Chapter Ten

“Wow, this is one thing I love about these trips, the food,”

Katrina said, savoring the food, they were on the plane, she had waited three hours more before she could eat, it was already past eleven am, this was the longest she had stayed without food in a while and she didn’t want to repeat the experience.

“Sorry it took so long for you to eat, I know how hungry you were,”

“I can tell you that you don’t know the half of it, but it’s cool, and I am just gonna get used to you saying sorry and also being sweet to me,”

She replied before stuffing her mouth with food, whoever prepared this food needs a pay raise because God damn it they were doing a superb job.

“Once again I should defend myself that I have always been a sweet and nice boss,”

Lucas said and Katrina eyed him before stuffing her mouth with food again.

“What? I am saying the truth and you know that,”

He defended.

“I didn’t say anything though,”

“Yeah, you didn’t but your eyes did all the talking,”

“Okay, let’s talk about it now since we are on it,” she replied dropping her spoon, “shall we?”

She asked challenging him, he seem to believe his narrative that he is a nice boss, she isn’t disputing the fact that he can be nice sometimes, he can, like he bought her a car and do treat her to lots of gifts and benefits but she always felt that she deserved those things because she worked hard for them, being able to tolerate his every mood swing alone is hard work.

“We shall. tell me a moment I wasn’t nice to you,”

He replied sipping from his wine glass.

“Oh I have loads of things to say, one is you usually just ignore me during trips even long ones and it’s not nice, you only talk to me when it is about work and just let me sit in silence the remaining time,”

“Well, I don’t ignore you completely, we have a good working relationship not everyone will feel comfortable telling their boss what you just told me, and not everyone has conversations with their boss outside work and you and I are just doing that,”

“Aren’t you forgetting something? You are my boyfriend for this trip, not my boss,”

She reminded, she knew she shouldn’t get used to it but she didn’t know how to stop herself.

“That’s true, so we are both going to stop being a boss and worker and be a couple, I like how you think,”

“Back to what I was saying, number two, you are too strict, the other secretaries and even most workers don’t like you, do you know how hard it is to defend you sometimes?”

She voiced shaking her head.

“Wow, you defend me? That’s so sweet, but again I need to be strict, and also not everyone will like me and I am okay with that,”

He said with a wave of his hand as he took a sip from his wine, a tiny drop stayed on his lips and Kat suddenly had the urge to suck it off his lips, she shook the feeling off and watched as his tongue came out and licked off the drop, his eyes landed on her that moment and her throat went dry, the way he looked at her made her shiver, she quickly removed her eyes from him and faced her food, that she suddenly didn’t have an appetite for, the man sitting across looked more appealing and she wanted to have a

taste so badly, she shook the thought of and looked up to see him watching her.


She asked.

“Nothing, I just…** Nevermind,”

He said and she wondered what he had been about to say.

“I have finished with the file you have me on Monday and I wanted to send it to you but decided not to yet, since we have other things to do and the recruitment is not until next month,”

She disclosed, changing the topic.

“Are you trying to deviate from what we were saying before? Cuz you know I am indeed a nice boss?”

He questioned raising his eyebrows.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“No, I just thought I will let you know since I just remembered and also, you are not nice,”

She replied pointing at spoon in his direction, she dropped the spoon and beckoned on the air hostres to take the plate away as she was no longer eating it.

“Keep telling yourself that,”

He replied when the hostres left.

“Whatever, so anything else I have to do?”

She asked wanting to do nothing than fall asleep and wake up in California.

“Nothing, for now, you can ask me anything though,”

She thought hard about what she is missing, but nothing seemed to come up, they have already established that she is acting as his girlfriend and also make it convincing enough, when they get there she will do just that, it’s not gonna be hard pretending to be in love with him when she already is, she is just gonna release all the pent up feelings, he wouldn’t know anyway, he will just think she is good at playing her part. Her problem is gonna be when this is over and she has to let go, that’s why she shouldn’t let this get into her head, she shouldn’t let the girlfriend in without thinking of the fake before it.

“Lucas, what about sleeping arrangements? We never talked about that,”

She inquired suddenly remembering they never talked of sleeping arrangements.

“I don’t know but I think we are sharing a room,”


“Is there a problem with that? Don’t you think it will be off if we are a couple and we sleep in separate rooms?”

“No, I don’t think so, we are not married,”

“Couples share a room even when they are not married Kat, I mean you should know, you live with that guy,”

“What guy?”

“The one in the designing team, what’s his name again?”

“You mean Jordan?”

“Yes, him, why do you live with a guy I know he is not your boyfriend or is he?”

“Jordan is my best friend we’ve been besties since our teenage days,”

She replied laughing at him for thinking Jordan is her boyfriend.

“So you guys live together? You do know that there’s is no such thing as just friends between a guy and a lady right?”

“Come on, Jordan is just a friend and besides he prefers guys, and also we don’t live together, he had a little something going on that’s why he is at my place”

She revealed and laughed at his expression, he muttered something she didn’t hear.

“What did you say?”

She asked.

“Nothing, anyway about the sleeping arrangements, I promise I am a good guy, I don’t bite and also I will give you space to do your stuff but we are sharing the bed, there is no way I am laying on a couch and I can’t let you do that either,”

He said and she felt and little shiver, the thought of them on the same bed was both appealing and scary at the same time, what if she got so overwhelmed and jump on him? “Oh God help me,” she silently prayed.

“Well, except you wanna volunteer to use the floor,”

He added in a teasing voice.

“No, you said you don’t know about the sleeping arrangement yet, so maybe the old one will be so old fashioned that he won’t let two unmarried people share the same room,”

She said even though she knew the probability of that been true is low.

“I doubt that,”

Lucas said confirming her fear, she just had to find a way of surviving one week in Lucas’s bed without jumping on him.

“I might just rape him,” she mumbled to herself.

“What the did you say?”


“You sure? I thought I heard something,”

“It’s nothing for real, I was just thinking out loud,”

“Okay, if you say so,”

“You look tired, we still have about four or five hours to travel so you can use the suit it’s more comfortable than the chair,”

He offered, again a first, she has entered the plane suit but she has never used it, this would be the first time, in over five years since they started using the private jet, she didn’t voice it out though she just nodded and stood up to head there.


He called.


She answered turning to face him.

“Thank you again, this means so much to me,”

She didn’t know what to say so she just nodded and went into the room and lay on the bed, staring at the rooftop and imagining how it would be like being on the same bed with Lucas.

She thought of what Jordan told and contemplated doing as he said, but she didn’t know how she will deal with the consequences and what more if Lucas rejects her, how is she gonna deal with the embarrassment? She loved working for Lucas and didn’t want to have to quit, she kept toasting and turning until she fell asleep.

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