My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter



Bailey slipped on her shoes, a little more intrigued to know how her best friend planned to ruin her brother's night.

"I'm going to get him back for all the times he forced me to hear him f*cking those girls." Mirabella sneered under her breath and stepped out into the cold chill of the night. Bailey followed after her, crossing her arms and rubbing her hands over them as goosebumps raised on her skin.

Dammit. It was really cold out, and it didn't help that she was really inappropriately dressed to be outside at this hour.

"And how will you do that?" Bailey whispered as she tiptoed to catch up with her best friend who strolled across the lawn. Kaleb would definitely not be able to hear her voice or her footsteps but she'd rather take precautions.

"Simple." Mirabella shrugged and quickened her footsteps.

Bailey quickened hers and looked around. The street lights gave off enough light, but where Mirabella was currently heading to was a bit darker.

"I'm going to drown him," Mirabella said and Bailey froze a bit.

Drown him? Was Mirabella going to magically drag her brother's body into the pool? Or a tub? Bailey shook her head. Mira must have not meant it that way. Obviously, she would not actually drown her brother.

Mirabella stopped just under Kaleb's opened window and tilted her head up to send it a glare. Kaleb always had his window opened since he usually liked to sneak out, or sneak a girl in.

Bailey went to join her and cringed. From here, she can hear that girl moans and Kaleb's grunts. Her stomach knotted in disgust and she had to gulp the vomit that tickled up her throat.

"Oh, Kaleb!" The girl screamed and Bailey's jaw ticked. She really didn't want to hear them anymore so whatever Mira had planned, she hoped to God that it would make them stop.

"When I'm done with you two, you'll only be screaming in mercy." Mirabella sneered and Bailey looked at her sideways. Her best friend had something up her sleeve, but what was her plan?

"Okay, what are we doing Mira?" Bailey said with a little bit of urgency. It was better to get this over with before her parents got back, and hopefully before both of them got a chill and froze to death.

Mira nods her head to the hose that was connected to the pipe. "I'm going to climb that dang tree and shower them with blessings."

Mira pointed to the branch that hung over and touched Kaleb's window. It was the same branch Kaleb obviously used to climb down when he snuck out. Bailey's brows lifted. Wow, why hadn't she thought of that? She threw her hand over her mouth to stifle her giggle even though she knew Kaleb was way too busy to hear them.

Mirabella turned to Bailey and spoke. "Okay, game plan. You're going to help me up that dang tree and when I'm up on the branch, you'll throw the hose up. Then when I give the go, you'll open the pipe." Bailey nodded, a bit skeptical and a bit excited to stop Kaleb and that girl in there.

Mirabella glared at Kaleb's bedroom window one last time before walking over to the huge tree. Mirabella wasn't a pro tree climber like her brother, but she was sure she could get up there without breaking a leg or two.

Bailey followed after her and when the two stood under the tree Mirabella gave a wince that was supposed to be a reassuring smile. "This is no biggie. I can do this."

Bailey nodded. "Yes, you can." She tilts her head up to look at the tree and cringe. It was rather tall, but if Mira could grip the right branches then she'd be fine.

Mira nodded and then said "Okay, help me up."

Bailey got closer to her and tangled her fingers together and then waited for Mira to place her foot in.

When she does, Bailey winced but didn’t protest as she pushed Mira up until she clutched a tree branch. Mira was heavy as hell and Bailey huffed. "You weigh as heavy as an elephant, b*tch." She joked, her mouth parting as she pants. This was a damn workout.

"Shut up, h*e." Mira said as she helped herself up the tree the rest of the way. This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

Bailey giggled this time, not caring if she was too loud. Kaleb wouldn't hear them anyway.

When Mira reached that branch leading to Kaleb's opened window, she wrapped her legs around it firmly and then looked at the window. She quickly tore her eyes away and looked ready to barf.

"Are you okay up there!?" Bailey questions a bit loud. Mirabella nods, her mouth covered by her palm in what Bailey presumed was to stop her from vomiting as she lifted her thumb up.

Relieved, Bailey sighed and then found herself back under Kaleb's window where she could hear more of their sexual sounds. She gritted her teeth. She can't wait to put a stop to this. Bailey smirked, already feeling satisfied that she was about to ruin his night.

Bailey tugged the hose. It was long so she had no doubt that it would get to Mirabella. She walked until she was just under Mirabella who was clutching the huge tree branch for dear life. Mirabella nodded and fixed herself a bit better, then told her to throw the hose up.

Bailey did her best but the first attempt had the head of the hose smacking Mirabella's hand.

"F*ck." Mirabella hisses while shaking her hand.

Bailey mouths sorry and tries again. This time Mirabella catches the hose and lifts her hands up in victory. Bailey giggled and waited for Mira's signal to open the pipe.

Mira fixes herself and aims the head of the hose at Kaleb's opened window then with a smirk, looks down at her best friend and gives her a thumbs up.

Bailey grinned and skipped over to the pipe, looked up at Kaleb's window and then leaned down to twist the pipe open.

And just like that, the sound of screeching fills the night. The water was cold, she had an inkling it was.

Bailey quickly ran over to Mirabella, giggling as she watched her best friend shower the inside of Kaleb's room with water. Kaleb's bed was directly under the window so she knew Mirabella was aiming in the right place. The girl, who was moaning seconds ago, screeched in shock.

Mirabella and Bailey laughed their asses off, one nearly rolling off the tree and the other clutching her stomach.

"What the f*ck!" They heard Kaleb yell and then suddenly, the two girls were showered with a sudden yellow light.

They snapped their heads up to see a car rolling into the driveway. ‘Oh sh*t’ Bailey thought as Mia, the twins' mother, got out of the car with narrowed eyes. Her husband followed suit. There was no doubt that they could spot the two girls.

"What's going on?!" Mia yelled.

Mirabella, who still had the hose aimed at Kaleb's opened window, yelped and then…

"Ooph." She pushed out of her mouth as she landed on the grass, just beside Bailey's feet.

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