“Don’t you at least need to sit down, babe? You are pacing too much and that is not good for you.” Andy says.

Huh! See why I refused to tell him right away? What will pacing do to a one-month zygote? Goodness! I have heard stories of expectant women participating in and winning running marathons. But to Adrian Ashton, pacing, standing, anything at all except eating is not good for me.

Leave aside that for now, because I know I have not seen anything yet, but how on earth can I stop pacing if no one is picking up my call for the tenth time back home? Where the heck is that family of mine when I need them the most?

“Still no response, Andy! What are we going to do?” I ask, worry washing over me.

My twin sisters are the only hope we have right now to save Angel, but I can’t get a hold of them. Who the hell is with that damn phone?

“Relax, babe! Just, sit first.”

Huh, this Andy again. He guides me to the leather seat, and assists me crouch down with care as if I am already in labour. It’s all sweet, but, he is overdoing it.

“You know I am not sick, right?” I ask, peeking at him because I think he didn’t quite discern what being pregnant really means.

“I know, but you are pregnant, Ania! You need to be cautious about everything. You can’t get worked up.” He says, sitting beside me and resting his arm around my shoulder.

At least, he recovered from that shocking state he had succumbed into after I told him the news, and I understand. We have an emergency that needs our urgent attention. That is why I proposed to talk to my parents to see if Mina and Mira can come here as soon as now. But where are they?

“Where could they possibly be, Andy? No one is picking and time is running out.” I mumble, fidgeting on the seat.

“Why don’t we give them about fifteen minutes then we can try again, okay? Maybe they went somewhere and forgot to bring the phone.” He says.

Well, they better return soon from wherever they went to. I can’t believe they had to leave the phone behind today of all days.


We snap in the direction of Rita and Ambrose.

“Is everything okay?” Ambrose asks while Rita avoids Andy’s gaze at all costs.

Andy nods his head plainly, not caring to explain anything to them. He is so hard-headed and tenacious. Although I can’t condemn him, he can’t continue to act this way with them.

Just when I was about to speak to them, my phone buzzed, making me jerk up to my feet, Andy doing the same and wrapping his arm around my waist.

Mental eyes roll!

“It’s them.” I say to Andy, while Rita and Ambrose exchange perplexed glances with each other.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

They know nothing, and they will know nothing until Andy and I settle this.

“Take it.” Andy says to me, rubbing my back. Well, I like that one.

“Hello!” I greet after receiving the call, and mom’s voice comes loud into the speaker.

“Hi, dear! How are you? Is everything okay?” She asks.

They have been well cognizant of the chaos going on over here, and if there was any time I felt their love, solace, and backing, it was during this moment. We haven’t seen eye to eye since that day I came back, but I have felt their presence every single time. They never missed a day without calling to ask how things were folding up.

“Mom! Why the hell wasn’t anybody picking up, huh?” I almost yell, and I feel Andy’s grip on me tighten, perhaps reminding me to keep calm.

“Sorry dear, we left it charging and went to the market. Is everything okay, my dear? Anything wrong?” She asks.

“Well, it’s just that… Aaah… a lot has happened the last few hours and…””What happened, Tania? Are you all okay?” She asks worryingly.

“What happened?” I overhear the voices of my father and Mina and Mira chorus together. They are probably leaning their ears on the phone to hear what I have to say by now.

“Andy and I are okay, mom, but Angel isn’t. That’s why I called.” I explain, clearing the bile forming in my throat.

“Why, Tania? What happened Angel? And… What do you need?” Mother asks in a trembling voice.

They have never met the little kid, but they love her so much. Who wouldn’t anyway?

“Angel had an accident. She needs a blood transfusion and only Mina and Mira can help us. I was asking if you and dad could allow them to donate to her. She…””Goodness, Tania! Why wouldn’t we let them, huh? You don’t have to ask for permission for that.” She says.

“Thanks, mom. Please tell them to hurry. The process needs to be done as soon as possible.””Don’t worry, dear. I will tell them to get ready right away and…””Tell her that we are going over there all of us.” That is the voice of my father, making my heart melt.

“Well, you heard your father, Tania. We are heading there.” Mom says.

“I did mother, and I really appreciate your concerns. I’m sorry I have to make you go through the trouble of travelling at night, but, it’s…” She cuts me off once again.

“Come on, Tania! It’s alright. Everyone in your situation would do this, and we as your family are glad to help. We will do anything for you and your family. That is our grandchild, remember?”Ooh, my! I’m crying. The love of these backbones of mine is overwhelming.

“Thank you, mother. Andy and I appreciate it.” I murmur.

“How is he coping up?” She asks, and I peek at the man, and he winks. I guess he heard that, or conceivably the whole conversation.

“He is okay.” I respond.

“Well, no matter how fine you think he is, Tania, this is the time to show him your greatest support and understanding. This can’t be easy for any parent.” Shit! I should probably hang up now after urging them to hurry up to the stage. “That reminds me, I know this is hard for you but, where is that Maria? Don’t tell me that crazy woman doesn’t care about her daughter even at this crucial moment.”A moment of silence!

Her body is in the morgue. And this reminds me that I still have to inform her mother about what happened to her only child. Poor woman!

“Tania? Are you there?”

“Yes, mom. You see, Maria is gone, mom.” I murmur.

“What? Gone? As in, dead, Tania?”

“Yeah, mom. Damian killed her. It’s a long story. I will tell you all about it when you get here. I will also inform her mother.” I say.

“No, dear. She is my sister. I’ll be the one to explain this to her. Just concentrate on the situation back there.””Thanks so much, mom. And can you guys also hurry up please so you don’t miss the last bus to the city tonight?””No!” I snap to Andy. “It’s too risky to travel this late, especially on the streets of Nairobi. Tell them to go to Embu airport. I’ll have a chopper prepared to fly them here.”Ooh, wow!

“Copy that, Tania! See you in a few, dear. And stay strong.””Okay, mom. See you.”

I hang up.

“Give me a minute, babe. I will just call someone about the chopper.” Andy says, and I nod my head.

He strides away after promising not to take long, ignoring these two souls like they are not even here, and Rita lifts up her head for the first time since they got here.

“Aren’t you two exaggerating the situation with Andy too much?” I ask, glaring at these two who seem like they are taking their first breath after a decade.

I mean, as his only friends, shouldn’t they know the right way to approach him in a time like this? But, hey! Remembering that one situation I had with him when I messed up with his daughter, I can’t blame them so much. But still…

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