Mated To Alpha Kessler

Chapter 96

At this point, I don’t give a damn if we’re in human territory. I’m ready to lash out at whoever holds my Lyra hostage. My senses are heightened as I make my way into the abandoned warehouse.

Conor and Zach follow suit. I turn back and realize that Holly too is right behind.

Inside the warehouse, the air was thick with tension as we cautiously went through the dimly lit corridors. Every shadow feels like a potential threat.

There’s no one in sight, and everywhere looks quiet. Doubt creeps into my mind as I turn to Holly and ask, “Are you sure this is the location you tracked?”

She gives a firm nod, It seems like she’s certain of the location, especially considering her call was picked up and helped with the signal to retrieve her location.

I have to trust in Holly’s expertise. With a nod, I move forward.

I try my best to be observant, taking note of every sound. Suddenly, my Lycan senses pick up a faint heartbeat. My heart leaps with hope as I follow the sound, praying it’s Lyra and that she’s safe, along with our unborn child.

I rush ahead until I reach a desolate area where a body lies almost lifeless on the ground.

Within a second thought, I rush out, scanning the surroundings for any sign of her captor, but it seems they’ve all fled, likely scared off by my loud growl.

Returning to Lyra’s side, I shake her gently. She is bound in a silver chain, which must have had its effect on Sasha, explaining her subdued state. It hits me even harder as I realize the extent of the danger Lyra is in.

My heart twists into pieces as I take in her features. She has been battered, with bruises all around her, and she is a shadow of herself. I hold her close as I let out a loud, heart-rending cry. Seeing her in this state makes me feel vulnerable.

Lyra has been through so much, and it breaks my heart to see her this way. Will things ever get better? Will I live to see the day when the threat on Lyra will be lifted?

I look at her stomach, and I can hear a faint heartbeat. This prompts me to break the chain that was used to restrain her, setting her free.

Once the chain is removed, I cradle Lyra in my arms, holding her close as I whisper in her ear that all will be well.

I quickly mind-link Zach to retrieve my spare clothes from the car’s booth. I can’t bear to be away from Lyra’s side even for a moment.

Zach promptly brings my clothes, and without hesitation, I gently lay Lyra down so I can change. As I do so, Conor moves closer to her, and anger boils within me at the sight.

I growl fiercely at Conor, my fury is evident in my eyes. He must have sensed the intensity of my rage because he immediately stepped back, raising his hands in surrender. I stand protectively by Lyra’s side, ready to defend her at all costs.

I finished changing quickly, not wanting to waste any more time than necessary away from Lyra.

Once dressed, I kneel back down beside her, my focus solely on ensuring her. I stroke her hair gently, whispering soothing words in an attempt to calm both her and myself.

I had arranged for a chopper to come pick us up, with specific instructions for the pack doctor to be on board. My priority was to ensure that Lyra received medical treatment as quickly as possible.

Carrying her in a bridal style, I rushed towards the waiting chopper. Every second felt like an eternity.

Meanwhile, I mind-linked Owen, my driver, instructing him to bring my car to the pack once he dropped off Conor and Holly.

I instructed Zach and Conor to thoroughly search every nook and cranny of the warehouse, hoping for any clue that might lead us to the responsible party behind Lyra’s capture.

They came back and reported that there was no sign of anyone in sight. We might be at a dead end in our search for Lyra’s captor.

As we boarded the chopper, I carefully settled Lyra onto one of the seats, ensuring she was as comfortable as possible. The pack doctor immediately started administering the necessary treatment.

“Your Highness, can you please let go of her so we can attend to her?” the pack doctor requests.

Then it dawned on me that I had been holding onto Lyra too tightly, not wanting to let her out of my sight even for a moment. Reluctantly, I loosen my grip and allow the doctor and his team to attend to her.

The doctor worked swiftly, tending to her injuries and monitoring her closely.

“How is the baby?” I inquire anxiously, my concern extending to the well-being of our unborn child.

“Your Highness, I’m still running a check. I will inform you of all my findings once I confirm everything,” the pack doctor replied calmly, focusing on his examination.

I hold onto Lyra’s hand. The chopper begins to move, and soon enough, we arrive at Moonpeak pack-the place where Lyra truly belongs.

She sleeps peacefully, her breathing slow and steady, while I watch over her with longing. I can’t wait for the moment when her eyes will open, revealing those big doe eyes that always seem to draw me in.

I want to be the first person she sees when she eventually wakes up. I want to stay by her side, watching her every breath and reassuring her of my presence.

The medical team is on standby as Lyra is carefully transferred from the chopper to the private royal ward in the hospital.

I desperately want her to be brought to my room so that all the necessary medical equipment can be mounted to ensure her survival. However, Daniel, the pack doctor, advises against it, citing the need for specialized care and monitoring in the designated ward.

I am a mess of emotions, but with a sense of relief that she is finally in a place where she can receive the best possible medical attention. clinging to the hope that Lyra would pull through.

Conor’s call interrupts the tense atmosphere, and I hesitate before answering. However, his persistence prompts me to pick up the phone.

“Kessler, how is she?”

“Stable and well attended to.”

“Please take care of her, seeing you made me realize that you truly care deeply for her. Please don’t break her heart. Do all you have to do and fix things with her.”

I pause, struck by his words. “Thank you, Conor. I’ll do everything in my power to make things right with her,” I promise, knowing that repairing the trust between Lyra and me will be challenging.

I’m touched by Conor’s words, and I express my gratitude. “Thank you, Conor.

We may not be as close as before, but I truly appreciate everything you’ve done for Lyra. I’m sure she has fond memories of you.”

Conor chuckles softly before sharing a regret. “We were supposed to go on a date that day she was kidnapped, and I regret not inviting her sooner.”

A low growl escapes me as I hear this. The thought of Conor going on a date with Lyra, especially when I haven’t had the chance to take her on a single date, stirs a sense of possessiveness within me.

I make a mental note to make up for lost time by taking Lyra on as many memorable dates as possible, hoping to overshadow any thoughts of Conor’s missed date.

“Chill, big man. She’s with you now, and you can go on many dates with her,” Conor reassures me.

“I will, and thank you for everything, say hello to Holly for me, and thank her as well. She’s been incredibly resourceful, and I don’t know what I would have done without her help.”

“You can thank her yourself,” Conor chuckles. “I’m sure Lyra and Holly have fond memories together. Bye, big man.”Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Goodbye, Conor.”

As soon as I ended the call with Conor, I heard the high-pitched beeping of the machine attached to Lyra. Panic surged through me as I rushed out to alert the doctor.

My heart wrenched as I saw the fear and urgency in the doctor’s eyes. The atmosphere in the room shifted instantly, and I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me as I waited for news about Lyra’s condition.

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