Married to the mafia boss Series

#4 Chapter 28


I shouldn’t be surprised to see Dad waiting for me when I walk inside the house.

I’m later than usual. Boy am I ever. It’s just gone midday and I usually get here around eightish. Nineish.

Let’s just say it’s been hiking up for the last few days. Could be a little over a week. Maybe a little more.

He’s not used to me coming in later than I said I would or falling out of habit.

I never gave him the trouble most teenaged girls give in those core years when you’re trying to explore and date.

I always had my nose buried in a law book and in my spare time I’d be shopping with the girls. He always knew where I was and like clockwork I’d be in on time.

That’s not me now and I know he would have seen Nick one or two times when he’d brought me home.

Like just now and we were kind of kissing on the porch.

Kissing a little too scandalous for our suburban neighborhood with peeping Toms looking for the next item of gossip, or worried sick fathers who want answers.

I close the door and Dad quirks a brow.

“Morning,” I say trying to sound bright and chirpy. Then I remember it’s not morning. I keep doing that.

Dad glances over his shoulder at the clock on the wall which counters my brightness and answers for him as it shows it’s twelve fifteen.

“If you say so. I don’t mind pretending it’s still morning, though.” Dad smiles and runs a hand through his light blonde hair he’s allowed to grow out over the last few weeks.

“Oh, um… I know I’m a little late. I just…”

He holds up a hand and shakes his head. “Mia no… you don’t have to apologize to me. Just send me a text so I don’t worry. That’s all. A text if you’re going to be late, or um… busy with your friend.”

At first I think he means Chloe, but in an instant I know he’s not talking about her. He totally saw Nick and me on the porch.

My skin flushes and heat creeps up my cheeks.

“Friend?” I should say a little more about Nick. It’s not right that I don’t talk about him if people are going to be seeing us kissing the way we were on the porch.

It was different when we weren’t doing that.

What do I say though?

What do I say Nick is when I’m still not sure myself?

“Yes, guy with the Ferrari who seems to be the cause of my daughter’s happiness. I’m guessing for the last few weeks? Gonna tell me who he is?” Dad smiles.

Here we go…

I pull in deep a breath, set my bag down and walk closer to him.

“He’s from work.” There that was a good start and probably where I should leave it, but Dad looks at me like he wants me to continue and elaborate. “His name’s Nick.”

“Do I get to meet friend Nick?”

I stare at him and think about it. I think about what that kind of meeting would be like. Dad thinks this is normal, like I know Nick under normal circumstances. I know he’d be so shocked and probably ashamed of me if I tell him the truth.

What is truth though?

This is so confusing. It’s all so confusing and as I think of how I’m supposed to explain myself it confuses me even more. But… I know how I feel.

“Maybe.” I decide to say and he smiles and takes my hand. He takes both my hands into his and dips his head.

“Maybe is a good word. Means there’s something. Something to be happy about, even in the dark.”

That makes me smile. “Thank you.”

“So, since we’re pretending it’s morning should we make pancakes?” he suggests.

I chuckle. “Yes, pancakes would be nice.”

He puts his arm around me and ushers me into the kitchen.

He said ‘we’ but he starts making them just like he used to when I was little and he even does smiley faces with the chocolate syrup and uses blueberries and strawberries to make the face on the pancake come alive.

I smile like the kid I used to be, fascinated with her father’s magic.

“I love it,” I bubble.


“I hardly want to mess it up by eating it.”

“Eat it you know you want to.” He grabs the whip cream and covers the top for the hair. It looks a little like an Elvis up do.

I grab the knife and fork and cut in with a smile while he starts to decorate his pancake.

“So, I have some good news…” he begins after a few seconds of us eating.

I straighten up to hear it. “Good news?”

“Yes. I’ve been trying to get more clients and I have, but I was thinking the other week that it would be better to get bigger clients and work on fewer, maybe more intricate projects than getting smaller projects and more people.”

“That sounds better. Especially healthwise Dad.” God I’m always so worried about his health. I think about it all the time. Mostly I wish we could be in the position where he didn’t have to work, or work because he just wants to keep in touch with what he enjoys.

“My thoughts exactly, baby girl. So, I contacted some bigger companies and it turns out Equity Finance are looking for someone with my expertise to redo their mainframe systems to accommodate their increased number of clientele. I got in touch and they said a big fat yes, along with an offer of a six figure salary.”

“Oh my God.” My mouth drops open and I gasp. That is amazing and definitely the sort of thing I want for him.

Equity Finance are an investment company and they are huge so I can just imagine that they would need a massive database for their clients. I feel so proud that my dad will be doing that for them.

I get up and fly over to him to give him a hug. “Oh my God Dad, that’s fantastic. It’s just fantastic.”

His face breaks open into a warm smile.

“It is and I’m happy. They want me to start in January though.”

I rest my hands on his shoulders. “January is fine Dad.”

It’s mid-October now. January is fine. He’s come such a long way and I feel bad that he had to get better fast because of the problems. I guess though that it’s almost good I didn’t have a job before now because I was able to be there for him and Beth.

“So long away when I just want to get started now. They want to create a back system and I’m gonna be going in once a week at first to do that and help their technicians with that then once that’s done and I do my assessment of what they need I’ll be able to create it.” He looks proud of himself as he should.

“That’s perfect Dad and trust me January is fine.” I drop my hands and bring them together. “It gives you time to get stronger and stable.”

He needs that. He’s supposed to stay away from stress and he’s supposed to be on bed rest so his heart can get better and repair itself after the extensive work that’s been done on it. He needs that. No matter what is happening he needs that as a priority.

“I worry about you. You’re job has come at a great time and it’s good not dealing with Hector. What’s not good is that you aren’t doing something legal.”

“It will come Dad. I know it will. It has to. After all I went to Harvard. Maybe people are a little intimidated by me.” I laugh. You have to find the funny sometimes. I got another rejection the other day. Over qualified. That was their reason.

The position was junior to what I actually need and they needed a junior who will stay. Not someone like me who is looking for a stop gap and move on at the first chance of something bigger. I get it. It makes perfect business sense. It does, and I would probably do the same thing if I were them. I remember now why I always aimed high. It’s exactly for that thing of being overqualified.

Dad gives me a grin. “I’m proud of you Mia. I really am. I agree too that they’re most likely intimidated by my girl.”

“Thanks Dad. I love your good news. It’s made my day.”

“Good news?” Carries a voice behind us. A voice that stabs me to my soul and drains my life force all at once.

Dad and I both turn to see Carter, standing in the doorway.

I never even heard him come in.

He holds up the spare keys and smiles wide. He looks a lot like Dad when he smiles. And me. We look so similar we could be twins even though he’s five years older than me.

“You know you guys really shouldn’t keep the spare keys were all can find it. Under the flower pot is so obvious.” He walks into the kitchen and jingles the keys as he gets up to us by the end of the counter. “Gonna tell me the good news too?”

Neither Dad nor me are saying anything. I haven’t seen Carter in years.

I actually haven’t seen him in a little over six years, and when I last saw him it was when he came to ask Dad for money at Christmas.

He came on Christmas day and they talked outside because he gave some bullshit excuse about not wanting to confuse Beth. It wasn’t that though. He didn’t want to see her. It was a simple as that. He didn’t come inside because he didn’t want to see his daughter who was two years old at the time.

I remember looking at him as I am now and feeling disgust. The only difference between then and now is that back then I glowered at him through the stained glass window in the living room while I held Beth. She was miserable because she was about to cut a back tooth.

He looked every bit the asshole he is standing in front of me now.

Why the hell is he here?

“Carter, you don’t usually come into the house,” Dad says ignoring his question about good news.

“Glad I did though. Got to see my little sister. How long’s it been little bit? A year or two?”

Little bit…

That was what he used to call me growing up because I was so little and stayed short for a very long time. I’m still short and next to him at six feet six, I look like a dwarf.

“Over six years Carter. It’s been over six years,” I answer. I can’t believe we’re talking. There’s actually a lot I have to say to him. A lot . There’s been so many times when I wanted to cuss him out and hand him his ass. There’s been multiple times just this year alone.

“Damn,” he scuffs. “No wonder you look so pissed. But didn’t think you’d be so mad at not seeing me. It’s not like we meet up and share stories or eat together. Shit like that.”

“Why are you here?” That’s all I want to know. I’m not interested in whatever shit he has to say and all the extra shit that comes out of his mouth.

He angles his head to the side and stares at me. He only comes to ask for money so I don’t know why I bother to ask.

“Need to speak to Dad.” He looks over to dad now and straightens. “Can we go outside and talk?”

“Where’s the money I lent you?” Dad answers and shocks me. He’s never been one to argue with Carter or ask a question like that. “Hector came here and nearly killed me. He threatened to take your sister and sell Beth. It’s more than a little late Carter.”

He doesn’t even look fazed. Which infuriates me.

“Well I’m glad that never happened.”

That’s it. That’s what he says. Wow. No sorry or any form of apology. Just a fucked up answer we’re supposed to accept. And he still hasn’t answered the question of the money.

“I can’t believe that’s all you can say.” I take him on and step away from Dad.

“What else am I supposed to say? It’s fucking bad, but it’s not like I can do anything about it. I am glad he didn’t kill Dad, take you and sell the girl.”

“The girl? You can’t even say her name. She’s your daughter. Don’t you care at all what happens to her or anything?”

“Oh God, you know what? Fuck this shit. I’m out of here.” He frowns and makes a move for the door but I follow him. I’m not about to let him just waltz out when he’s done so much wrong and doesn’t care.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” I wail. It comes out like an anguished cry.

He whirls around and faces me, scowl deepening and face contoured like some feral animal.

“Don’t you fucking talk to me like that. Think you’re hot shit because you’re a lawyer? You’re shit in my eyes, nothing so don’t fucking talk to me.”

“I’m talking to you whether you like it or not.” I counter and it throws him. the past would have seen me backing down. Maybe it’s being with Nick that’s given me an extra pair of balls to deal with my asshole of a brother.

“Not listening. Going now.” He spits.

Dad comes out and carter looks over at him.

“Call you later Dad.” He calls over my shoulder. Dad doesn’t answer, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be taking the call.

Carter storms out and slams the door shut.

I stare at the closed door seething, wanting nothing more than to scream, shout, cry, all of it.

Carter is the source of the shit that’s been happening to us and Dad facilitated his behavior. It’s about to happen again.

I look back to Dad and remember in an instant when I see his face what he said to me at the hospital. He’d said Carter is his son and he can’t turn his back on him.

Even if Carter would sell us to the devil if it meant he gets what he wants, no matter how small. Could be a cheeseburger or as big as a house. He’d do it.

“Dad… when he calls, please don’t give him any money,” I beg. “Remember last time. Remember please. I was so scared. I was so scared Hector was going to kill us.”

His eyes darken. “Mia. I…”

It that look in his eyes that gets me. The look that tells me he’ll help him. He’s going to take the call and help Carter.


I think of Hector and all the horrible things that happened here.

Not even a foot away from where Dad’s standing was where Hector held him and Beth at gun point then beat him.

That man has used every opportunity to touch me in some kind of way I don’t want. And what he said on our first meeting will always burn a hole in my mind.

Hector told us right here in this room that he’ll fuck me in front of Dad and kill me.

No one could know how I felt when he said that. No one could imagine it unless they’d had a similar experience. No one could know how scared I’ve been that that could happen to me.

And here’s Dad… looking at me with his eyes brimming with sadness because he can’t turn his back on his son.

How am I supposed to feel now?

How am I supposed to be okay with this bull shit?

It’s his fault too why our life is shit.

Carter’s right for once. I am nothing. I’m nothing to the people who are supposed to take care of me.

If Nick wasn’t Nick and I had to do the jobs the waitresses do at The Dark Odyssey it would destroy me. I would be nothing because there would be nothing left of me.

The wonderful moment of hope we had in the kitchen with Dad’s good news is gone. It’s been spoilt.

I can’t stay here. I’m too upset.

I head to the door and he calls after me.

“Mia please don’t go.” He’s saying but I ignore him. I don’t want to hear it.

I don’t so I grab my bag and leave.

I walk down the road at first wishing I had my car. It’s parked at the club because Nick took me home today. I don’t know how I end up doing this but I call a taxi and I go to Nick’s house.

In my state of woe and anguish it’s usually Chloe that I run to, but my heart brought me here and I hope he’s there. We’d come straight from the club and he’d said he was going home to change.

It’s when I get on his doorstep that I realize I’m crazy. I am.

What am I doing here?

I shouldn’t be. I don’t belong here.

I’m at the door just standing there looking at the oak wood and the grooves in the pattern.

I’m panting and trying to hold back tears. I’m so stupid.

This is…

I have to go.

I take one step to leave but the door swings open. Nick’s standing on the door step in his dress shirt. A few buttons are undone and his hair is damp. He looks like he was busy getting ready for something.

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t be here. I’m going,” I say quickly and turn to go again but he catches my arm and pulls me back to him.

“Angel, what happened?” he asks.

I gaze deep into those eyes of his. In the bright sunlight they’re so much brighter. It’s not hard to remember what sent me to him in the first place. I don’t mean this visit.

The first, and more so the second visit.

What sent me to him is part of the same problem Carter created. I’m thinking of all of it now and I can’t stop. The images and fear floods my mind.

When Nick cups my face and touches me the enchantment to forget seeps into me and lures me to him. I’ve never been able to quite explain it. How could a man who’s both shocked me and thrown me completely outside of my element enchant me at the same time. How does that work?

He runs his finger over the skin of my jaw as the tears start flowing down my cheeks.

I look at him through the tears and I see someone else. He feels like something more to me. I feel it and I know I mustn’t tell him what happened or what is happening. I mustn’t tell him because I’m not supposed to involve anyone.

I’m not supposed to say anything to anybody.

I told Chloe because I know she can’t do anything other than support me. I know she physically can’t do anything even though she’s encouraged me to go to the police. She told me that a lot in the beginning because she freaked.NôvelDrama.Org content.

Telling Nick wouldn’t be the same thing. Look what he did to Marco Antonella.

I feel like it would be worse so I shake my head, cover my mouth and break down. He would be worse and then what would happen.

My life wasn’t supposed to be like this. I did so much to make sure I got to live a certain type of way. Not to have drug lords threatening to kill me and my family or me running to mobsters for help.

Then…falling for mobsters.

A mobster.

“Baby…” he breathes and cups my face with both hands. this is the first time he’s been like this with me. “Tell me what happened. Is your father okay?”

I nod. “Yes, it’s not him.”

“Then what Mia? What happened to you? I don’t even think I’ve been away from you for a whole hour.”

I look at him and see the concern in his eyes. He really wants to know. he really does.

I decide to give him a half truth.

“I’m scared,” I whisper.

Something dark flashes in his eyes that reminds me of the darkness in him. “Who? Who made you scared?”

“No, it’s okay. I’m just… it’s everything. Everything.”

He sighs and touches his forehead to mine briefly then moves back.

“You don’t have to be scared anymore, baby. You don’t have to be. You have me.”

That’s the best thing I’ve heard in my life and I want it. I want him.

“Do I?”

He smiles in that dark, wicked way. “You’re here aren’t you? If you didn’t know you had me, you wouldn’t be here.”

His words are like a realization that dawns on my soul.

He’s right and it sends a shiver through my being.

He releases me and waves his hand toward the door.

“Come in, we’re staying in today.”

I walk into the house doing as he says like I always do. It’s so funny that all this time he’s been giving me permission to do what I want to do.

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