Maid for the Mafia Boss

Chapter 35

” Mama, do you really work here?” Brylle’s eyes with amazed expression wandered around the living room at the front door. He is sitting in the couch and beside him are Jane and friends.

I went towards them and carried Brylle.

” Yes, son. We’re going for a tour later but first, let us eat breakfast okay?” He nodded so I walked to the dining where there are food in the table already.

” We are your maid today Brylle.” Nathan said, smiling at the child. I looked at them with amazement.

” You don’t have to. It’s okay.” Jane bowed and the two other followed.

” We are your servants maître and maîtresse” I shook my head at Jane, Ema and Nathan, chuckling. Brylle looked at me with a curious eyes.

” Mama, is that French? For master and mistress?” I smiled at his smart remark. I’ve been teaching him sometimes about different languages that I know and I’m super proud because he’s able to pick up what I’m teaching him.

” Yes baby”

” We are their masters?” The three nodded and said in unison:

” Yes, maître” Brylle’s eyes immediately glimmered as he happily moved in my hold.

I released him down on a high chair that is on the dining room. Zeke also took the seat across Brylle.

” Wow! That’s a lot of food? What’s up?” I became stilled as I heard Steven’s voice in the entrance of the dining room. Why is he here?

” Steve, why are you here?” Steven’s eyebrow raised an eyebrow as he casually took the seat beside Zeke. He grinned at my direction.

” Huh? We just saw each other yesterday. You know that I was kicked out by Mom last night right?” He reached for a piece of hotdog and put it in his mouth. I can’t believe that he didn’t noticed Brylle’s presence. Can’t he see? No sense of his surroundings? How is this man in a mafia?

” By the way Nassandra, why are you eating here? You’re a maid right?” He teasingly said. My eyes just widened at his direction.

” Hotdog?” We all looked at Brylle with the piece on his hand, wanting to give it to Steven. The latter nodded and reached for what Brylle gave, smiling. Brylle continued on giving the food to Steven who is still obliviously putting what Brylle is giving on his plate.

This continued until the hotdog on his plate reached the number of five. This time, his smile disappeared as his head tilted at Brylle. The room became silent.

” Ha?” Steven confusingly mumbled, slightly realizing what is happening. Brylle shyly smiled and nodded.

” Hatdog”




” Pfftt—” I can’t help but cover my mouth when I remembered something. Zeke, however, bursts out of laughter.

” Man! That is funny!” He slapped his hand on the confused man’s back.

Steven is frozen on his seat and just staring at Brylle.

” It’s my favorite. You’re like our neigbor who like hotdogs too”

” HAHAHAHAHA!” I can’t! The look on Steven’s face is too funny. Brylle confusingly looked up at me. I touched his cheek using my right hand while wiping my tears of laughter using my left hand.

” Oh don’t mind us Brylle, just go and eat”

I also noticed that Ema, Jane and Nathan are slightly laughing while they are standing near the table.


Steven immediately left his seat and ran towards the back of the wall seperating the kitchen and the dining room.

” W-why is there a kid? There’s too much children in our house! I don’t want to encounter any again!” He nervously stated. Don’t tell me he’s scared of… kids?

Brylle is just happily eating, not minding us grown ups who are going crazy.

Steven looked like a tarsier at the way he’s hugging the wall. He looked at me and pointed a finger.

” Are you the one who brought him here?! Nassandra! I don’t want to see a child anymore!” He shoited like a 9 years old.

” HAHAHA! Wait, pfftt— Steven! You still have your fear of children? You’re always with them at your house!” Zeke remarked, preventing himself from further laughing.

” That’s why! There’s too much kids in the house, I’m getting tired of them! And also, I’m not scared! I just don’t want to be with them. Huhuhu. Nassandraaa” he pouted to which I frowned upon.

” You’re like a woman, Steven” I said in a serious tone. He went still because of what he heard.

” Nassandra, ouch!” I’m a man in every possible way you can think of! You can ask the women I’ve been—” I widened my eyes at Steven while covering Brylle’s ears.

” Shut up” I said, irritated. I don’t care if he’s a master. I don’t even consider him as one. Mwahahahahaha.

He raised his two hands like he’s saying he surrender.

” Whewz! Your gaze is intense, Nassandra.” Zeke stopped laughing and nodded several times.

” I agree. Maybe if I saw her together with Kei, I won’t be able to go near the two of them.” I rolled my eyes at the two.

” Just eat, you two” I grouchy said.

” You’re so loud, it’s still so early!” We turned at Devon who just enetered the dining room and as usual, his eyebrows are furrowed.

He stilled when he saw Brylle. His face became more sour as he looked at us.

” Why is a child here?” He asked but there’s something in his voice. It’s like he’s getting excited? Huh?

” That’s what I’m confused at too! Huhuhu. I don’t want to see more children!” Steven even pointed while complaining.

Devon’s eyes wandered and stopped at Jane, Ema and Nathan’s direction.

” Is this your child? How dare you bring him to work?!” Their eyes widened and instantly lowered their head.

” I-It’s not ours, maître” answered Nathan. Devon narrowed his eyes at him. I sighed.

” He’s my son, Devon” I said. He looked at me.

” Y-You have a child? H-How about Kei?” Okay. What’s up with Keian? I furrowed my eyebrows at his question.

” I’m not his biological mother” it’s like he still processed what I said and let out a breath.

” Thank God!” They’re really scared that Keian may know? I continued on eating. I saw that Zeke is glancing at my direction every once in a while. Plus, Steven is still at the wall, taking his breakfast. Hayy.

Devon went near Brylle like he’s observing the child. Later on, he suddenly blushed?

” The child is cute! Hahahahaha!” He touched Brylle’s cheeks and squeezed it. Oemghi. This is the first time I saw Devon act like this! Miracles are real!

I blinked rapidly at Devon who is enjoying the laughing Brylle. I looked at Zeke who just shrugged.

I just smiled at Devon’s face.

After eating, we went outside the mansion to tour Brylle around. The three men are in our backs and I see that they have no intention of leaving the two of us.

Devon’s eyes are shining while Steven is so scared. It is obvious though that Brylle is happy that I brought him here.

Now, Brylle and I are swimming at the shallow part of the one of the swimming pools. Brylle said that he want to swim that’s why I’m wearing Jane’s rash guard that she brought when she started working here. Swimming in a pool was not in my plan when I decided to apply for being a maid that’s wht I don’t have any appropriate clothes with me for this kind of event.

Zeke, Devon and Steven are also in the water, swimming like children. I am, however, teaching Brylle how to swim. And as always, he’s a fast learner.

” Helloooo!” We all turned our heads on where the voice came from and I’m pretty sure it’s Katie’s. I got confused when all remaining friends of Kei who is not with us are now following the two siblings with green heads heading to our direction.

Dale, Erick, Maxence, Theo and also Laiza are now with Katie. There is also another girl that I don’t recognize. She looked like she’s younger than me.

” What are you doing here Katie?” Steven questioned. Katie’s smile widened while showing us her bag.

” We heard there’s a celebration here so we thought we’ll join.” She said casually before leaving her things on a table not far from the pool.

” We also brought foods to grill so that we’ll have something to eat” I smiled at what Theo said as he shyly smiled back at me.

” Mama, who are they?” The place got silent and the new comers froze when they heard Brylle’s voice. My grip tightened on Brylle as I don’t know what to say. Should I introduce them? I’m afraid that they might do something not good to Brylle.

” Ohhh, whose child is this?” Dale asked, smirking while his eyes are on me. My eyebrow creased at his tone.

” He’s Nassandra! s son” Devon answered. Dale seemed to became excited at what Devon said, Erick’s head slightly tilted, Maxence’s attention is just on his phone while Laiza narrowed her eyes at me.

The girl I don’t recognize walked towards us. She squated in front of Brylle for her face to be leveled at his.

” Hi, my name is Clara Alexandre” she introduced herself with a wide smile. I reached out for her hand.

” Nassandra Del Luna”

” My name’s Brylle” Clara’s eyes glimmered as she looked like she want to touch Brylle.

” Oh my ghad, so cute!” She stated.

” I know right?” Devon suddenly emerged out of nowhere beside Brylle then the two of them started talking.

” Wait, who is the child’s father Nassandra?” Dale asked seemingly so interested. My eyes narrowed at him but decided to answer his question still.

” He’s not my real son” was my short answer and I even saw the disappointment in his eyes. Okay… I don’t get him.

” Awww, I thought for a second that there will be a war, that will be fun” I furrowed my eyebrows. What is his problem? Erick went near us then he bowed.

” Miss Nassandra” he greeted. I gave him a smile though his greeting made me a bit uncomfortable.

” No need to bow, Erick. How are you?” He looked at me with a slight smile.

” I’m great” I just nodded at his response. He slightly bowed again before leaving to prepare the grill.

I glance at Katie who removed her clothes and surprisingly, she’s wearing a bikini. She snucked up behind Maxence who is busy looking at his gadget while standing beside the pool.

” Think fast, Max!” The latter looked up from his phone and was about to look at Katie when he was suddenly pushed at the deep part of the pool.

” What the f—?!” Maxence’s eyes widened. He raised his hand with the phone before it sink in the water.

” The phone’s saved!” He shouted before leaving the water. He immediately gave Katie a death glare.

Katie also pushed Erick and the latter just let her. She went to Dale as she was about to do the same to him but Dale raised his hands.

” No need to push Kate, I’m going in” Katie smiled when Dale removed his top then jumping into the water.

” Laiza, come on!” She shouted at the lady who just waves her hands. Theo is also now in the water.

” No thanks. I don’t want to get wet” Katie just shrugged at what Laiza said before going down the water and swimming near Brylle and me.

” Hi Nassandra, can I play with Brylle?” She asked with a smile. Brylle seemed excited at what he heard so I nodded.

” Just make sure he won’t drown” I said to her. She gave a thumbs up before getting Brylle.ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

” He’s in good hands. And also, this pool is not that deep, don’t worry” she winked as she faced her back to me. It looks like all of them are good in swimming. I just they won’t do something worse to Brylle.

They all surround Brylle and started talking to him. Atleast, my son is happy.

” Stop it, Steven” Maxence annoyinnly said when Steven repeatedly splashed him water in the face. He’s still holding his phone that looked like it broke.

” Your attention is always on your cellphone! Atleast you get rested!” Steven said while Maxence is still irritated.

” I don’t care, I want my phone and Katie’s the one who broke it” he looked over at Katie, fuming but the lady just smiled widely. Suddenly, Maxence’s expression changed and became, excited?

” Hey!” Maxence is now the one who’s splashing water in Steven’s face. I smiled.

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