Married To A Stranger

Chapter 8

Sreesha POV:

Flashing a warm smile at me, my MIL waved her hand gesturing me to join them.

Making my way towards them, I forced a smile on my lips before bending to touch her feet. It is a rule in my family to take blessings from elders.

A soft hand wrapped around my wrist stopping me. My MIL stopped me from taking her blessings.


Is she mad that I allowed her son into the kitchen?

It’s not my fault that her son decides to invade my supposed kingdom!

“Karthik, why don’t you check on those dishes while we catch up on things?” She suggested Karthik, who granted her wish immediately, grinning he left to the left but not before dropping a kiss on her cheek.

What kind of a husband is he, to leave me, a prey, alone with this hungry lioness?

Did she just said, ‘catch up’? Yeah right! I prefer ‘a sweet warning’ better.

I’m sure a very torturous lecture is waiting for me in the backyard, where she is dragging me at the moment.

She stopped right next to the Rose garden. We’re silent for a couple of minutes. She was tracing the petals of Roses.

Is she the one who planted them here?

“What am I to you, Sreesha?” She asked suddenly.


Does she have short term memory loss? Duh! You gave me your son! How can you forget such an important detail of your life?

“My M-Mother in law” did I just stutter?

This is our first conversation, where I was allowed to answer so it is okay to be nervous, I guess.

“I- I’m sorry for making him cook. He insisted and I don’t have a choice but to obey him. Please don’t be mad at me” Pathetic. I know. But I don’t really want to get on her bad side just yet. It is, after all, my second day as a married woman.

“Sreesha” she sighed, shaking her head “what is wrong in allowing your husband in the kitchen?” her eyes were not furious, so she is not being sarcastic. Her voice is not on edge, so guess I’m safe.

“My mother said, it is a great failure as a wife if we allow our husbands in the kitchen and the kitchen belongs to the women-only” I mumbled an answer for her earlier query.

“Okay. Why do you try to touch my feet earlier?” She aimed another question at me.

Women! What is this? A 20-20 question game? We’re too old to play that!

“To show respect. In my parent’s house, it is must to touch elders’ feet to take their blessings” I don’t want her to waste her time asking why, So I explained.

“What do you think about my son? ” her eyes glinted with curiousness.


Have a smile that can melt a glacier?

Have a body that I can drool on just by thinking about it?

“He is nice” I’ve to keep it minimal. I couldn’t fight the smile appeared on my face.

Those thoughts belong to me and I’m going to claim copyrights for them!

“What were my words yesterday before I leave?” She asked me, raising an eyebrow.

“That you raised him better than I think ” I mumbled.

What is she trying to prove?

“Do you agree on what I said yesterday?” I nodded positively.

Of course, she is right about it! Indeed, she raised him better.

“Good. Sreesha, let’s start from my first question okay? ” I nodded.

“There is nothing wrong if a husband wants to help his wife. I’m really happy that my son was trying to help his wife. In all relations, Husband and wife relation is kind of complicated.

The complications and risks are more in an arranged marriage. The most important thing in a relationship is ‘trust’. You both need to build trust together on each other. If you trust your partner, there is enough reason to try to make any relationship work. If one broke the trust, I don’t suggest you adjust for everything. Spouses need to solve their problems by themselves. Don’t allow anyone to interfere in your business, not your parents, not me or my husband. It is not our business to poke our noses in your lives. Sure, we will be there in your every step if you need our guidance as elders but Sreesha, remember, do not allow other’s opinions.” I blinked the tears away. She is making me cry. Why would a MIL give these kinds of advice to a DIL (Daughter-in-law)?

Aren’t they supposed to be cruel or hardheaded?

“Second, never ever touch mine or Vinay’s feet to show respect to us. We prefer to love than a forced tradition. Next time I visit you, you better hug me” she said sternly. A tear slipped from my eyes. I couldn’t take it anymore. I cried my eyes out in front of my MIL. Never had I ever showed my weakness in front of anyone in like 3 years. I couldn’t hold back myself with every kind word she said, sure her voice is stern, but I know she means no harm.

A pair of hands enveloped me in a bear hug. My MIL started whispering some soothing words.

Even though she was my MIL, she still is a stranger to me. But the comfort I found in her hug was something I’ve been craving for all my life.

This must be the way it would feel when we hug our mother.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Stop crying so much dear, I’m here for you. He’s here for you. If you don’t stop crying now, who knows your husband might think I’m playing some evil MIL act to scare you and will kick me out of his house” she said dramatically making me giggle.

“Good. You know they say, a DIL should always be happy to make her home happy? So, stay happy. I’m sure my son will make you happy if you give him a chance” I don’t know what to say to that, so I just nodded.

It’s not like I, who stays away from him.

But he is doing it for you!

I know!

“Now tell me, what am I to you?” She asked me again.

I don’t know what exactly she wanted to hear!

“Mother-in-law” I answered again.

“No. Mother. Call me mom just like Karthik do” she said making my eyes ready to pop out.

Who in the world would ask a DIL to call her as a mom?

Never in my life did I use that word. It’s forbidden in my parent’s house to call them mom and dad. Well, my brother was an exception of course but he rejected to call them mom and dad when they didn’t let me. So, we call them as mother and father. There is no family bond between us in my family except for Tej and me.

“Mom?” It came out more like a question. It will take a few days to this new change in my life.

This time I initiated the hug. I hugged her saying ‘mom’ repeatedly clinging to her. She just gave me one of her loving smiles, caressing my back. This is all new to me. I was never loved by my parents, receiving so much love from my MIL is just unbearable.

“What about dad then?” A new voice disturbed my journey to cloud nine. Karthik’s father was standing just a few feet away from us, grinning.

Now I understand where my husband got all the good genes from. He’s the culprit who made my husband so freaking handsome.

But hey, I’m not complaining.

Did he just say, dad?

“D-dad? ” I stuttered. I couldn’t be this lucky in just one day, right?

He definitely didn’t ask me to call him dad, right?

“Of course, you should call me dad if you call my wife mom! It would be too damn awkward if you call her as a mom and the poor me as FIL” he said grinning, making his way towards his wife. He didn’t waste time by greeting her, he just wrapped his hand around her waist and planted a kiss on her forehead.

I looked at them in aww.

If my mother was here, she would have created a scene saying either they should do all these things behind the doors or shouldn’t do those things as their son is already married.

I grinned at them like an idiot.

“Dad” I tested again. It is not that uncomfortable really.

“What are you doing standing there? Shouldn’t you wish your dad with a hug too? ” he said sternly, yet the mischievousness in his voice is clearly audible.

Karthik is so damn lucky to have them as his parents.

I hesitantly side hugged him, but he pulled me into a bear hug, which soon becomes a group hug when my MI… no mom decided to join us.

“Yeah… give all your love to your new-found daughter and abandon me like I never existed” Karthik’s voice our little union.

Couldn’t he wait a few more minutes, So I could get to experience what it would be to love by your parents?

He must be jealous!

I turned around to get a good look at him. To my surprise, he was smiling tenderly.

“The food is ready. Let’s have dinner” he said smiling at his parents while taking my hand into his, leading me to our room.

Once we’re in our room, he cupped my face with his palms “Try not to cry so much Sreesha. I know you’re happy and they are happy tears but each time I see tears in your eyes, they make me feel useless. I want to take away all your pain, if only it is that easy” he sighed, drawing his hand through his silky soft hair.

I want to touch it very badly to know if it really as silky as it seems.

“I’m sorry” I apologized.

“Sreesha” he sighed “please don’t say sorry when there is nothing wrong on your part” he added before leaving me alone.

When I said, I love food, I mean it. But the amount of food on my plate is too much. I tried to protest when mom tried to add some more but one look from her is all it took me to shut up and eat.

I must have done some good deeds in my previous life, so God must have pitied me and sent me an angel who can cook delicious food.

How can a guy cook so delicious? Tej was a big disaster in the kitchen. I couldn’t help the moan escaped my lips much to my embarrassment. They laughed out loud. While Karthik was looking at me with an unknown emotion in his eyes.

His parents left after bidding goodbye. I asked them to stay but they left saying we need some alone time to get to know each other better.

It was awkward to see him arranging a pillow on the couch ready to sleep.

My mouth went dry when I tried to talk to him.

One night on that couch is enough to have a sour neck in the morning. It’s like a death trap.

“Do you want to ask me anything?” His voice snapped me from whatever thoughts I was in.

How the hell did he know that I want to talk to him?

“What is it, Sree? ” he asked walking towards the bed. I gulped.

“I- umm you… bed” I sound so stupid!

“Hey calm down. Remember we’re taking it slow. I will never touch you without your consent. Now tell me what it is?” He said gently.

“You can sleep here on the bed. Umm t-this is big enough for us, two” I stuttered.

He wouldn’t think bad of me, right?

“Are you sure? ” his question surprised me. I nodded.

“Thank you.” he said taking the other side of the bed. I switched off the light and got into the bed.

“Goodnight, Sree” he mumbled.

“Goodnight” I whispered.

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