept them back over to Kaleb. " Ask Kaleb over here."

From here I saw the way Kaleb's fist on Stefan's shirt tighten brutally.

Nerves fluttering in my stomach, I looked at him. " Kaleb, what's going on?"

" Yes Kaleb. Tell her your fucking issue for barging into my home and assaulting me." Stefan mocked, licking the blood on his lip.

Kaleb groaned in anger and pulled Stefan forcefully to him.

My heart skips and I rush to their side, hoping to stop the brewing fight. " Kaleb don't!" I rushed, grabbing his arm before he swung.

He froze and left his hard eyes on Stefan. I looked at Ryan for help and he winced. " I've tried to stop them Bailey."

" Shut the fuck up Ryan, I have a bone to pick with you too for making Mirabella touch your dirty dick!" Kaleb roared but kept his gaze on Stefan.

Ryan cringed.

" Is this about Mira? The dare?" I asked Kaleb in frustration. " It was a game Kaleb, Mira had to do it-

I flinched away when he suddenly span around, catching me off guard. " This isn't about Mirabella Bailey! You fucking kissed Stefan last night!" He sneered.

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