Marrying my high school bully

He’s my father

Chapter 114


“I was able to speak to my late mother’s lawyer,” I said to my dad as we crossed the waiting area and headed toward the parking lot.

He didn’t look too happy, but I didn’t give it much thought. “Why did you have to go there alone? What if something bad had happened to you?” He asked, his voice harsh with concern.

The change in his tone got me alarmed, but I just summed it up to the fact that he cared for me and didn’t want me to get hurt.

“I’m a grown-ass woman, dear father. The meeting went well and I’ve got everything under control. You don’t have to be worried, alright?” I tried to assuage his fear, and I guessed it worked because he smiled at me and wrapped his arm around me.

“I just care for you so much, that’s why I’m so bothered. I know that I encouraged you to fight for what belongs to you, but I think I made a mistake.” His eyes blazed with regret.

“No! No!” I argued. “Don’t say that…”

We had already gotten to his car since he wanted to take me out for lunch. Ever since he returned to California, we had never gone out together. I was always occupied with one meeting or the other and it was the same at his end.

My name rang loudly behind me and I turned around to see Mrs Gonzales striding towards us. “One minute, Dad.” I excused myself and walked away from him then headed to her.

“Hi, ma’am.” We hugged each other.

“I didn’t know that you’d be coming here today. I’m guessing the meeting didn’t go well because Mr Jones is livid right now. He has ordered that we make new designs, but how are we going to do that when we don’t have enough resources?” She asked in exasperation.

Since I was no longer caged in the confines of the board room which needed me to conduct myself properly, I burst into a fit of laughter which she joined in.

“He’s so confused.” I managed to say amidst laughter. “And you are going to help him stay more confused because he doesn’t know what to do.”

My laughter died down gradually when I noticed that her attention was no longer on me. I trailed the direction of her eyes to my father who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

“What’s he doing here?” She gasped, pointing at him.

My eyes were squinted in surprise as I kept darting my eyes from my father to her. Suddenly the atmosphere which was filled with joy became thick with tension.

“That’s my adopted father. He was the one I told you about.” I informed her.

“It can’t be.” She whispered under her breath, getting me more confused.

I couldn’t keep up with the coded stares and the uncomfortable silence so I decided to break the tension. “I’m lost here, Mrs Gonzales. What’s going on? Why has your face turned pale?” I turned to my father whose grip tightened on the handle of the car door. “And why are you quiet too?”

She took a deep sigh, her palm covering her mouth. “You are Williams, right?” She asked.

“Of course, he’s Williams-”

Then I realized what she was on about and for a second, I froze. My breathing became hitched as reality dawned on me, my palms becoming clammy with cold sweat.

It couldn’t be. I prayed that what I was thinking wouldn’t be what I thought it was.

I moistened my lips and mustered the courage to ask her the question that I presently dreaded. “Is he the man you told me about?” I could hear my heartbeat in a staccato rhythm, my body growing hot.

She nodded slowly, her eyes still trained on my father-my real father.

“Yes, he is the one.” Her voice cracked as she tried to hold back her tears.

I was certain that I might not be able to hold back the dam of tears that would flood my face if I talked, but dammit! I was going to demand the truth from him and I hoped that he wouldn’t lie to my face.

“Dad, is she…”© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

With a few quick strides, he closed the distance between us, his countenance sullen. But I took note of something, and that was the admittance in his eyes.

Oh God. I finally let the dam breakthrough.

How could he do this to me?

How could fate treat me this harshly? How could the man I regarded as my father be my real father?

“I’m so sorry, honey. I tried to tell you but I was too selfish to tell you the truth. I was scared that I’d lose you.” His voice wasn’t even as strong as it used to be.

His eyes pleaded with me silently to give him a chance, but I just couldn’t stand the betrayal.

He was right about the fear of losing me because he had just lost me. He should have come clean to me earlier than now.

“Tell me about it, Dad-Mr Rogers.” I quickly corrected myself and his eyes shone with horror. “When did you find out that I was your daughter?”

I was glad that most of the staff weren’t nosy because I was sure that my voice had climbed a higher crescendo and I was causing a scene.

“On the night of the accident. The doctor said that you needed a blood transfusion so I agreed to donate mine. Fortunately, it matched, and then he told me that he had discovered something alarming. I asked him what it was and he said that he’d like to conduct a DNA test with my permission to confirm his suspicions and I let him. It turned out that you were my daughter and that explained the connection I felt the first day I saw you.” He was also crying, but I wasn’t moved. “God, you looked so much like your mother.”

“Don’t talk about my mother.” I lashed out. “You don’t have the right to talk about our similarities when you never gave a hoot about me. You are the reason I’m in this mess.” I poked his chest with my middle finger.

I glanced around and noticed that a little group was beginning to form and if Leonardo got wind of what was going on, my plans would be squashed.

“Darling, give me a chance to explain.” He pleaded.

I shook my head and wiped my face. “I don’t think you deserve it, Mr Rogers. Do have a nice day.” I said and rushed into my car and drove off.

My fingers trembled on the steering wheel but I had to be strong. I had to talk to someone about the recent revelation and since I didn’t have any friends, my last bet was on Dexter.

I shouldn’t be telling him anything related to my personal life since it would only complicate things, but I damned the warnings ringing in my head and dialed his number.

He picked at one ring which I was happy for, his voice jovial and relaxed.

I sighed, beating myself for being so selfish. He had a sick daughter and here I was, trying to burden him with my problems. I shouldn’t have called at all.

“Aren’t you going to say anything, Angel?” He asked sweetly and I sniffed. “Hold on a sec, are you crying?” His voice had switched from sweet to intense.

I bit my lower lip and shut my eyes, trying to control my emotions. “I just need someone to talk to, Dexter.” I croaked.

“Where are you right now? I’m coming to pick you up.”

“What about Lilly?” I asked.

“I’ll bring her along with me. Just tell me where you are.” He demanded, his tone bearing a note of urgency.

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