Married To A Stranger

Chapter 12

Sreesha Pov:

“Girls, this is my husband Karthik” the trio gasped with their mouths hanging open giving me Have-you-gone-mad look. Veni was more shocked than the other two.

“Please tell me you’re kidding Sree” Veni mumbled frowning.

“I’m not kidding Veni ” I mumbled frowning.

“Oh my god! Sree you married him? Like seriously? Now I know why you didn’t invite us to your wedding, is it because to avoid media and attention?” Anju started her usual babbling.

“Why didn’t you tell us that you married The Karthik Shekhar” Niya demanded. I glanced at Karthik and Tej sending them an accusing glare for pushing into this situation. Karthik sent an apologetic look while Tej was looking everywhere but me.

What Am I going to tell them? I didn’t even know anything about him other than his name until now. All this time my parents fed me lies saying he’s just a normal employee.

Yeah normal, like hell he is!

But I can’t let my friends know what is going on in my marriage life. It’s not a good thing to let others involved in our personal life.

“I was about to tell you guys, but you started squealing at the sight of him and never let me finish the sentence ” I lied clenching my jaw sending a glare for the both who looked like ‘the kids who got caught by their mother while stealing cookies’.

I hate lying to them. They’re like my sisters.

“Oh” they said in unison.

“Please don’t hurt her” Veni mumbled looking at him.

“Hurt her you’ve to deal with me” Niya warned.

“Tej will brief you what I could be capable of doing when I was pissed, so do both of us a favor and take care of my best friend. Am I making myself clear?” Anju said sending him a warning glare making Karthik gulp audibly. No one messes with Anjali Desai.

I feel loved when I was with them, they always treat me like I’m some fragile doll, sometimes it irks me but sometimes it makes me feel overwhelmed.

“Crystal” Karthik mumbled frowning “I could never able to hurt her” he added giving me a pleading look.

“Yeah right! Then why the hell is she with you, clinging like a leech on you” Anju asked him, raising an eyebrow. I totally forgot about her. When I met her gaze, she sent me an apologetic look and cleared her throat gaining everyone’s attention.

“Actually, it’s not Karthik’s fault. I persuaded him to act like my boyfriend to avoid some idiot” meeting Tej’s gaze “and it got backfired.” She added mumbling disappointedly while Tej trying hard not to laugh at her.

“Let me make it clear, you asked Karthik Shekhar to act like your boyfriend to avoid some idiot, who I presume Tej?” Anju asked her curiously and she nodded muttering a string of curses. I raised an eyebrow at Tej while he just looked anywhere but me.

“Yeah,” she said glaring at him. If looks could kill, he would be under six feet.

“Are you two in a relationship?” I asked her curiously.

“NO” they yelled gaining the attention from others.

‘Yeah like we’re blind to see the passion behind your glaring eyes’ Niya mumbled under her breath making me giggle.

“WHAT?” they both yelled at the same time making me burst into laughter followed by the trio and Karthik.

We chatted for some time masking the hurt I felt after knowing who he really was. I’m hurt not because he lied to me but learning the truth from others.

I avoided making any conversation with either Tej or Karthik and let Anju to continue her blabbering. While Anvika avoided Tej like a plague. Even a blind can see that there is something going on between them.

I got to know Anvika is not someone who ruins others life, she’s sweet but not naive like me. I would be really happy if they ended up together.

Anvika and my friends left saying there was an important work for them leaving me alone with my husband and brother.

They lead me to a VIP suite and stayed silent giving each other you-caused-this-mess-you-fix-it look.

I was about to walk out on them when a tug on my wrist stopped me. I thought it was Karthik to my disappointment its Tej.

“Di! I know you’re mad at me, but I never lied to you. I never once said to you that he was just some employee, all I did was hiding the truth I knew about him and making sure father never knew about this. If he knew about Karthik before, he would have cancelled the wedding then and there. I want you to be happy Di. And I know he’ll make you happy, not because of his wealth or something but because he cares a lot for you” he said emotionally. I almost gave up on his punishment.


“Drop me home Tej,” I said not giving any clue that I forgave him. Yes. I forgave him a long time ago, but it doesn’t mean I forgot everything.

“I’ll take you home ” Karthik mumbled frowning.

“Excuse me? But, do I know you mister?” I asked him faking innocence.

“BURN” Tej yelled laughing clutching his stomach.

Karthik Pov:

“Sree” I pleaded her with my eyes.

“Excuse me? But, Do I know you, Mister? Oh, you must be Mr Karthik Shekhar, the billionaire, and an eligible bachelor” She said with a slight smirk on her face. I know I messed up big time. Wait! Did she call me an eligible bachelor? Means someone fed her a lot of unnecessary information.

“Burn” Tej yelled and started laughing like an idiot. I glared at him. If looks could kill, he would be under six feet now.

God! Why do I have to interfere with my best friend’s love life? Why does she have to be here at the same time Anvika trying to show off me to her so-called idiot that we’re together? Why does Tej have to be her longtime crush, who we had to make jealous? Why does he have to laugh at my expense? Why God? Why me? Why not someone else who cheat on their wives?

“Tej, are you going to drop me or do I’ve to call a cab?” she asked him in a no-nonsense tone.

“I said I’ll take you home,” I said annoyed by her behavior. In these few days, she became bold around me. I’m glad that she was not feeling awkward being around me anymore. But this is too much to ignore ‘Do I know you, Mister?’ Seriously? I’m her husband for heaven’s sake.

“Oh no! I don’t like travelling with strangers alone. My husband will not appreciate it.” She said with a smug smirk.

“Sree, don’t test my patience. I’m your husband and I’m taking you both to our home. So, let me drive you to our home and this idiot here, will help me explain the mess he created” I half yelled at her. She was about to speak “Don’t you dare utter a word now” I added seriously. She just raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

We reached home in record time. She was about to go to our room, but I held her wrist stopping her. She tried to free herself from me, but I tightened my grip on her hand. When she realized I’m not letting her go, she just huffed and made her way to the couch and switched on the Tv.

“Sree, I’m sorry”

No response.

“Sree, you know I wouldn’t dare to hurt you right?”

Still no response.

“Sree, are you listening to me?”

No response.

But raising the TV volume. I looked at Tej for help, he gave me a knowing smile.

“Di!” its Tej this time.

Still no response.

“Di! What did I do?”

This time she raised Tv volume again watching her favorite song drooling over Ranbir Kapoor. Seriously? I’m still here right next to her, her husband, begging for her forgiveness and she’s drooling over another man? I was on the verge of destroying his ugly face. Okay, I agree he’s not ugly. But I don’t want my wife drooling over other men.

God! I’m feeling so insecure now. But can you blame me? The girl I was in love half of my life is drooling over another male.

There I admit it!

I love my wife.

Oh, c’mon! Isn’t it obvious? I was so desperate to make her mine the very second, she walked into my life glaring at me like she was ready to pounce and kill me. A smile spread on my lips remembering that day again.

“Don’t smile like that, you look creepy” Tej commented smirking.

“Shut up! This is all because of you” I snapped.

I waited for that song to finish, glaring at the screen and those annoying siblings in front of me. Tej was trying hard to control his laughter. I sighed in relief when the song finished but that god damn channel playing another song of him. I have had enough of this bullshit. I switched off the TV. Never had I ever felt this happy for switching off a Television. I turned around to see a very pissed off Sree. She just huffed and crossed her arms glaring at us. I gulped audibly. No! Not because I was afraid of her, but because umm. you know why right?

I composed myself. ” Sree, can we please talk about what happened earlier?” I said.

“Dude! Stop begging. She’s giving us her infamous punishment.” Tej said looking amused.

“I’m not begging and even if I did, it’s none of your business. Just make her talk and leave” I snapped at him. He’s just making me feel worse than I already had.

“Alright! I can’t make her talk to you. She’s giving us a silent treatment and it’s your damn fault brother-in-law” he mocked me.

“How the hell it’s my fault? You’re to blame equally ” I defended myself.

“Oh really? But I’m not the one who yelled at her I quote ‘don’t you dare utter a word’ she’s obeying you brother-in-law” he said mocking me. My jaw dropped to the floor. Is that the reason for her to give me the silent treatment? Damn! I should have known that she could be a drama queen when she wants to. After all, she was talking to my mom a lot, lately.

“Good luck convincing her jiju. Call me when you need answers di, I promise I’ll tell you everything” he kissed her forehead ″I need to leave now” he escaped without waiting for my reply.

That sneaky little rat!Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

I dropped to my knees in front of her holding her hands in mine, she was looking at me shocked, and those beautiful brown orbs went wide. Her eyes. Oh God, they are the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. I like to drown myself in the depths of them. She cleared her throat snapping me out of the daze.

“Sree, I know you have a lot of questions in your mind. Before you ask me anything, remember one thing” I paused for a second taking a deep breath “I like you″ her brown eyes went wide again with my confession.

′Like? You passed that stage years ago you stupid′ my inner self-mocked me for not saying that aloud. I can’t scare her by saying ‘I love you’. She needs time to adjust and I can’t force her into anything.

“You like me?” She asked almost in a whisper.

″Yes. I do. I liked you a lot for a long time now” I said looking at her beautiful eyes which were still wide in shock.

“I understand if you don’t feel the same way with me. It’s only been 10 days after our marriage, and you don’t have to feel anything towards me. Just be with me. I’ll give as much time and space as you want. But don’t stop talking to me okay? I can’t bare your silence. This is all because of your idiotic brother. He told me not to say a word about my background because you’re trying to cancel this wedding. He told me if your fathers get a wind about me being a billionaire, he would have never agreed to our marriage. I liked you a lot and didn’t want to give up my chances to marry you” I said pleading her with my eyes to understand.

“Okay. If you want some time alone, I can understand. I know that I was acting like a selfish man but please don’t leave me okay? If you want, I can go, stay with my parents for a while and I’ll appoint someone for your security. Let me make some calls to-”

“I like you too” I heard a whisper. “What?” I asked thinking I heard it wrong. Instead of replying she walked towards me. “I like you too ” she whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek making me still at my place.


Sreesha Pov:

He said I like you.

Oh my god! He said he liked me from the first day. I think I’m going to faint now. Someone call emergency services, please…

I glanced at him and stared at his lips which are moving. Wait! Move? Means he’s talking to me? Then why the hell I can’t hear anything.

Because you’re an Idiot! Tell him that you like him too… my enemy a. k. a my stupid brain gave me a piece of advice. Hmm its, not bad advice thou…

You are the stupid here, who can’t even express her feelings towards her own husband… and there goes my peace.

“… If you want, I’ll go and stay with my parents for a while and I’ll appoint someone for your security-”

It’s now or never, Sreesha, tell him already. Otherwise, he is going to leave you thinking you don’t reciprocate his feelings for once my brain was right. He’ll leave me thinking I don’t like him.

Take deep breaths Sreesha.

Breath in.

Breath out.

Breath in.

Breath out.

“I like you too,” I said almost in a whisper.

″What?″ He said to me confused.

What. the. hell. Sreesha? Be confident and tell him that you like him.

You’re not a coward.

Remember you’re not a coward.

Don’t back off.

I leaned near his ear and whispers ‘I like you too’ placing a small kiss on his cheek. My first kiss with my husband even if it was on a cheek, it felt more special.

He’s still in shock.

He started blinking his eyes.




“You kissed me?” he asked me in shock, touching his cheek where I kissed him.

“Uh-huh” I looked at him feigning innocence “I don’t know what you’re talking about” He looked at me confused touching his cheek again and again. “Is there something on your cheek? Why are you rubbing your cheek like that? ” I asked him, coating more innocence to my voice.

“It felt so real” he mumbled still confused.

Maybe I should be nominated for Oscar Awards. Yayy! I could be the best actress.

‘Keep it up Sreesha’ I thought mentally patting my back with a slight smirk on my face.

Oh shit! He saw me smirking and just as that realization dawned on him.

Run! Run for your life, Sreesha! My conscience yelled at me.

I don’t have to be told twice.

“You little minx, stop right there. I’ll teach you a lesson when I got my hands on you. I’ll make you pay for that little act you just pulled on me” he yelled running after me.

I ran away from him giggling and mocking him when he missed a chance to catch me.

I ran around the couch with him on my tail, our garden didn’t do any good to save me from him. He was just a few feet away from me, so I slipped through the back door and locked it. When I make sure he is locked out of the house, I ran to the kitchen for water and burst into laughter when I relived the moment again.

My laughter died when I was trapped between the refrigerator and a wall.? No! Definitely not a wall, it’s my husband’s daily workout result. I was trapped between the refrigerator and his hard chest with his hands either side of me making it impossible to move.

I locked him outside! How in the chocolaty world did he get into the house?

A smirk played on his kissable lips… if only I could place my lips on his…

Snap out of it Sreesha! When did you become that desperate? Think about your current situation and make some excuse to save yourself from your dangerously handsome husband.

‘You forgot to add yummy’

There is an evil glint in his eyes which is not good at this moment.

“Yummy huh? What’s yummy? ” he asked with a knowing glint in his eyes.

“Um… ah… chocolates! Yes, chocolates are yummy” I stuttered, he snickered.

“Are you sure you’re talking about chocolates? We don’t have chocolates in the home at the moment” he said leaning to me, looking straight into my eyes.

His eyes are doing their work of hypnotizing me, luring me to conquer the depths of them.

“Your eyes” I blurted.

“What’s wrong with my eyes” he enquired, giving his complete attention to my eyes. It felt like he was living the same moment as mine. Same dream as mine.

“They are like chocolate. Dark chocolate. Yum” those words slipped out without me knowing. The smile which spread on his face is worth millions.

“They are?” I don’t know whether his question is for the chocolate thing or the millions thing but either way, I nodded yes still in his trance.

“Do you think you can get away after that little stunt you pulled in the living room?” he said in a husky voice snapping me out of the trance.

“M-Me? Wh-what did I d-do?” Damn this closeness is not helping with my acting skills.

‘Didn’t his mom tell him to stay away from girls?’ I thought to pout.

“Hmm… let me think” He said rubbing his chin pretending to remember ″you may or may not kissed my cheek and pretended like you never did? ″ He added.

″Pfft. Me? Kissing you? Nope. You must be… daydreaming. Yeah. Daydreaming” I stuttered.

‘Smooth Sreesha. Really smooth. Daydreaming? Can’t you think anything better?’

“You’re right. This must be a dream. I should’ve known you wouldn’t kiss me like that, right?” I nodded my head vigorously.

“If it is a dream, I can do whatever I want with you now right? After all, this is just a dream… nothing real and I dream a lot about you” he said feigning innocence now his lips were just a few inches away.

What have I got myself into…?

‘Told you it’s not a good idea’ my conscience yelled at me again though I wouldn’t mind a kiss’ didn’t this voice scolded me seconds ago?

“Sree” his voice was hoarse a cold shiver ran down my spine.

He is leaning again; I closed my eyes tightly thinking he will kiss me even though he promised that he would wait for my consent. Just when I thought he lips will land on mine… he changed the direction and pecked my cheek. The touch of his soft lips did magic on my skin. If you read all those romantic novels, you would know what I was trying to explain. Sparks, butterflies, shivers what not? I just wish those butterflies stay in their place and won’t erupt like a volcano in my stomach when he didn’t stop with one kiss.

He started pecking my cheeks making my stomach churn in anticipation.

What if he wants it right now?

What if he forces himself on me now?

What if…

“That my dear wife is called ‘tit for tat’ ” he said smirking. I sighed in relief.

“You think too much, Sree,” he said looking into my eyes.

‘He got the most beautiful eyes’

“You think my eyes are beautiful?”


“You should really stop thinking aloud” he added making me blush.

“I’ll go and prepare dinner,” I said releasing myself from him. But I miss his touch already. It’s not like I was going to admit it to him… yet.

The next morning, he got a call from his mom asking… no more like ordering us to get ready for shopping.

Karthik can’t go with us because one, he has a business meeting, this time it was real.

Two, his mother already got a suit for him.

Three Its ‘girls’ day out’.

Her words, not mine.

She took me to an expensive shop and started searching for a perfect lehenga for the evening. I hate shopping. She tossed a pile of dresses in my hands and ordered me to try each and every dress? I feel like a model now.

Oh, Joy not.

I tried at least 20 dresses, but she still didn’t approve of them. I stomped my foot like a kid every time she told me ‘next please’ or waved her hand to say next. Seriously can she be any weirder than this? Who am I kidding she could do all the weird stuff like a teenage girl. No offence for teenagers thou. It’s just that my mom-in-law was weird.

When I stepped outside wearing the next dress and mentally prepared to go and change into another one, she started squealing like a teenager. Like literally squealing and nodded her head furiously.

Approved. Again, no offence for teenagers. No more shopping spree with mom I mentally made a note to myself.

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