Mummy & Daddy’s Naughty Diary (Erotica)


When I got the palm of my hand rubbing against her pussy, she gasped, and then she hurriedly began to tug my pants off.

My cock sprang free, she gripped it and began stroking it as she moved her head down to my lap. She moved her lips and slowly slid my cock into her warm inviting mouth and then…

“OUCH!!!” I screamed. “What the hell did you bite it for?” I yelled at Megan.

A flustered discombobulated Megan started stammering, “I didn’t know! I was just following Kate’s advice!”

“Just try to be careful, Megan, that’s some tender spot right there,” I said as I moved her head back.

She cautiously slid my dick back in and began softly licking it and applying suction. I groaned in approval and offered some suggestions to her. She happily complied.

I broke away and undressed her, greedily taking in her beauty. Her tits were perfect as they swayed with her motions. The large pinkish-red areolas chilled in the air drawing her nipples taut, begging to be sucked. Her flat abdomen twitched to my touch as I trailed to caress her soft downy auburn pussy.

We continued to kiss as our hands roved across each other. I grabbed her mane of fiery hair and pulled gently. Her head drew up to me in compliance and I growled at her, “You belong to me and to only me!” She responded by enthusiastically kissing my face and chest, and, thankfully, gently nibbling at my nipples.

I laid down on the rock and maneuvered her until she was in the 69 position as I began licking her pussy. She groaned in pleasure and went back to servicing me. I began feeling the sensation of her body shaking against me as her orgasms began. We continued through the afternoon until close to the sunset hour when I moved her on top and she straddled me.

Slowly she slid my engorged dick deeper and deeper into her until I was finally fully in her warm confines. She slowly began to stroke her body against me at the pace she desired. Her eyes closed as she focused on the pleasures resonating in her.

We continued as our sweat-slicked bodies slid freely against each other. I rolled on top of her in the missionary position. She mewled like a feral kitten as I thrust into her, her legs actively climbing against my thighs trying to get better access to what was causing her pleasure. When I came, I held fully in her and felt her shaking through her last orgasm. We began kissing and caressing each other, gasping to recover our breath. A half hour passed, and then we took a dip underneath the waterfall, cleansing each other.

When we came back into camp, Willi and Gretchen giggled at us. Others gave us a knowing smile. When a mischievous Kate asked how we spent the day, I told her that her lessons lacked some very important details. I walked on while Megan stayed behind to talk to Kate. Suddenly, I heard Kate erupt with a howl of laughter.

For the remainder of the week, we returned to our rock and Megan practiced Kate’s lessons avidly.

We broke camp and began our westward trek again. Megan now drove our second wagon, with Gretchen by her side. Willi rode with me. We soon settled into a harmonious pattern, and things couldn’t have been better when the rider rode up with news that impacted our lives.

Gold had been found in nearby Colorado, and there was a rush of miners desperately headed that way. I had the chance to be the first to sell them supplies. The possibilities of profits skyrocketed, and all I had to do was turn south and leave the train. That night, I discussed this at the campfire, carefully watching to see how Megan would respond. Would she go with me to Colorado? Would she continue to Utah to become the dutiful third wife of Lee Young, or would she continue to California with Kate?

She continued to look at me as I talked and then said, “You won me fair and square, and now you have to keep me, Zeb!” I rushed to her and kissed her over and over as the children cheered.

We gave the news of our decision to everyone the next morning. We were surprised that Herman Kohrs and close to a hundred others had also decided that Colorado would be their homestead. Kate told us that she was interested in continuing to California and then to Arizona to meet her dentist that she was interested in, so we said our farewells.

Before she left, Kate hugged me and Megan and wiped a tear from her eyes. “I’m so glad for the both of you, and that y’all put aside that nonsense of Megan being married to that old fart in Utah. Y’all seemed to have forgotten that polygamy is illegal in America, and, no marriage is legal until it has been consummated… I’ve fucked enough lawyers to find that out!” She laughed, “At least y’all got that consummated part worked out!This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

We waved goodbye, telling her that she would always be welcomed in our home. Willi and Gretchen ran alongside her wagon saying goodbye to their Aunt Kate. She kept laughing and crying as she waved back until she was no longer in sight.

We drove to a community called Golden, and we fell in love with the beautiful terrain. I set up my wagons for business, and soon sold every item I had to miners rushing in to strike it rich. I sent a telegram to St. Louis to replenish my wares and set out to build a store in the boomtown in the meantime.

We also settled on a large grassy plateau for our homestead, and Willi and I began building our house. Herman Kohrs settled just a few miles away, and he continued to rave about how pure the water was as he built his business.

A year later, I was riding up to the store in the early morning. It was a crisp morning of October 15th. As I hitched my horse in front of the rail in front of my store I saw a group of men slowly walking towards me. One of them shouted at me and I focused on them.

The old scabrous man yelled at me, “I’m here to kill you Zebulon Russell, for stealing my wife!”

Lee Young continued to approach me, even though he was suffering from the end stages of syphilis. I shuddered to think of how close Megan came to being infected by this degenerate villain.

Young was accompanied by others walking side by side with him. All of them brandished shotguns aimed my way. As they closed, I recognized William Cutler, Mike the Pimp, Preacher Jeffers, and Johnny-Behind-The-Deuce. I had no idea how this Devil’s Brew came to being, all I knew was that each one was hellbent on killing me.

They intended to give me the same chance McCluskie had when he was shot down in Tuttle’s Dance Hall, which was none. I intended to give them the same chance Jim Riley gave McCluskie’s killers, which was none.

They were 50 yards away when I pulled the Henry repeater out of the scabbard. Their eyes widen as I levered in a shell and aimed at them. I fired the first shot and a crimson bloom appeared on Lee Young’s white shirt. The impact spun him around and his finger twitched on the trigger of his shotgun as it discharged.

Buckshot from the 12-gauge shotgun cratered into the side of Preacher Jeffers’ chest. As he fell, I noticed his right arm was hanging on by a slim thread of sinew. I rapidly fired two more shots into Lee Young’s chest causing the whole front of the shirt to go red. He collapsed in the dirt.

Johnny-Behind-The -Deuce made a desperate run to get close to me so he could obliterate me with his shotgun.

He didn’t get close enough, fast enough.

I fired and the 44-caliber bullet struck him in the forehead, killing him instantly.

I felt the sting of expended shotgun pellets fired from Cutler too far away to harm me. He was fumbling open the breech of the shotgun trying to quickly reload his weapon. His desperation caused him to drop a shell in the dirt. When I took aim, he screamed and threw his shotgun down and brought his arms up to shield himself.

My shot had no problem penetrating his pitiful defense. He flew back as the bullet smashed in his chest and stopped his heart. He collapsed to the ground and weakly lifted one arm to the sky before it feebly fell across his chest.

I turned my attention on Mike the Pimp. He threw down his shotgun and cried at me not to shoot him. The sheriff came out on the street and promptly arrested him and took him to jail as he still begged for mercy, throwing all the blame on the others.

I carefully walked up to the four men lying in the street to confirm they were dead. Preacher Jeffers was alive, barely. His rapid breaths blew bloody red frothy foam from his chest. His unfocused eyes slowly settled on me and then somehow, he recognized me.

“We looked for you in California; you weren’t there.” He gasped.

“That’s right.” I agreed, looking down at him.

“My partner shot me!” he complained about the inequity of it.

“The Lord works in mysterious ways, Jeffers. Enjoy Hell.” I pronounced as he sounded his death rattle and died. I turned to open my store.

Eight years quickly passed by, and we thrived and prospered. Willi was eighteen and a full partner in our mercantile store. He did the bulk of the work and I left all decisions with him.

I had gotten to the point that I could afford to grubstake miners that I thought would strike it rich for a percentage if they did. Enough did and honored our agreements that I was a millionaire without having to toil in the mines.

Megan was employed as a teacher at a school, three miles from our ranch. Each morning she would load the wagon with our children; Gretchen, now thirteen, Katherine, six, named after her Aunt Kate, Rachel, five, named after Megan’s sister, and James, four, named after my friend Jim Martin who died in that awful shootout in a bar in Kansas that prompted me to turn my life around.

The three toddlers adored their big sister Gretchen and all wanted to be close to her when they could. They would scramble to climb into her lap as Megan set the wagon off to school.

As soon as the wagon set off, an ox would start trailing the wagon, arrive at the school while classes were attended, wait patiently until the classes were dismissed for Gretchen to come out and ride it bareback to Gretchen’s destination; whether it was home or the store.

We had tried to keep it corralled in a pen or the barn, but Willi and I got tired of repairing the damage every day, so we allowed it free range to follow Gretchen. Needless to say, she was talked about by everybody in our community, and I began to worry when interested boys started sniffing around her at our church’s social picnics on Sunday afternoon.

Eligible girls would prepare a picnic basket lunch. Eligible boys would bid on the lunches. The bid winners would enjoy the meal and the company of the girl that afternoon. I had agitated Megan and Gretchen by warning that I would outbid every fellow interested in Gretchen.

Gretchen would run to her brother to protest my statements, but he just laughed and reminded Gretchen how she had me wrapped around her finger.

Willi also enjoyed the church socials. He had continued to exclusively bid on Herman Kohrs’ daughter’s lunch basket. Only once was he unsuccessful, when he didn’t anticipate a rival’s bid. The grim look he held as the girl looked helplessly back at Willi while the rival led her off to the picnic grounds, was an indication of what he felt for her. The next Sunday, the rival, sporting a black eye and broken nose, failed to make a bid. Willi, with his split lip, was pleased as he once again accompanied his sweetheart to their picnic.

Herman Kohrs told me that when our kids entered into matrimony he intended to have Willi work in his brewery. I told Herman that if Willi was happy I had no objection to having him working in a brewery that was establishing a great name for Herman’s beer.

As I reflected on my life, all in all, I was satisfied how everything turned out.

“STOP DAMN IDIOT BEAST!” Gretchen screeched outside my store.

Of course, there were always a few projects to work out.

Historical footnotes:

“Seeing the elephant” was a phrase popular during the Civil War. Due to the novelty of seeing an elephant, young men eager for war equated the imagined glory of war with that novelty as they pursued it, only to find out the grim reality of combat.

Earl Van Dorn, as noted, was an incompetent Confederate general. He was indeed killed by an irate husband who was not prosecuted for Van Dorn’s murder.

General Order Number 11 was an edict issued by a Union general that caused the eviction of everyone in four counties in southwest Missouri during the Civil War. All their property was either confiscated or destroyed.

Adolph Herman Kohrs migrated from Prussia to Golden, Colorado, and started a very successful brewery. He later Americanized his name to Coors.

Sheriff Henry Newton Brown was a contemporary of Billy the Kid, and participated in the Lincoln County War in New Mexico. He was later appointed Sheriff of Caldwell, Kansas, one of the bloodiest cow towns in the Old West. Brown’s death as described in the story pretty much tracked the actual events.

The Shootout at Hyde Park was the deadliest single encounter in the Old West. Yes, it even beat the Gunfight at the OK Corral. Jim Martin was an innocent victim of the shooting, and James Riley did ride off into the night, only to disappear from the pages of history.

Katherine Horony was better known in the West as Big Nose Kate. She was a prostitute and the common-law wife of a dentist in Arizona. The name of that dentist was Doc Holliday.

The Bowie Knife, named after the Alamo hero, Jim Bowie, was created by blacksmith James Black in Washington, Arkansas. The secret of his technique of creating Damascus steel has been lost from the pages of history. To date, no one has fully duplicated Black’s results.

Johnny-Behind-The-Deuce/Michael O’Rourke was a cardsharp and gambler best known for being an associate of the Earp’s faction in Tombstone, Arizona.

The Mormons settled into the Utah territory in 1847 and openly practiced polygamy. As a quid pro quo to gain statehood they outlawed polygamy and became the 45th state in 1896.

Finally, to write this story, I had to mix up details both chronologically and geographically out of sequence. So, for example, if you jump my case saying the Llano Estacado was nowhere near the Oregon Trail or that Billy The Kid was already dead when Henry Newton Brown met his demise, all I can say is guilty as charged. Otherwise, I hope you enjoyed the story.

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