Married to the mafia King


They were not ‘making love.’

I blushed and crossed myself guiltily as I said the words silently in my head:

They’re fucking.

Oh God, were they fucking.

Cat was pressed against the wall, her dress hiked up around her waist.

Valentino stood in front of her.

His pants were pulled down slightly below his ass, and Cat’s legs were clamped around his waist.

His shirt covered his upper body, but his ass his bare, beautiful, perfect ass thrust back and forth, driving himself forward between Cat’s open legs.

There was a wet slapping sound of skin on skin…

And Cat clawed at his back with her nails.

I could see her face over his shoulder.

Her eyes were closed, and her expression was caught somewhere between pain and ecstasy.

I don’t think she was frowning because of actual pain

But because she was trying to hold back the screams of pleasure every time Valentino thrust deep inside her.

Every time his beautiful ass rocked forward, her entire body jolted

And a tiny, high-pitched uh uh uh UH escaped her throat.

Sometimes she bit his shoulder or his neck to stop herself from screaming.

And his hands… his big, strong hands… grabbed at her ass, holding her up in the air effortlessly like a doll, as he had his way with her.

I stood there in absolute shock.

I knew how sex worked

But I had never seen it.

Not videos on the internet, nor watching anyone do it before.

And it was the most beautiful the most arousing the most astounding thing I had ever seen in my life.

I was wetter than ever before…

Even more turned on than last night when Dario kissed me…Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

Even more than my dreams of him ravishing me.

All I could do was stand there, hypnotized, and watch as Valentino fucked her like a beast.

Suddenly Cat’s cries began to increase in pitch and urgency

And she pressed her face into his shoulder and gave one long, muffled scream.

“Oh fuck oh fuck oh FUCK ” Valentino grunted into her hair.

Suddenly he thrust hard and deep inside her

And both of them held onto each other like they were dying.

Finally he pulled his face away from her hair and they began to kiss… tenderly, passionately…

But he still held onto her, her bare ass cupped in his huge hands…

His body still pressing against her.

I couldn’t watch anymore.

I was going crazy from lust, and I couldn’t bear it.

All I could think of was wanting to be in Cat’s place…

But with Dario pressing me against the wall and his bare ass thrusting his manhood inside me.

I stumbled away from the door and out of the kitchen

Right into the path of Filomena.

“Oh!” she exclaimed as I staggered into the hallway. “Are you alright, child?”

I stared at her like she was an alien.

I knew I couldn’t let her go in the kitchen I couldn’t let Cat get caught

But I had to do something about the overwhelming lust in my body

The shame that I had watched a terrible sin.

Even worse, that I wanted to do it myself.

“I need to go to church,” I mumbled. “I need to go to confession.”

She smiled and nodded primly. “Good. I can ask one of the drivers to take you. There is a village close by ”

“No,” I interrupted.

She looked surprised. “Why not?”

I winched. “Dario won’t let me off the estate.”

She scowled. “Of course not… why would a murderer allow an innocent to do that which God commands?”

I realized I had an ally, and I grabbed her hands as I beseeched her. “Is there another way off the grounds? A way to get to the church?”

Filomena looked around her as though afraid someone might hear her. Then she turned back to me and nodded. “Yes… but I can’t take you there. I can meet you there, but I can’t take you.”

“What? Why?”

“Just trust me.”

She told me to go to the west wing, past the chapel, and to a doorway at the far end of the corridor. I would know it because there was a fleur-de-lis a lily of the field emblem carved into the wood.

Once I got there, I was to knock. If there was no answer, I was to wait a minute and knock again, then keep knocking every 60 seconds until I got an answer.

“Go,” she whispered. “I’ll see you there.”

I did as she said and walked down the hallway, unsure why she had sent me off alone.

When I found the door, I knocked once. No answer.

I counted to 60 and knocked again

And this time, the door swung open.

I entered the room to find a small, cramped hallway. Filomena was there and beckoned me inside.

After I entered, she quickly shut the door behind me.

“This is part of the servants’ passageways,” Filomena explained. “They were used for centuries so servants could come and go without bothering the masters of the house. I was shown them when I began work here, but they also told me there is a way off the property if we were ever attacked.”

I didn’t have to ask who might attack the estate because I already knew:

Other mafiosos.”Why couldn’t you bring me here yourself?” I asked.

“Because the Rosolinis have eyes everywhere… and they’d kill me if they knew I brought you here.”

I wanted to protest that they wouldn’t… but the words died in my throat. I feared she was right.

Filomena led me down the small corridor to another door and opened it. There was nothing but yawning black until she hit a light switch. Suddenly, dozens of light bulbs spaced every 20 feet lit up a stone passageway stretching off into infinity.

“Follow the passageway,” Filomena said. “It ends with an iron door that locks from the inside. Once closed, it will not open again. You will find yourself in a field. Go straight ahead through the forest, and you will eventually reach a wall. Travel left along the wall until you find a break in the stones, and you’ll see a small town on the other side. There is a church in the town where you can say confession.”

Suddenly she grasped my hands.

“My child… I beg you, take this opportunity to escape. This is a house of murder and sin… leave it and never come back.”

“What about you?” I asked. “What will they do when they find out I’m gone?”

“They’ll never suspect me,” she said. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

“Why don’t you come with me?”

She smiled sadly and shook her head. “I’m an old woman. There is no place for me out there. I would die in misery. But you you still have a chance. Go, before they realize you are gone.”

“Thank you,” I whispered.

She kissed my forehead. “May God bless you.”

Then she turned back and closed the door behind me.

I stood there for a moment, overwhelmed by fear

And then joy exploded through my body.

I was free!

I ran down the stone passageway as fast as I could, guided by the dim lightbulbs strung along the ceiling.

I finally reached the end of the corridor and found the iron door she had mentioned.

It took all my strength to turn the handle. It shrieked but the door opened.

Stone steps led up to a dense canopy of underbrush. Daylight peeked through tiny gaps in the vines.

I held the heavy door open and remembered Filomena’s words:

Once closed, it will not open again.

Once I let go of the door, my choice was final.

Fear raced through me

But I thought of Dario in the chapel and what he had said:

I will do whatever else I LIKE with you… and TO you. I will make you my whore… and when the time comes, you will beg me to take you.

I thought of what I had seen in the pantry Cat and Valentino coupling in the shadows

And though I wanted it, I knew my soul was in danger.

If I stayed, I knew Dario would pursue me…

And I knew that I would eventually give in.

I let go of the door.

It swung closed behind me and latched with a metallic CLANK.

I tried the handle to be sure


The die was cast. There was no way but forward.

I fought through the vines and shrubs into the daylight, and left the Rosolinis and Dario behind…


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