Marry My Ex’s Uncle After Rebirth by Agatha Barney

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Bright Lights blinded her for a second. Stephanie was looking in a mirror, all dressed up in business clothes, hair tied back neat. She was in her room back at the Hayes manor.

The small room was heavily cluttered. It was just renovated not long before she came back from abroad.

She put her hand on her chest. Her heart was actually beating. “I’m still here?’ she thought to herself.

Stephie, you ready yet? We’re hitting the bridal shop, Chop chop!” Florence yelled from the hall.

Stephanie felt like she’d been here before, hearing the same words, trying on a similar outfit. ‘Hold up, the bridal shop? That was supposed to be a done deal two years back, wasn’t it?” she mused.

That was back when Douglas had come to her about tying the knot to seal the deal between the Hayes family and the Fletcher family. She’d said yes, thinking Douglas was her hero.

Douglas wanted to wait until he had it all before popping the question. But Vincent was the big shot of the Fletcher family. Douglas claimed that Vincent was destroying his plans to succeed, so he was unable to give Stephanie the life she deserved. They decided just to get engaged for now.

Stephanie was all in to help Douglas bring down Vincent.

She landed the gig as Vincent’s top secretary and, for two years, put her hacking skills to work, swiping secret stuff left and right. Her sneaky moves not only pushed Douglas up the ladder but also knocked Vincent right off his high horse.

Now she figured out that Vincent knew what was up the whole time but just let it all happen.

Realizing she had been thrown back two years in time, Stephanie was fuming. Last time around, she got played, did some dumb stuff, and ended up hurting the one guy who had her back, Vincent. Her grandpa met a sad end, her heart was carved out, and she even set Vincent up for a nasty fall.

But this time? No way she was letting history repeat itself. She would make that nasty couple pay for everything and repay Vincent for always being on

her side.

The big engagement party was going down tomorrow night. Stephanie had to dig up dirt against those two before then.

“Stephie?” The voice came again from outside. Stephanie shivered, remembering all the mean stuff Florence did in her other life.

Time to flip the script, she yowed, steely-eyed. She swung open the door to find Florence looking like a million bucks, all dressed up and decked out.

“My tummy’s all messed up. Could you and Douglas pick stuff without me?” Stephanie asked.

Florence’s brain ticked. Joy flickered in her eyes briefly. “You need a doctor?” Florence threw in some fake concern.

“Nah, just need some chill time,” Stephanie said, playing it cool.

“Alrighty then.” Florence barely hid her grin. “I’ll go with Douglas and text you some pics later so you can choose what you like.”

“Cool, Stephanie said.

The minute Florence bailed, the smile wiped off Stephanie’s face. She shut the door and moved to her huge window, watching Florence jump into a slick black Rolls-Royce. But instead of heading to the bridal shop, they swung hard towards the suburbs.

Asly smirk crossed Stephanie’s face as she made her way back to her desk and fired up her laptop. Fingers dancing over the keys, she got right down to business, Done with hacking, she slipped into her gym clothes, snagged a nifty little something from her luggage, and hit the road.

1240, Sat, 25 May.

Chapter 2

At a fancy house in the suburbs, Douglas and Florence were all over each other.

“Douglas, who’s better? Stophie or me?” Florence asked, getting up close and personal.

you, for sure. I wouldn’t touch that other chick with a ten-foot pole,” he said.

The gross noises were enough to make Stephanie’s stomach turn as she eavesdropped from outside.

Back in her other life, she knew about this place. Douglas said it was for guests.

Who has guests way out here?’ Stephanie thought. She’d been right to get suspicious.

Stephanie sneaked around, setting up tiny micro-cameras. Done with that, she took off quick.

At dinner that night, the Hayes family all sat down together, Florence started handing out wedding party gifts. “Like ’em, Stephie?” she asked.

Stephanie just nodded. “They’re pretty sick.”

Her mom, Matilda Hayes, gave Stephanie the stink eye. “Useless! Can’t even pick your own favors. Check out Flore-big-time designer in Fantasy Boutique and fancy triple threat in Fantasy Entertainment. You got zero going on. I have no clue what Mr. Fletcher sees in you!”

Stephanie’s grandpa, Austin Hayes, shot back, “How can you rip on your own kid like that? Stephie’s got some good points too!”

Matilda snorted, “Yeah? Like what?”

“She’s sweet and listens,” Austin said.

“Sweet and listens?” Matilda laughed. “Remember eight years back? She was 14, smoking and boozing it up at bars, hanging with the wrong crowd. Our rep’s taken so many hits because of her antics!”

Austin got worked up. “Stephie says that’s all bogus, and I believe her. How come you don’t trust your own daughter?”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Matilda didn’t argue but glared daggers at Stephanie.

Then Horace Hayes, Stephanie’s father, who’d been quiet, chimed in real serious. “Whatever went down back then, you gotta be a top-notch daughter-in- law to the Fletcher family after this engagement bit. We can’t afford more drama.”

Matilda gave Stephanie a chilly look. “Some people never change. Eight years out of sight and who knows what mess she got into. Stephanie, you should be taking notes from Flore on how to rock the social scene.”

Florence played nice, responding, “Mom, Dad, come on. Those were just rough stories. Stephanie’s not like that.”

“I’m just giving her a little heads-up,” Matilda scoffed.

“That’s enough!” Austin slammed his fork down, making the table jump. “She’s about to get engaged and all you do is rag on her. I’m sick of it!”

“It’s cool. They have a point. I could pick up a few pointers from Florence,” Stephanie replied, forcing a small grin.

Later that night, Stephanie glanced at a text from Douglas: [Hey Stephie, still not feeling well?]

After what she’d heard about him, it was tough to stomach his fake concern. She fought back a wave of disgust and replied: [Better now.

Douglas: (Glad to hear, What’d you think of the party favors?]

12:40 Sat, 25 May **

Chapter 2

She texted back, figuring they were perfect for each other: [They’re awesome. You and Flore have killer taste.

Douglas: [Stoked you’re into them. Can’t wait to call you my fiancée. Sa lucky!]

“You got no idea what’s coming, Douglas, Stephanie thought.

Stephanie: [Feeling’s mutual. See you at the party.


After sending it off, she remembered how she once bought into their act without thinking. Not happening this time. She wasn’t about to trip up again.

She quickly sent a message to Florence: [Hey, make sure to bring my ring to the swap at the party, okay?]

Florence: [Got it. No sweat.]

In a posh room at the Fletcher residence, Douglas tossed his phone aside with a laugh. “She’s completely head over heels, but little does she know, she’s about to be my golden ticket. Such a fool.”

The engagement was set way back by Kevin Fletcher and Austin Hayes. But after some bar drama, Stephanie’s rep took a nosedive, dragging the Hayes family name down with her. The engagement talk got shelved until Douglas decided to move things along with Stephanie.

To show he was all in, Douglas invited celebs from all over Jacaster to their engagement party.

Now, The Harborview Dome was buzzing with high-profile guests, all schmoozing and mingling.

In her dressing room, Stephanie flicked a text to Giovanni Irvin: [Hit play on that video when it’s ring time, got it?]

Giovanni: [All good, Boss. I’m on it.]

Stephanie smirked and put her phone down. Time for some payback.

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