Married to the mafia boss Series

# 3—Chapter 13


Anastasia is preoccupied with one of her books while I sit at my office desk and force myself to concentrate on my work.

My phone keeps buzzing and even after I put it on silent, the phone still lights up. I check the caller ID to see it’s my sister. Since I kidnapped Anastasia I haven’t talked to Liliana at all. I’ve ignored her texts and all her various phone calls. The guilt of ignoring them is starting to get at me. We’ve always been close and I have always stuck up for her and been there for her, she has to be hurt by my avoiding her.

I answer the phone but don’t talk first.



“Thank God you’ve finally answered the phone!” She says excitedly, “Angelo, I’ve been so worried about you! Why haven’t you been answering me? I’ve been having Antonio call his ties in Boston just to make sure you’re still alive!”

“Antonio shouldn’t be calling anyone,” I growl. “You know how hard it is to gain trust in my men. I don’t need Antonio calling my men and-”

“I’ve been worried sick!” She shouts interrupting me. “Don’t even. I know you’ve been struggling and when you don’t answer I thought… I think the worst. You know I love you. You’re all I have left,” she says softly and sadly.

My eyes wander over to Anastasia who still has her nose in her book. She hasn’t even noticed I’m on the phone.

“I love you too, Lily, but now is not the best time.”

“Antonio tells me you’ve kidnapped Vasiliev’s daughter.”

“You shouldn’t get involved in Mafia business, Lily,” I say waringly.

“He also told me about Nario. I’m so sorry.”

I’m silent.

“Boston is on the verge of war,” she starts.

“I told you, this is nothing to concern yourself about,” I rub at my forehead. I almost forgot how stubborn my sister is.

“I miss you,” the gentleness in her voice makes me feel even worse for not answering any of her calls or texts.

“Yeah, I miss you too.”

“I know you don’t want to talk and I know you’re trying to deal with things by yourself, but can you at least just let me know you’re still alive and well from time to time?” She asks. “Please?”

“I can do that.”This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

I hear talking in the background and a few seconds later Antonio’s voice comes through. “What the hell, Angelo?”

“Hello, Antonio,” I sigh.

“My wife has been worried sick over you,” he growls. “Every time you ignore her phone call you break her heart. She’s distraught over you and it’s pissing me off. She’s your family and she loves you so next time she calls, pick up the damn phone or you and I are going to have a problem.”

Before I can answer back Liliana comes back on the line. “I’m sorry.”

“No, I am. Things are going to be different, I promise.”

“Okay,” she says simply.

“Okay,” I repeat. “Give Viola a big kiss for me. I have to get back to work.”

“I will. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I hang up the phone.

I throw my phone on my desk and I lean back to rub at my temples to try and calm my rapidly forming headache.

What I’d give to go to Chicago and be with my family. That’s all I wanted. Life in Boston seemed different, almost like I didn’t belong. Most times I definitely feel like I don’t belong as Don-majority of my men would agree with me on that. Boston has felt lonely for so long and now suddenly I’m seeing the city in a different light. I’m seeing the movie theater with subtitles I never knew existed. I’m seeing the mall and the bashful blushing girl looking at scandalous underwear and push up bras. I’m seeing Boston as a new adventure and fresh outlook toward an unseen new future.

I’m seeing new possibilities and for once in my life I’m thrilled to see where life is going to take me next. I’m actually excited to wake up tomorrow and see what’s new.

The girl on the couch is still distracted by her book, The Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie. She surprises me at every turn and I admittingly look forward to talking to her and being with her. She’s the hand reaching out to me in an attempt to pull me out of my seemingly never ending darkness.

She yawns and I take that as my motivation to get my work done quicker. Hopefully I’ll be done by dinner time that way I can take her out to eat and take her home after.

“Boss!” Christian bursts in without knocking.

“What the hell did I say about-”

“We’ve been attacked! It-it happened so fast.”

“Attacked? Where?”

“The Dark Twist. We were working on renovations and they bursts through the door demanding Vasiliev’s daughter. They killed Fabio and Ignazio and they knocked us unconscious. I don’t know I woke up tied to a chair. They tore apart everything looking for her. They know she’s not there. My guess is there going to hit our warehouses next.”

“Did they leave a message?”

“Yeah. They said Vasiliev says no deal, he won’t give you the East side of Boston in exchange for his daughter. He said he’ll take his daughter, give us nothing, and kill you in return.”

“Pretty ballsy of him to say.”

“He must not care about his daughter much,” Christian sighs. “Unless he’s calling us on our bluff. We need to send him something. Pictures of her defiled or beaten. A limb. Lock of hair. Anything. Where even is she, Angelo?”

“Are you questioning your Capo?” I give him a warning glare.

He gulps. “No sir it’s just… the men are getting worried Vasiliev isn’t going to do anything. They want to see him suffer and it seems the only ones who are suffering are us. Between Nario and now-”

“I know!” I shout. “I’ll take care of things. Now go,” I shoo him away from my office.

He takes a quick glance at Anastasia in the corner, he can’t see her face, only her red hair so I don’t think he’s smart enough to realize it’s actually Anastasia.

My back is sore with stress and tension and I’m in desperate need of a good massage. A good massage will help me to decompress all the anxiety of the events that have taken place lately. Maybe Anastasia wouldn’t mind going to a spa either.

I walk over to a small rack of red wine I have in the room and open a bottle pouring myself a glass. At least the alcohol can help me relax a bit.

Anastasia jumps up from her seat, “I knew it!” I raise my eyebrow. “I totally guessed the killer.”

“You finished the book already?”

“Yes,” she sits back down. Staring down at her book and looking around the room I can tell she’s already bored.

I check the time, nearly five o’clock. “How about we go grab dinner?”

I take her smile as a yes.

The stress of my responsibility hangs over me. Responsibility I never wanted. Although I still have so much work to do and normally I would be in the office until three a. m. to finish everything, all I want to do is hangout with Anastasia.

I know forcing her to sit in the office with me is grueling and although the book has helped sate her boredom, she obviously is a speed reader. She’ll have to bring two next time. I don’t trust her at home. Even if she’s good company, we’re not friends, we’re together because I kidnapped her and if I let my walls down I know in my gut she’ll try and leave me.

Carlo’s Ristorante is Mafia run by Carlo himself-an old family friend. He’s got one of the nicest and most expensive restaurants in all of Boston. Reservations should be booked two months in advance. Luckily for me, being a Don means I don’t have to wait.

“Angelo!” Carlo greets me. There’s a wait even with reservations as couples sit in the lobby waiting for their table to be available. “It’s been a while,” he pulls me into a hug. “And who is this you brought with you. Bella,” he grabs Anastsia’s hand and kisses it.

“This is my fiancée, Analia.”

“The Capo is getting married?” He scrunches his face together. “I didn’t hear of this news.”

“It hasn’t really been public yet, Carlo,” I frown. “We’ve been keeping it under wraps until it gets close to the wedding. With all the tension between the Mafia and the Bratva, I want to keep her as secret and safe as I can.”

“Well, don’t let me keep you too. Let me show you to your table,” he leads us into a private room away from the crowded tables full of loud chattering people. “I’ll bring your favorite wine-on the house.”

Anastasia sits across from me gazing around the room, her eyes scanning the crystal chandelier above us to the expensive silverware on the table.

“What’s the matter?” I sign when I notice her frown.

“I’m underdressed,” she looks down at her pale yellow sweater and jeans.

“No one is going to care,” I dismiss.

“You would say that. You don’t care because you’re in a suit. Everyone else is wearing fancy dresses,” her sullen look deepens “What did you two talk about?”

“Can you not read lips?”

“No. You can?” She looks surprised when I nod my head.

“I guess I thought all deaf people can read lips,” I shrug.

“Contrary to popular belief, no. I can make out some things, but everything is lost on me.”

“I told him you were my fiancée, Analia. He called you beautiful.” I like the blush that creeps across her cheeks. The crimson shade nearly matching the color of her hair. The waiter brings us over wine and I order food for the two of us despite Anastasia’s silent protests.

“Trust me,” I tell her.

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