Mr CEO’s Little Bride

A cook

Chapter 32

Ruby’s Pov;

His cold gaze pierced deep into my skin and made me shiver.

Goodness!! Could he lower his gaze down a little bit? I could literally feel my skin burning hot.

I halted at the door and he walked closer to him, a bottle of wine in his right hand .

I could tell he was planning on getting drunk.

What the..?.

” Nathan” I called slowly as he approached me, whimpering.

I managed to look straight at him in the eyes and I could see they were bloodshot and red.

Has he been crying?.

Oh, no!! What happened? What could have transpired back there? It must have hurt him alot.

” Nathan!!” I called again, this time louder.

I looked around but there seemed to be no one around.

Apart from the workers I saw outside, I don’t think there were any indoor staffs or workers.

How then does he cope in this huge house? Alone?.

” Nathan! ” I called for the last time before he landed on my body.

He collapsed on me and I had to use the whole of my strength or drag him to the couch.

I can’t believe this is actually happening? It’s a good thing I had insisted on coming. What if I hadn’t?

He would have suffered alot.

I left him to go call the gatekeeper to help me.

He did come and helped me take Nathan to his room.

I placed the little clothes I brought in his wardrobe, before heading to the kitchen to get water and a piece of cloth.

He was burning hot, and that was the only thing I could think of.

I did this for a while till his temperature went down.

The room was well ventilated and since there were windows, I decided to open them to allow in fresh air.

I watched over him for some minutes before leaving.

It was night already by the time I came out of his room, and I was damn hungry.

I went to the kitchen to fix myself something to eat only to meet an empty kitchen.

Goodness gracious!! He’s got to be kidding me.

So this is how I’m gonna starve? I can’t believe this.

There was nothing. When I say nothing, I mean nothing.

The cupboards, and all were all empty.

I almost broke down in tears and my grumbling stomach was making matters worse.

What do I do now? I doubt I would be able to go out to get something to eat.

Not having much of a choice, I decided to sleep like that.

I managed to take my bathe and went to bed, but the hunger was dealing with me, and therefore kept me turning from one side of the bed to the other.

Sleep did came, but I doubt how.



I woke up the next morning with a slight migraine.

The sun was already high up in the sky and was shining brightly into the room through the window.

Speaking of that, I’m very sure it was closed yesterday, so how come…

I didn’t complete my statement when he walked in.

He stood by the door and stared at me, making me uncomfortable.

I don’t know how he does it, but he does have a way of making my heat skip a beat.

” G… good morning” I struggled to say, gently getting out of bed.

He said nothing.

Phew!! Won’t he ask what I am doing at his house and why I followed him?.

Won’t he thank me for taking good care of him last night?.

Is he just gonna stand there and look at me?.

” Come down for breakfast” he said and left, leaving me stunned.

I had a puzzled look on my face which made me wonder and imagine alot of things.

Hold on; Did I hear him correctly? Did he seriously cook? Like he prepared breakfast?.

I can’t believe this! This has got to be the best news in history?.

I ran into the bathroom as fast as I could, do all I have to do and was out in no time.

I dressed up in a simple gown and was out of the room in no time.

I got downstairs to the dinning to meet it filled up with different meals and dessert.

Oh, my!! I doubt he did this? Did he hire someone to do this or he ordered?.

As if to confirm my suspicious and answer my questions, a young lady stepped out from the kitchen side.

She was so damn pretty and had curves in the right places.

She was cladded in a t-shirt and jeans trousers, and then a sandals.

She was dressed simply, yet smartly.

I could tell she wasn’t someone ordinary or common.

” That would be all” she turned to Nathan with a smile and said.

” Good morning. You must be Ruby” she turned to me with that same smile and said.

I didn’t know how to force out a smile at her so I just nodded instead.

” Glad to finally meet you. I’m Stacy – Mr Nathan’s personal cook” she revealed and my eyes quickly went to Nathan’s face

He didn’t give a damn about any of us as he was busy savouring the delicious meal in front of him like a starved criminal.

Don’t tell me this is why he always refused to eat at home?.

I dont know what it is, but I could feel this emotional building inside of me, and it wasn’t a good one.

Part of me wanted to smash Stacy’s head on the wall, and the other wanted to run up to my room and cry my eyes out.

” Arent you gonna eat?” she interrupted my thoughts.

Nathan said nothing still, but this time, he brought his head up to look at me.

I had to take a seat as she served me.

I forced myself to take the first spoon and goodness!!… I just had to admit that she was so good.

Her meal is heavenly which made me even more jealous.

Nathan was almost done and all I did was sit there and force myself to eat.

Can’t believe this is what I was rushing down excitedly for.

Nathan was done in no time and she packed up his plate and took them to the kitchen.

Nathan got up and left and I did also.

I went to meet her in the kitchen, only to find her preparing another meal.

” Oh!! Don’t tell me you’re done already?” she asked with her usual cheerful smile.

What exactly is making her smile so much? Do I look happy or excited to her?.

I took out time to study her dress.

Woah!! I can’t believe a cook would dress like this.

Does she think she’s going to a party or what?.

Doesn’t she know she’s coming to cook for a married man?.

And why would Nathan bring his cook over when I was there? What does that make me? What does he see me as? How does he want her to see me?.

She would probably be thinking now that I can’t do anything.

” What you doing?” I asked trying to be friendly.

” I… uhm… I’m just making…”

” Is it ready?” I heard Nathan’s voice behind us.

I looked back to see him appeaching us.

He got to where we were and walked to her side.

He picked up a piece of meat from the ones she had fried and threw it into his mouth, chewing it noisily and tastily.

He nodded his head along as he did.

” Good! I love this. I like the way you seasoned it” he complimented, making me scoff.

He’s kidding me right? If only I could rip his throats out.

This is so unbelievable!!.

I scoffed and angrily walked out of the kitchen.

I didn’t care to think how they would see that or how he would react to it?.

I was damn mad and wished I hadn’t come. It’s obvious he’s more than capable of taking care of himself, and from the look of things, it wasn’t her first, second or even third time there.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

She’s even had the kitchen stocked up with foodstuffs.

Woah!! What a nice show?.

Does he enjoys humiliating me or what? And how come he always acts like I dont exist?.

He’s really pissing me off and it wasn’t funny one bit.

I went to the fridge and brought out fruits from it after which I walked to the couch to start eating it.

I had abandoned my meal as I refused to eat it out of anger.

What I didn’t seem to understand was the reason I was angry.

It’s not like he has done anything wrong. This is obviously how he has been living his life, even before I came into the picture.

But that girl… nah! Her dressing and everything about her just make me feel so…

” Are you supposed to be here?” I heard that sweet voice of his behind me.

I smiled sweetly as I thought he finally seemed to notice I existed in that house, but his next words made the smile vanish as soon as it came.

” Doing what?” he asked, his voice cold and stern and his facial expressions not helping issues either.


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