Chapter Forty-one

“Are you going to keep this up? Should I go get Lucas or are you going to move on? Because this is getting really serious, it’s been three weeks and you are still like this,”

Jordan said in a rather harsh tone, Katrina couldn’t blame him for getting tired of her, she was tired of herself too, three weeks has passed since she quit her job and told Lucas she was moving on but so far she hasn’t done any of that, the only thing she has done these past two weeks was cry and eat which made her gain weight, she hasn’t even been out of the house for three weeks now, she looked pitiful, when she had left Lucas at the apartment, she had driven to Starbucks and ordered enough junk and had driven home and stuffed herself with it, watched TV, the first day had been great, she didn’t even cry but then reality dawn on her two days later and since then she has been in absolute pain and hurt.

“I am sorry Jord, I just can’t help it okay, I wanna stop but I can’t, it as if I can’t control myself or my emotions, Lucas is not even the problem here, I think about anything and I am crying, and also food, I know I like to eat but this, I don’t know but my craving for food increased and just like the tears I can’t control it, I feel like someone has taken over my body,”

She explained laying face up in the bed, the bed that has been her second-best friend for three weeks now, she turned off her phone and had left the outside world outside.

“Could it be that you are pregnant?”

Jordan asked and she shot up from the bed, it never crossed her mind, she ran to where her calendar was and checked the date, she was late, her periods were never late but she doubt she would be pregnant may be stressed and her overthinking had delayed it.

“What? Do you think you might be?”

Jordan asks coming to where she stood in front of the calendar.

“I don’t know but I am a month late, I didn’t see it last month,”

“Wow, girl, time to do a test,”

“I don’t think I am pregnant Jordan,”

“Girl, you have been crying like a hormonal woman, eating more than you usually do, okay except you have a dating disorder which doesn’t make sense because eating disorder won’t make you cry every moment, and lastly, you are a month late, you are never late.”

He said, he knew her so well.

“Do you think I might be?”

“There is only one way that find out,”

He said pointing at the door, but she didn’t want to leave her house.

“Would you mind going to get it for me? I don’t feel like leaving the house,”

She pleaded.

“You are going to have to leave soon,”

He said already picking up his car keys to head out, she followed him to the door.

“Thanks, Jord,”

“Just don’t cry while I am away, and what brand should I get?”

He asked, she didn’t know, this was the first time she was doing it, and didn’t know which brand works better and is more accurate.

“Just get different brand, just to be sure,”

“Alright then, see you in a bit,”

He said and left, she went back towards her room, she made a stop at where the gifts were still stocked, she hasn’t gotten a call from the person since the last time, well that could be because her phone was off, whoever it is was one of the reasons she turned her phone off, and the other being that she might call Lucas which will be shameful, she closed the door to the gift room and went back to her bedroom, the doorbell rang, thinking it would be her neighbor or Jordan who sometimes forgets her password she went to open the door, the person there looked familiar but she couldn’t remember where she knew him from.

“Hi, how may I help you?”

She requested politely.

“Hello, Katrina, I guess you forgot who I am, am I really that forgettable?”

He asked with a smile.

“I am sorry, there’s been a lot in my mind, if you don’t mind reminding me,”

“It’s Nas,”

He replied.

“Oh my God, I am so sorry I didn’t recognize you, it’s been a while, how have you been?”

She asked wondering if she should let him in, her house was in no place to receive a guest right now, but then he kept looking inside so she just let him in.

“Your house is just like I remembered,”

He said sitting down, she offered him a drink but he declined. He has only been in her house once, she couldn’t remember if she had let him into her apartment but she didn’t give it much thought.

“So what’s up?”

She asked sitting on the chair opposite him.

“Nothing much, I had something to do in your area and just decided to stop by since it’s been a while that I have seen you, and you weren’t taking your calls, no your number wasn’t going through,”

“that’s because I turned off my phone,”

“Ahh, I thought you had me blocked, you look like hell but the way, what’s going on?”

He asked, she lowered her head.

“Hmm, let’s just say, I am not in my best state right now,”

“Is it because of him?”

He asked. She had told him on their date that she had feelings for Lucas, which had been why she hadn’t gone for another date with him, he had understood her and they choose to be just friends instead even though they have only met one or two times since then.

“Yes and no, yes he is the reason or rather was the reason and no because he is no longer the reason,”

She replied, it sounded confusing even to her ears but he nodded like he understood her.

“Does that mean you are over your feelings for him?”

“Yes, almost there,”

“That’s good then, so now maybe I will stand a chance with you,”

She wanted to tell him he didn’t still stand a chance but Jordan had told her for her to move on she had to give another man a chance, and she planned on doing just that.

“I don’t know yet because right now, it still hurt so bad,”

She answered truthfully.

“I can wait,”

He said, they talked for some minutes before he stood up to leave, she saw him to the door, she couldn’t say it was nice to see him again, she just felt nothing, when he left she went back to her room, a few moments later she had the door lock click, she got up from the bed again, this time it was Jordan, he looked offended.

“Hey, Jordan, what happened?”

“I met a crazy dude at the pharmacy and he kept asking stupid questions instead of just giving me what I requested for,”

He lamented.

“So, did you get it?”

She asked anxious already, she still felt she wasn’t pregnant and she didn’t want to hope and get disappointed, what more if she is pregnant what’s she going to do? She had kept those thoughts out of her head but now that she had to really do it, she was scared, what would happen if she was pregnant, will she become a single mother? Would Lucas want to be a part of their child’s life?

“Girl, have you been listening to me?”

Jordan asked and she realized she hadn’t been listening.

“What did you say?”

“I was explaining how to use it, like the moron at the pharmacy described.”

“Oh, thanks, I can just read the instructions,”

She said collecting it from him and going over to her bedroom, he followed behind her, talking about the annoying dude he met, if her knowledge of Jordan was right then he just might have found someone he was interested in, she wanted to tell him that but her mind was too much anxiety to even say a word, she dropped the kits on the bed and read the instructions, she looked at Jordan and he nodded laying on her bed, she went over to the bathroom and did as the instructions said, the wait was the biggest wait of her life, so she just left it there and went back into the bedroom.

“Are you done? So soon? What’s the result?”

“No, not yet, I just, I can’t stay there, I am scared, I will go checked back in five minutes, meanwhile Nas was here,”

“Who is Nas?”

“Are you kidding me? Nas, remember? The guy you hooked me up with,”

“Oh, the one who showed up at your work?”Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, the very one,”

“Wow, I didn’t know you guys are still in contact, should I expect something?”

“No, I don’t think I will give him a chance, I don’t roll with him, he is totally not my type,”

“Not bad, I don’t like him either, he shows off too much,”

“And you introduced him to me, such a friend,”

“Shut up girl, I was trying to help your single life, now go check that stuff I am so eager to know if I am going to have a good baby,

“I am scared shit,”

“If there is a baby you are gonna keep it right?”

He asked, she didn’t know what she was going to do yet.

“I don’t know yet, can you come with me?”


He said and they both went to the bathroom her heart beating so fast she could hear it.

“What does it say?”

Jordan asked before she could check, she blinked and took a look.

“Oh, God,”

“What does it say?”

“It’s showing two lines Jordan, they are all showing two lines”

“What does that mean? You are not pregnant?”

He asked, she couldn’t blame him for not knowing.

“I am pregnant Jordan,”

She revealed, her hands shaking, what was she going to do.

“Oh my gosh girl, what are we going to do?”

“I don’t know Jordan,”

She said truthfully, she has never thought of being pregnant, they had skipped using protection a few times but she had made sure to take an after pill each time, except that one time she had forgotten, but she later took it, but it may have been too late.

“First let’s go and sit down, we will find a way okay,”

Jordan said, taking her hands and leading her out of the restroom.

“I don’t think I did it well Jordan, I need to redo it or maybe go to a hospital because I don’t feel pregnant,”

“We will do whatever you want Kathy,”

Jordan said, but Katrina could barely hear him, she felt dizzy and before long she was falling and that’s all she could remember…

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