Married to the arrogant king

Don’t trust Myla


I gasped, giving Lia a surprised look. “I wonder where she has been all this while!” I muttered, and Lia nodded.

“I also wonder the same. Don’t you think it’s suspicious,” Lia retorted and I chuckled.

“Lia you always find everyone suspicious. Remember, Myla is our friend, so we shouldn’t jump to a conclusion and start suspecting her.”

“If you say so Zara,” Lia said with an eye roll.

“Take me to Myla,” I said, and followed her as she lead the way.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

When we got to the hallway, I spotted Myla standing by a pillar, glancing around curiously. When her gaze landed on me, she smiled.

“Queen Zara!” She called, running toward me.

“Where have you been Myla?” I asked immediately she got to where I was.

“Zara, I was so scared when you and Lia disappeared from the palace, so I also left going in search of you. I recently found out that you’ve returned, so I came back,” Myla explained.

I smiled, giving her a light knock on her head. “Silly girl, why would you go out to look for us, you could have just remained in the palace. After all, Carl sent some men in search of me.”

“I know Zara, but still. The palace was not the same without you and Lia. I was lonely. And when Carl and his men went on the first search, they didn’t find you, that’s why I went on my own search,” Myla said, scanning my body. “Are you okay, My queen!” she added.

I nodded. “I’m fine Myla, you don’t have to worry.”

“Are you sure that’s the reason you left the palace, or for something else?” Lia chipped in, eying Myla.

“Lia, stop it” I reprimanded, tapping her shoulder.

“I’m just saying, Zara. Where did she go? Have you forgotten that Carl sent some men in search of her, but they couldn’t find her,” Lia complained, looking somewhat annoyed.

“I know Lia. But don’t be so hard on her.”

Myla sniffed, drying the tears that were now pouring out. “Zara I swear that I went out in search of you, but couldn’t find you. I also saw Carl’s men, when they were patrolling the area, but I thought they were looking for you, I didn’t know it was me,” Myla explained.

I wiped her tears, giving her a reassuring smile. “Myla! it’s okay, you don’t have to cry, I understand. Besides you were not the only one who was worried, everyone was. So stop crying.”

Myla nodded, then she said, “Okay! Queen Zara, I’ll stop now.”

Lia rolled her eyes, mumbling some incoherent words under her breath. And I chuckled. Lia can get annoyed over the most little thing. She’s just like a child.

“Lia, take Myla to the chamber and give her some food.”

Lia scoffed. “Zara, she’s not new in the palace. she can do that herself.”

“Lia, please. just get her something to eat. You know she just arrived.”

“Okay, Zara! It’s because of you,” Lia mumbled.

I smiled, as I watch her walk away with Myla. I wonder why she suddenly started to suspect Myla. I was still lost in thoughts when Gage stood in front of me.

“Your majesty,” he dubbed, bowing his head in respect.

“Gage, what brings you here?” Is something wrong?” I asked.

Gage nodded his head. “No, Queen Zara! but I happen to overhear your conversation with Lia and Myla… Your majesty, I don’t mean to intrude, but Lia is right. you should beware of Myla, she is not who you think she is. Please beware,” Gage said, and after that, he walked away.

I watched his retreating figure, wondering what he meant by that. No one can understand Gage. He seems to know more about us than we do about him. It’s like he has been in the palace before. And the most suspicious thing about him is that he refused to take off his mask. Although he says it’s because of the scar on his face, I still think there’s more to it.

I watched Gage until he was out of sight. The fact that both him and Lia were against Myla, made me think I need to beware of her…

Meanwhile, Roxanne tries to persuade Lord Francis to take action against Nadia.

“My lord! Why are you doing nothing about Nadia? Remember we didn’t act, and King Neil left Everton. So we should take revenge on his daughter,” Roxanne suggested, looking somewhat annoyed. She has been waiting for Lord Francis to take revenge on Nadia, for Gwen’s death, but instead, he just sat and watch like he forgot about the matter.

“Roxanne, I didn’t forget about revenge. it’s just that now is not the time to act. We need to wait for an opportunity to arise. Besides, there is a war around the corner, we should worry more about that,” Lord Francis replied.

Roxanne did not look satisfied as a scowl suddenly appeared on her face. She had thought that Carl would throw Nadia out of the palace, but that didn’t happen because Zara showed up. She was not ready to let her mistress’s death be in vain. Although Gwen was mean to everyone else, she was nice to Roxanne and treated her well. she also helped Roxanne to save her family from slavery in Crystal-Ville.

Roxanne sighed. ‘If Lord Francis was not ready to take revenge for his daughter, she would do it in his stead.

Walking out of the chamber, Roxanne made her way to Nadia’s chamber. ‘Since everyone thinks you’re mad, I’ll give them proof of your madness.’

Roxanne didn’t get to Nadia’s chamber before she was pulled away by Gage.

“Get your hands off me,” Roxanne screamed, wriggling in Gage’s arms.

Gage sets Roxanne free, placing his hand over his ears.

“I’m not here to hurt you, Roxanne. I just came to tell you not to do anything stupid. Don’t try to take revenge for lady Gwen because you might get hurt doing so. Just leave it to me, I promise to take revenge for Gwen,” Gage muttered.

Roxanne gave him a shocked and suspicious look. “How did you know, that I was going to take revenge for lady Gwen? who are you?”

“Who I am doesn’t matter. All that matters is the promise I made to you. During the war that is going to take place soon, I’ll kill Nadia.”

Roxanne was gobsmacked. She didn’t know whether to trust the unknown knight or to go ahead with her plan.

“I know you don’t trust me, and I understand. if I don’t keep my promise, you can go ahead and do whatever you like to Nadia,” Gage told her.

“What is your reason for doing this? Do you know Gwen? Why do you want to help me take revenge?”Roxanne asked all at once.

Gage rolled his eyes. ‘So many questions,’ he mumbled inwardly, before answering her. ” Yes, I know Gwen and I owe her a favor because she helped me once. And the reason I want to kill Nadia is that I have a grudge against her and her father. That’s all I can tell you.”

Roxanne sighed. Although she didn’t want to agree with him, it seems like he was her best option now. “Alright? I’ll take this risk and give you chance. But you better keep your word,” Roxanne retorted, reluctantly going back to her chamber.

Gage watched her with a hint of amusement in his eyes. ‘Who would have thought she’s a feisty one.’

Nadia heard about the war, and panicked. “Ariel, we can’t stay in Everton, during the war, I think we should go back to Nedal, until after the war.”

“My queen, everyone would know it’s because of the war, you ran away. And sorry to say, almost everyone in Everton hates you. Now is a good to gain their favor. You’ll have to pretend to support them, then when the war breaks out, we’ll sneak to Nedal,” Ariel replied.

Nadia smiled, then she said, “That’s a good Idea, Ariel. But how do we sneak away during the war?”

“My queen! From what I observed, I think there’s a secret passage in prince Aiden’s room. That’s how Zara was able to leave the palace unnoticed the other time. We’ll use that same passage, to sneak out…”


“Your Majesty, Neptune, and Crystal-Ville are planning a war against Everton, are you going to send reinforcements, now that we’re aligned?” King Neil’s right-hand man asked.

King Neil scoffed. “We need to think before acting. I can’t just send reinforcement to Everton, what if they lose the war?… King Arthur would come after me if that happens. So I’ll wait to see the winning side. If king Carl is winning, I’ll join him, but if he’s losing, I’ll join King Arthur and Darian.”

The right-hand man nodded, then he said, “My king, I think we should join King Arthur and Darian. Our sources say, there’s another king in alignment with them. And he has about fifty thousand men. if they are joined with Arthur’s and Darian’s men, only God knows the number of men they will have.”

King Neil was gobsmacked. Fifty thousand men! “Still, we can’t underestimate King Carl. Have you forgotten he’s married to princess Zara of Azrael? And not only that… King Alfred of Nival is his uncle. I’m sure he’ll have the support of those two nations. So like I said before, I’ll wait to see the winning side, before deciding who to join.

King Darian of Crystal-Ville secretly marched to Azrael with his troop of thirty thousand men. And it took at least two days to get there.

They camped in a forest near Azrael’s border, to avoid suspicion and someone noticing them. Once it was midnight when they know everyone was probably sleeping, King Darian and his men attacked.

The sound of the alarm bell woke king Alan and queen Lyarra. They quickly stood up from bed, going out of the chamber to see what was happening.

As they came out, they saw that the palace was in a state of uproar, and the guards were running toward the gate holding their weapons.

“What is going on?” King Alan asked.

“Your majesty, we are under attack!”

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