Melody Strikes Back by Myra Walker


Chapter 246 

Melody didn’t understand why Ken suddenly flared up, but she had never b 

been able to read his mind anyway. 

So, she decided not to ask anything and pushed open the car door to get out, leaving Ken to deal with his emotions alone. 

Ken watched Melody get out of the car without a word. His eyes were accelerator, but then a loud crash cume from the intersection ahead. 

filled with frustration. He frowned deeply as he was about to press the 

allide with a truck 

Melody and Ken both looked toward the sound simultaneously. They saw a sports car collide 

The heavy truck, sturdy in build, suffered minimal damage. But the front of the sports car 

ir was severely mangled, and its occupant’s fate was 


Ken pulled out his phone to call emergency services. But before he could dial, the truck unexpectedly reversed and swiftly turned around to flee the scene. His gaze turned cold when he noticed it was an unmarked truck. 

Just then, his car door swung open 

Melody said immediately, “You go after that truck. I’ll check on the person in the sports car.” 

With that, she closed the door and ran towards the accident site. 

Ken frowned and ordered his men to pursue the truck. He himself dialed emergency services and then got out of the car to follow Melody‘ footsteps. 

Seeing Ken catching up, Melody was about to ask why he wasn’t chasing the truck when she saw his men driving off after it. She swallowed her words and hurried over 

The windows of the sports car were shattered, and inside lay a person. That person was unconscious and bleeding profusely from a head wound, shumping over the steering wheel 

“Hello! Can you hear me? Melody called out, but there was no response from the occupant. That young man was unconscious. 

Ken said indifferently from beside her, “Step back. I’ll open the door,” 

Melody instinctively took two steps back, puzzled as to why Ken didn’t want her help 

As Ken pulled open the door, shards of glass scattered everywhere. His arm got scratched in the process, blood staining his white shirt crimson, 

Melody quickly approached. “Your hand…” 

Ken said. “Don’t worry about it. Help me get him out” 

“Okay!” Melody didn’t say more, assisting Ken in lifting the man from the driver’s seat and gently placing him on the ground. Then, she knelt, reaching for the man’s pulse. 

A few seconds later, she frowned and looked at Ken. “It’s serious. There’s likely internal bleeding. We need surgery urgently.” 

Ken pulled up a map on his phone. “The nearest hospital is half an hour away from here.” 

Melody said. “Half an hour is too long. We need to get him to your car. Let’s go to Herbathrive” 

Ken asked, “Isn’t Herbathrive a traditional medicine center!” 

Melody replied. “They have orthopedics, an operating room, and basic equipment too. Plus, it’s only twenty minutes from here.” 

Upon hearing this. Ken didn’t hesitate and helped lift the person into his car’s back seat. Melody immediately called Colin. 

After knowing the situation. Colin said urgently. “I’ll prepare the operating room right away. Be careful on the road, watch the bleeding. I won’t say more. You know what to do. 

“Okay.” Melody replied before hanging up. She took out her acupuncture kit and carefully inserted silver needles into the young man’s body. With a few needles, she managed to control the bleeding that had been gushing out, 

Then, she applied pressure to the largest wound and heaved a sigh of relief 

With everything done, Melody realized the back seat was almost entirely stained with the young man’s blood. 

She cautiously glanced at Ken in the driver’s seat and said, “Um… your car seems to be dirty” 

She had recently learned from James that Ken had a severe 

evere cleanliness obsession 

Chapter 216 

Ken glanced at the rearview mirror, looking almost at his wit’s end. “Miss Fox, do you really see me as that cold–blooded?” 

Melody replied, “No.” 

She averted her eyes, feeling guilty, and dared not speak to Ken again. She seemed to truly not understand him well enough. 

It was a twenty–minute drive, but Ken raced swiftly and arrived near Herbathrive within just over ten minutes. 

Then, his subordinate called to report, “Mr. Swanson, we’ve caught the culprit. It’s an unlicensed car 

is full of 

“Understood.” Ken was about to hang up when the subordinate continued, “And we found out this guy works under Benny. The car is full of valuable goods and cash he unlawfully detained.” 

Ken raised an eyebrow, thinking it was quite a coincidence. He ordered, “Arrest him, but keep it quiet for now” 

“Got it.” The call ended, and Ken turned to Melody in the back seat. “Did you hear that?? 

Melody replied, “YeahNo wonder they ran after hitting this man. Seems like Benny wants to minimize his responsibility to get a lighter sentence.” 

Ken said, “What goes around, comes around. That’s why we stumbled проп this accident” 

Soon, they arrived at Herbathrive. 

Normally closed at this hour, it was fully lit now. Colin was outside with a group of people, ready and waiting. They carefully moved the injured man from the car onto a stretcher. 

“Thank you. His bleeding is temporarily under control, but his internal organs don’t look good. We need to perform emergency thoracic surgery.” Melody walked alongside the stretcher, informing Colin of the man’s condition. 

Thoracic surgery? Colin’s expression darkened. “Our surgeon is off today. He lives in the suburbs and won’t be here for at least an hour.” 

Melody fell silent for a moment, then said, “I’ll perform the surgery. 

Colin replied, “Of course! But do you have experience in this area?” 

Can you assist me?” 

Melody smiled faintly. “Before my mentor specialized in traditional medicine, he was a renowned top surgeon. That’s something not many people know, but he taught me everything.” 

“That’s reassuring. Colin breathed a sigh of relief and led Melody to change into surgical attire. Once ready, they both entered the operating 


About half an hour later, police sirens sounded outside Herbathrive. 

Hearing the sound, Ken tossed his cigarette and walked out. 

“Mr. Swanson, what brings you here?” The lead officer recognized Ken at a glance. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Ken nodded slightly and handed the officer a cigarette. 

The officer took it with surprise and fear in his eyes as if he was handed a precious gift. 

Ken calmly said, “We’ve found the culprit, but due to personal reasons. I’ll have to hand him over tomorrow 

“No problem! It won’t affect our process. Just bring him to us tomorrow to make a statement. As the officer finished speaking, two MPVs pulled up 

at the entrance. 

A red–haired woman in high heels hurriedly got out, ignoring the police officers and asking as she entered. “Where’s my brother?” 

David quickly replied, “He’s in surgery…. 

“What?” The woman raised her voice sharply. “You put my brother in such a lousy place for surgery? Are you trying to kill him?“ 

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