M.I N.E endless Love

Chapter 61

Lola stepped down the stairs. Rodrigo was simply standing but he was emitting this kind of aura that Lola wondered if she could look into those eyes and not say the truth of whatever he asked her.

“Don’t try to lie to me mum, because I already have the evidence and Ella has confessed to the whole truth. So please tell me the part you played in conspiring against Camilla and why the company’s documents are in your possession rather than being with me?”Rodrigo asked, standing and towering over his mother.

Mirabel had looked away. She can’t stand the tension that was about to explode. She doesn’t know how that evening was going to end in the glass house.

That’s because if Rodrigo gets to know her mother’s involvement about how they conspired against Camilla, heaven will almost let loose.

Larry Campbell squinted at his grandson’s words. How can he think so despicable about his own mother. Lola loves him and Mirabel the most in this life.

He could never accept such words from anyone. Whoever told him to ask his mother such questions, be it Ella or anyone else, he shouldn’t have taken that step and come to ask such silly questions.

“Rodrigo, if you hear anything spoken against your mother, don’t let such muddle headedness make you come here to ask your mother” Larry Campbell corrected.

“If I don’t have a reason grandfather, I wouldn’t come here to ask mum such questions. But I needed to clarify the truth and even before the custodian of the laws I should be bold that my mum is innocent.

So I want her to tell me what she knows. Because if she doesn’t, I might be speechless when Ella and Emma bring the police to arrest mum” Rodrigo said.

Hearing Ella and Emma, Lola knew she had to tell him the truth. She can’t allow herself to be humiliated publicly and the truth gets exposed in the open.

It is better she confessed everything to Rodrigo. After all, he is her son. No matter what happened or how furious he becomes, he cannot have her apprehended.

Lola sighed, looked at Rodrigo and quickly looked away. She glanced at Mirabel who already knew the truth and saw her look away as well.

“I want you to know that whatever I’ve done, I did it with your best interest at heart. You and Mira are the two most important things I have in this life…” Lola said and paused.

Rodrigo’s eyes were almost popping out of its socket. No, he doesn’t want to believe that indeed his mother knew something about the whole incident that happened back then.

Larry Campbell was eager to hear where his daughter in-law’s words were going to end. What kind of introduction of speech was this?

“I didn’t expect it to be so wild. I thought it would be simple and just to let you break up with Camilla. My intentions were not to see the poor girl suffer all that later happened and the worst, going to jail.

I saw she wasn’t your class and has no identity nor could her ancestors be traced. I didn’t want to risk having my grandchildren born to such a woman.

I told Ella to think of a way to separate you and Camilla and create a place for her daughter….” Lola went on to tell Rodrigo all that she did.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

By the time she finished her voice had choked and she had started sobbing. She didn’t mean to go this extreme nor to hurt her son. But that mother and daughter pair took it to the extreme.

“Mum! What have you done? You joined hands with Martin’s family to ruin my life and happiness? Why did you become so mean? How can you do this to me?”Rodrigo’s husky voice was full of emotions and heartbroke.

“What did you say you did Lola?” Larry Campbell bellowed. He can’t believe it. He can’t imagine what his daughter in-law confessed to have done.

Join hands with other people to destroy her son’s happiness? Even he wants Rodrigo to be married to his Kate friend’s granddaughter. But the way Lola took was definitely wrong.

“I only said I was going to twist it that she received payment in exchange to break up with you. I knew such words will get you made with her.

But I didn’t know Ella took hold of such an opportunity and went to the extreme. I never knew she would do that. I am sorry Rodrigo” Lola confessed more.

Rodrigo just stood speechless and glared at his mother. He had grown all his life to know this woman as his mother. Can she really do this to him?

What mattered to her most was him to be married to Emma because she has identity and is rich. She could bargain his happiness with others?

His eyes were already and he seemed to be lost. His quietness meant he was dazed. He least expected to hear this.

“How can you do this Lola to your own son? No matter how pure your intentions were, you had no right to separate two lovers. It’s better that they willingly separate from each other than you tearing them apart.

Two hearts will be wounded and may never be healed for the rest of their lives. I have known you with such an attitude in the past. But now, I don’t know what to say,”Larry Campbell queried his daughter in-law.

“What have I ever done to you that you did this to me, mother? How can you do this to me? Are you really my mother or you adopted me? I don’t know that you could ever do this to me.

For everything that Camilla suffered that day, it was false. For Every utterance she made that day, she was simply following a script. You knew it and acted along with your co-conspirators.

You knew her family was kidnapped and she was threatened and you said nothing. You and Mira hit her and you knew she was innocent.

Some of her hair was pulled off and she was in pain and you knew all along that she was being framed. Yet, you lied against her, saying she collected 50million dollars from you in exchange that she would break up with me, and you knew you lied.

How many more lies and wickedness do you hide behind the desk you are putting on. How many more deceptions and conspiracies had you gotten involved with?…”Rodrigo’s voice trailed off.

Rodrigo just sank into the sofa nearest to him. He held his head between his palms. He felt his heart weak and gone out of strength.

For Evey utterances he made against her, for the destruction he’s made and for torturing her right in the prison and restraining visitors.

The guilt of it was heavier than he had imagined. If weighed, it is heavier in his heart than the roll of a rock. Why didn’t his mother privately tell him it was all a set up?

“I’m sorry son. Mama is sorry. I wanted to separate you both but Ella wanted to eliminate Camilla completely. I didn’t know she was that kind of a woman.

When I realised it, it was too late, the deed had been done. I didn’t expect a murder case involve, a missing documents. But it was all added. I’m sorry” Lola pleaded, she sniffled and started sobbing secretly.

“Where are the documents now?” Larry Campbell asked. The news of the missing documents that suddenly shot up his blood pressure was false. What if he had died that day?

Would she be able to forgive herself that his death was caused by her. No wonder she told him back then not to come over to the company. She was going to handle it.

At the mention of the documents, Lola shivered. What is she going to say next? What she thought were documents were empty papers. She will forever be blamed if anything ever goes wrong.

“It was fake. The documents Ella delivered to me were plain and it isn’t the documents. When I called her to tell her the sealed envelope she delivered to me was plain, she said that was how Camilla delivered it. I am still on it and will get the documents…” Lola was explaining when Larry Campbell interrupted her.

“I don’t believe you nor the co-conspirators of yours. I don’t want to know anything else besides delivering the documents within 48hours.

You have done damage that you might not be able to repair for years. Just take a look at Rodrigo. You do things without thinking first and come back to say sorry” Larry Campbell was furious and walked past her.

“I will never forgive you for this mother! Camilla suffered all these and went to jail. And you know what, she was pregnant with my child.

And now she’s gone missing. Many people thinks I murdered her. They thought since I was so mean to her back then, I had killed her.

How can I survive without Camilla? How can I put the guilt away from my heart and concentrate on anything? I will never Forgive you mother!” Rodrigo declared and wanted to leave when Larry asked that he sit down.

Turning to Lola, he asked “Was that fellow dead back then?” Lola said no. She asked Ella and she said it was just an act. The fellow and his family were out of City A.

Rodrigo didn’t wait again. But just turned and walked out. The deed was done and he alone will bear the guilt of it for the rest of his life.

When he got into his car, he asked that Joel drive him home. He needed to calm his troubled mind. Joel heard all the conversation with Rodrigo and his mother.

He was yet to find the mouth with which to express his shock and disappointment. So Rodrigo’s mother was one of those who plotted against Camilla? What has that poor innocent lady done to deserve this?

Camilla soon came downstairs to join Luke. She really was reluctant but at the same time, she needed to accept her new life and family.

Luke saw and complimented her. He said she’s a paragon of beauty and looked very much like mum when she was young. He could show her mum’s pictures on his phone.

Camilla smiled and thanked him. She truly saw the picture of herself in her mother. The difference is that one is older and the other younger.

Together the siblings set out, on a dinner date:

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