Madness: A Dark Revenge Romance

Madness: Part 2 – Chapter 80

We rode the rest of the quick drive in silence. As he pulls into a drive, he orders, “There’s a hoodie in the back seat. Put it on.”

I turn and lean over, grabbing the black hoodie and pulling it over my head. It has to be a man’s large due to how big it is on me. It makes me think of Haidyn.

He comes to a stop and puts the car in park. “It has to look real.”

I swing my head to look at him just as his fist connects with my face. He knocks my head back into the window. Tears instantly fill my eyes, and my breath is momentarily taken away before the pain takes over, making me cry out. An instant headache throbs behind my eyes.

My shaking hands go to my face, and I lean forward as blood drips from my nose and fills my mouth.

He opens his door and slams it shut. I realize I’m crying when he opens mine. He pulls me out by my hair and shoves me to the ground. I try to crawl away, but he grabs my hands and pulls them behind my back. He places me in handcuffs and yanks me to my feet. “You fucking…”

He slaps a hand over my mouth. “Save your energy, you’re going to need it.” He leaves me to stand there by myself on shaking legs as he gets back into the car.

Yanking up my hoodie, I feel him slide something into the back of my jeans and then he puts the hoodie back down covering it up. “You’ll need this too.” He shoves something into my back pocket. “Let’s go.” He grips my upper arm and yanks me up a set of steps.

I try to even my breathing out and calm down, but I’m having a hard time walking in a straight line. I feel dizzy, my face is throbbing, and I’m spitting blood. I can feel it running down my chin. He opens the front door and pushes me inside. I fall to my knees and cry out.

Fuck, Haidyn’s brothers are going to kill me if Bill doesn’t do it himself.

“Bill,” a familiar voice sings. “What did you bring me?”

My hair is grabbed, and my head yanked back. I grind my teeth to try to keep quiet. But my stomach drops when I see a set of brown eyes.

“What?” I gasp. “No…”NôvelDrama.Org © content.

He kneels in front of me. His eyes search mine before they drop to my bloody hoodie. He reaches out to touch my face, and I pull away, dropping my chin to my neck to avoid him.

He yanks my head up and grips my tear-streaked face. It makes my already throbbing cheeks hurt. “I thought you’d miss me, doll face.” He calls me by the nickname that Haidyn gave me, and I flinch.

“What…are you doing here?” I ask breathlessly. So confused. Bill didn’t mention Wesley being involved.

He laughs loudly. “Did you really never question my involvement in your life? The fact that I wouldn’t fuck you?” His laughter grows. “Your mother made me promise that I wouldn’t touch you. And it was so hard to do when you begged me like a whore.”

I flinch and try to pull away, but he just tightens his grip, making me cry out.

“And your brand…didn’t you wonder why I never brought it up when I saw you naked?”

“Nooo,” I say as my cheeks dig into my teeth from his tight grip.

“You’re such a naive little bitch.” He laughs in my face.

“Where’s my wife?” Bill asks, sounding bored.

Wesley lets go of me and stands to his full height, but his eyes remain on mine when he smirks. “She’s in the middle of something.”

“What am I supposed to do with Annabelle?” he demands as if babysitting me is putting him out.

“I have an idea.” Wesley bends down, grabs my hair, and yanks me to my feet. He’s got me bent over at the waist so all I can see is our shoes as we walk on old hardwood floors, and then we’re going down a flight of stairs, and the floor changes to concrete.

I’m brought to a stop and shoved into a wall. The side of my face smashes into it as my wrists are freed. The sound of steel squeaks, and then I’m shoved to my knees once more. “She’ll be fine in here until her mother is ready to see her. She has him to keep her company.” He nods behind me.

Looking up, I see a hospital bed shoved into the far wall of a small concrete room. “Haidyn?” I gasp, scrambling to my feet before running over to him. “Haidyn…oh my God.” I cry as I see him lying on the bed. His eyes are closed, and I quickly look over the restraints that keep him secured to it. He has an IV in his right arm, and a bag of fluids hangs from a nail on the wall next to him.

“What did you do to him?” I demand. “Haidyn?” My hands shake his bare chest. Oh my God, he feels so cold. “Haidyn, wake up.”

“Pathetic, isn’t it?” Wesley laughs. “This could have been avoided if Isabella had just let me slit his throat.”

I spin around, my hair whipping my tear-streaked and bloody face. My stomach drops at his words. Stepping forward, I ask, “What did you say?” My voice trembles just like my body.

He smirks, placing his forearm on the inside of the door. Popping a hip out, he speaks. “Didn’t you watch the video I sent you?” He laughs and adds, “When he tried to commit suicide.”

I step toward my once fake boyfriend, tears running down my face. “Why would you…?”

“How about all the other videos?” he smirks and I’m having a hard time catching my breath. “See…it was all a test. One to see if you were that easy to manipulate.” He laughs like it’s a joke. “I knew you’d fall for it. You wouldn’t be able to not feel sorry for the tortured man. Didn’t matter how shitty he treated you. All of you bitches are the same.” He places his hands under his chin and speaks in a high-pitch voice. “I can change him.” Then his eyes go hard, and he takes a step closer to me. “No matter how many times your mother has told you that you’re special, I promise you, you’re not special, Annabelle. Especially to a Spade brother.” He throws his head back laughing. “He’s here for your mother, Anna, not you. And when she decides he’s served his time and you’re ready to take her place—she’ll make you kill him.” He steps back and grabs the door.

“No,” I say, running toward it, but he slams it in my face. “Wesley?” I shout, slamming my fists on the cold steel. I hear the locks set in place as we’re covered in complete darkness. “Haidyn?” I ask, spinning around and blinking rapidly, trying to adjust my eyes to get my vision back. “Haidyn?” I reach my hands out to feel my way. I come to a stop and remember that Bill put something in my back pocket that he said I’d need.

My shaking hands go to my jeans, and I feel my phone. I pull it out, sobbing with excitement. My trembling hands almost drop it before I can open it up to the flashlight. Turning it on, I make my way over to Haidyn and prop it up on the bed so I can see the medical restraints. I unbuckle his wrists and ankles, and I rip out the IV, knowing whatever is in it can’t be good.

“Haidyn, please wake up,” I whisper, wondering if they have cameras in here. If so, how long until they return? Until they realize this is all a setup? “Haidyn, please…I need to know you’re okay.” I sniff, and it hurts since I’m pretty sure my nose is broken. “Please…Haidyn.” I shake his bare chest with my free hand.

He’s cold to the touch, so I reach up and feel for a pulse. It’s weak, and it makes me cry harder. “Please don’t die. Please don’t leave me again,” I beg, yanking the bloody hoodie up and over my head and laying it over him with shaking hands. “I love you.” Tears fall from my eyes and drop on his cheeks. “Did you hear me?” I scream in his face, needing him to open his eyes. “Look at me.” I gasp, trying to catch my breath. “I love you. Please, Haidyn…don’t do this to me…to us.”


I can hear her voice. It’s as if she’s right here with me, but I know that’s not possible. She’s at Carnage with my brothers where she belongs. Isabella was lying. She wants me to think she won.

“Haidyn, please?” my wife begs, and it feels like the room shakes.

I don’t know what she’s begging for, but whatever it is, I’d give it to her.


Her voice is louder, and then there’s a bright light in my eyes.

“Please wake up. I need you to wake up.”

“Char…?” I cough, unable to finish saying her name. It’s not real. It’s a trick my mind is playing on me. My own personal hell. Any second I’m going to have to choose…watch her mother’s minions torture and rape her or kill my wife. Even though I know it’s not real, I can’t kill her. I can’t live if she doesn’t. I’m a coward.

“Yes, Haidyn. It’s me. Wake up. Please…”

My heavy eyes crack open, and I expect to see nothing but the black room, but there’s a light by my head. It shines on the opposite wall next to the bed.

“Oh my God.” I hear a voice sob. “Haidyn.”

I turn my head to the left, and the light moves, shining on my face, and I blink rapidly.

She crawls onto the bed and lies down next to me. I wrap my arms around her and pull her against me. My one hand tangles in her soft hair while the other holds her waist. She’s crying. Her small body shakes against mine. “You’re okay, doll face. You’ll be okay.” Fuck, I can smell her. Strawberries and cream. It’s as if we’re lying in our bed back at home. “Take the brands.” I tell her. “Can you do that for me, doll face?”

“Haidyn—what…?” She sniffs.

“Do whatever they want you to do. I’m so sorry I let them hurt you. I promise that I love you. Just do whatever they want you to do. Can you promise me that, Charlotte?”

“Haidyn,” she cries softly. “No…I love you…”

“Shh, it’ll be okay.” I want her to know that no matter what, she’ll be okay without me. “I love you,” I whisper.

Somehow, I feel a little more at peace. I had already made up my mind that I was going to leave her, but I didn’t know until now that I needed to hear her one more time. I was already willing to give up my life for hers. Now I can without them hurting her in the process. She shouldn’t have to prove who she is. Not when I can show her who she can be.

Maybe this is what hell is. I’ve had it wrong all these years. It’s not Carnage or physical torture. It’s the mind games. The what-ifs…what could have been…

I wish I could say that I’m stronger than this, but I’m not. If I’m dead, then they won’t have anything to show off for. They won’t force her to do shit against her will if I’m not here to witness it.

I don’t need a gun and a bullet to end it all. I just have to let go of her.

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