We all stand up when the door to Angel’s room flows open, the doctor standing in front of us. We are all here – all my family members and also Rita and her husband. Andy called them up, though they haven’t conversed, but at least they feel appreciated even by just being here.

“Well, doc? How did it go?” I ask, because andy seems to be contemplating something that I don’t know.

“It went well, Mr Ashton. The transfusion was a success.” The doctor replies, causing us all to relax. Everyone was tense.

“Can we see her now?” I ask after breathing out a sigh of relief.

“Sure, but don’t bother her so much as she needs a lot of rest. Only two people at a time.” The doctor says, and excuses himself.

My parents nod at me, implying that Andy and I go in first. That was deduced. We are her parents anyway, and we just can’t introduce them to her in her hospital bed. I look at Andy. He is still lost to a point that I had to shake him to reality.

“Let’s go in?” I ask, afraid of what he lost in.

He was alright all night long even though we didn’t talk about Angel. I understand he is still hurting about her discovery about Angel and maybe he is afraid of facing his daughter for the first time after the discovery. That is the only reason he would turn into a zombie state like he is.

“Go first, babe.” He whispers, shocking everyone.

Who wouldn’t be? Nobody knows a thing about Adrian not being Angel’s real father.

“Andy, come on. Angel is…”

“Please, Ania. I’ll just… Go ahead. I’ll follow.” He pleads, and I don’t think it’s of any use to insist any further. We will end up perplexing everyone even more, or even arouse some questions that I don’t think he is ready for.

He reclines back to the seat, Ambrose ambling to him while the rest of the five pairs of eyes escort them. I leave him to deal with whatever that is bothering him, hoping that he overcome this soon. I stroll inside.

Here lies my daughter – our daughter, because I know despite everything, the love Andy had for her has not changed. She is our daughter. She always looks so peaceful while asleep, but not this way. Not today. Maybe because I have never seen her in this condition. I mean, with all these pipes and in a hospital bed.

“Hey, baby?” I call softly, hoping that I don’t wake her up. I would rather see her sleeping than in anguish. She doesn’t open her eyes.

I take her small hand in mine, giving it a gentle kiss. When next I look up at her face, her eyes are slowly opening.

“Baby.” I whisper.

“Mommy!” She whispers faintly, making me lean to her beautiful baby face.

“How is my princess?” I ask, forcing a smile.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m fine, mommy.” She says, scanning around the room, and before I can say something else, she beats me to it. “Where is daddy?”This is what I was afraid of. I knew she will ask about him the moment she opens her eyes. So what am I supposed to tell her? That her daddy just found out that he is actually not her biological daddy and now he is afraid of facing her? For goodness sake, I hope he gets over that soon and comes to her.

“Mommy? Where is daddy?” She repeats in a sort of cry whisper.

“Aahh… baby, you see, daddy is taking care of something.” I lie.

“But I want to see him now, mommy.” She cries.

I know she wants to see him. Maybe I should go drag his ass in here, because I can’t keep cooking lies to his daughter.

“I want my daddy.” Tears start rolling from her eyes.

That’s it! I’ve heard enough of that guy. She just stress this poor kid like this.

“Okay, baby. Just don’t cry, okay? I will go find daddy and…””Daddy is here, princess.” I turn around in the direction of his voice, and soon enough, he is kneeling beside the bed, kissing his daughter passionately on the forehead.

Thank goodness.

“I’m sorry, princess. Forgive daddy for not coming sooner.” He pleads after pulling away, caressing her hair.

“Okay, daddy. Why did those bad people say that I am not your daughter, daddy? They were lying, right?”Shit!

Did she hear it? Of course, she was right behind me when those fools were arguing like maniacs.

“Listen, baby. Those bad people didn’t know what they were saying, Princess, okay? Forget what you heard. Daddy is here. I’m your daddy, and you are my beautiful Princess.”Well, however wrong lies are, this is a convenient lie that I fully consent to. The poor kid doesn’t need to get confused on top of the pain she is enduring. Maybe when she is old enough. Maybe then we can tell her the truth, but just maybe.

“I believe you, daddy. And I love you and mommy so so much.””And we love you, baby, so so much.” I lean on Andy’s shoulder as we chorus together, earning a faint smile from our firstborn daughter.

“How is my princess doing, huh? Does it hurt a lot?” Andy asks, fiddling with her hair.

“I’m fine now that I have seen you, daddy and mommy. But I am scared of those bad people.””Worry no more, baby. They are gone.” Andy assures her, and I savour the peace of that feeling.

Finally! Ooh, finally!

“They are gone, daddy? They will never bother us again?” She asks.

“No, baby. We will never see them again.”

“Thank you, daddy.”

“Huh? For what?” I look at the little cutie, bewildered at her words just like her daddy is.

“For coming to our rescue. You know what mommy told me?”Huh! This kid ooh! Where is she even getting all the energy to talk like this?

“What?” Andy asks.

“That you would come to save us. And mommy was right, daddy, because you came. I love you, daddy.””Mmh…” He kisses her forehead. “Daddy will always be here for you and mommy. Why don’t you rest now, princes? That way you will heal faster and we can go home already, okay?””Yes, daddy.”

She closes her eyes, and we shush her to sleep together.

After she falls asleep, Andy gets up, pulling me to him.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

“Was I wrong in lying to her?” He asks.

I hold his hands.

“No, love. Our daughter has gone through enough stress and trauma. It’s best this way. Besides, those two are out of our lives for good. We are Angel’s parents. You have always been and will continue to be the daddy she ever had.” I console.

“What if she ever finds out that we lied.” He asks, worry still there in his voice.

“If that ever happens, she will be old enough to understand, and we will be there to explain this to him. But for now, you made the right decision, Andy.””I was scared. Despite everything, she is still my weakness and my strength.””Because you love her so much, Andy. No matter what happens, let your heart always guide you.””Thank you, baby. You are my other strength. What would I do without you? Who would Adrian Ashton be without Tania Lawson?””I don’t know about you, Andy, but Tania Lawson is nothing without you.” I say, kissing his lips, and he kisses me back with so much passion.

Shit had fucked big times with us that I almost forgot how to kiss these sweet lips. I am even craving him. How I miss that toll of his..

We pull away, and he envelopes me to him with one hand, the other caressing my cheeks.

“I am nothing at all without you, love. Nothing at all. You are my better half, my all, an angel send my way by God. I love you, and I will love you until eternity.””And finally, I can be Mrs Ashton.” I tease him, pulling him for another kiss that doesn’t last long either.

“I gave you that title a long time ago, Mrs Ashton. But it’s high time we solemnise. I want it to be legal.” He says.

“Really? But we have a baby on the way. I might ruin the big day with mood swings.” I tease.

“I wouldn’t mind even if you puke at our cake. I will be the one to clean you up.” He smirks.

“Mmh. Okay. You know I can’t wait for that day. The obstacles are all gone now. We are free!””Thank you for being there with me until the end. This heart here beats only for you and my babies.””Mmh. Thank you too.”

“I miss you, hun.” He kisses me once. “I want to make love to you.” He whispers, licking my earlobe.

“We have people waiting for us outside, hun.” I murmur as I begin to tremble in his arms with desire.

Damn! I didn’t even know I craved him this much. How long has it been again?

“Shit!” He curses, pulling away and boring onto my eyes.

I missed seeing this look of lust in him.

“I think we have a lot of explaining to do to your people, and I have to apologise to our two impossible friends. But after that, baby, I want you to myself in bed. Will the baby be safe?”Damn! The baby has to be fine because I am dying to be sprawled beneath him as his cock inches into me.

“I think so. It has to be fine because I am dying for that. I can’t wait to get to that room and have you all to myself.” I respond with so much enthusiasm.

“How about we consult a doctor before leaving? Just to be sure, hun.” He says, pecking my lips as he pulls me outside.

Well, I don’t think that’s necessary, but if that is what will make him make love to me in peace then alright.

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