I’m wearing a broad smile as I watch Angel trying her best to blend with the kids at this park. Yes, because I was able to persuade Andy to let the bitch have its way. That wasn’t an easy one, though! He went berserk, livid, he fumed and roared, but in the end, I was able to calm him down like I always do. I am the only one who knows how to handle him. I’m glad I have that power to just soothe the beast in him.

Nonetheless, I can’t just trust this skimming which, hence, I had to tag along to keep an eye on Angel. She thought I would just let her take my daughter all alone? She was so damn wrong! There is no way I would give in to that.

Talking of the bitch, I thought her ass was itching to bond with her daughter and not just dump her at the park and disappear. I know! The air is so surreal without her annoying pesky self around, but still, where did she vanish to? It’s been about thirty minutes since she left to answer some God knows whose call. That’s so freaking long. Besides, she didn’t have to hide just to pick up a call. Unless…

I make a complete slow-degree turn, craning my head from side to side but erring to catch a glimpse of her anywhere. Where the heck are you, bitch? I am itching to go look for her, well, not certainly look for her but to confirm my intuitions, but Angel… I can’t leave the kid all alone. What if this is her trick to distract me so that she can embezzle Angel? I can’t afford to be impulsive. But what if she is meeting with her accomplices? What if I can get something to use on her?

Ooh, dear!

I glue my eyes at Angel, paranoia starting to swoop in. This bitch sure knows how to disrupt my peace. What the heck should I do?

My phone’s buzzing tickles my thigh from my pocket, and I fish it out without taking my eyes off Angel. Anything can be a distraction right now. Anything can be just a ploy to distract my attention. I press the receiver button without caring to check who the caller is, and I place the phone on my ear.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Hey!” A very familiar male voice echoes through the speaker.

“Andy?” I query.

“Do you know how tense you look right now?”

Huh! Excuse me? I know I am freaking tense but he isn’t God to know everything without being told or seeing. Wait…

“Andy? Are you here?”

“What did you think? That I will just let my two precious jewels go with a crazy rotten bitch and sit my ass back at home and relax? I am not a dumbass moron!”At least, I can now breathe peacefully. I know we are safe. With him around.

“Okay, but you should have at least let me know. Where are you?””I’m watching you two from afar. But I have other eyes closer to you. So, can you now relax? For me? I don’t want to see you worried like that.”I dart my eyes around. I know what he means by that. He must have hired security for us despite my disagreement with his idea. Come to think of it, I think it is better this way. Nobody knows when this bitch will strike. It’s better to have a backup in case of anything.

“How can I calm down when I can’t seem to spot this bitch anywhere?” I whisper, moving the phone speaker to my mouth and back to my ear when I’m done.

“Relax. She is having her ass fucked by that good-for-nothing moron, Damian.”Huu! That’s harsh! I feel like laughing though. His dirty mouth sometimes drives me crazy in a sweet weird way. Anyways, we don’t have time to do that naughty stuff right now. I’m still cooling from that hospital adventure.

“So they are together, huh! I knew those two are up to something. Where are they? What are they doing? Or talking about?””Unfortunately my men couldn’t get anything from them. They went straight into the car at the parking lot. But worry not. I will take care of them. Just keep an eye on Angel.””Alright.” I mumble, but then all of a sudden I fear for Andy. What if they discover he is having them followed? What if Maria knows we are suspecting her? “Andy?” I quickly call.


“Ah… Andy… I…” Sha! Why wouldn’t this fear let me speak now, huh? He should know that he is Maria’s target. He should not let Maria catch a glimpse of him at all. His life is in great danger and..

“Babe? What’s up? Do you want to come over to the car for a quickie? There’s plenty of space in this limo, and you don’t have to feel shy to ask.””Shit!” I curse, and I hear his beautiful chuckles from his end. Damn! He is such a flirt! “You are a flirt.””And you like that else you wouldn’t be blushing like you are doing right now.””Get off my line.”

“No, you do.”

“Definitely but before I do, Andy, seriously, takes care, okay? Be extra careful.” I say with a change of voice.

Kidding aside. He needs to be extra careful.

“I will, my baby.” He whimpers seductively.

“Hon, I am serious, okay? Be careful. I would die if something bad happened to you. Please take care.” I plead.

“Hey! I said I will, okay. Didn’t we promise to be together until eternity? I….” He pauses.

Why? What’s happening?

“Andy?” I call.

“I’m here, Ania. Sorry but I have to disconnect. Maria is coming your way right now from behind. Talk later.”With that, he drops the call, and I shove my phone back into my pocket again without turning.

God, protect Andy for me – for us, me and his babies. Keep him safe, okay, Sir God?

“I still don’t understand how you were able to convince Adrian into this.”My short intercession is cut short by the witch’s voice as her as the clicking of her heels halts beside me.

“It’s simple, Maria, but you won’t understand.” I mumble, my gaze still on Angel.

“Ooh, make me understand.” She challenges.

“That is none of your business. You got what you wanted, right? There was no condition that I have to tell you what I did to convince my husband.” I retort, small wrinkles firming on my face due to anger. What’s her business huh?

“Mmh!” She walks in front of me with a look of mockery on her face. “Husband, you say?”Ahem! Well, we are living together. We sleep in the same bed. I’m carrying his child. We would be legally married as far as I remember if a misfortune didn’t befall us. We practically are husband and wife.

“Yes, husband. Andy is my husband from whichever angle you look at it and your opinion doesn’t count.” I fume.

“Easy. There is no need to be so defensive. Nobody is interested in that deadbeat. Naah, beast! By the way, are you sure you can handle him?””Handle? There is nothing to handle here, Maria. It is love that we are enjoying. He loves me and I love him. Something you couldn’t achieve.” I fire.

“But I achieved something much bigger. I introduced him to BDSM and he got addicted to it. He became precisely what I wanted him to become. I aroused that dark side of him.”Wait? Bdsss what? And what the hell is that?

“Ooh, wait. You didn’t know? He didn’t tell you? Don’t tell me you don’t know how he likes his sex served? Wait, he hasn’t shown you his dorm room?”Fuck hell! I am about to start shuddering. A dorm room? What exactly the fuck is that? And where on earth is that damn room? Before I get paranoid, I might as well consider this a joke. This bitch can be lying for all I know. And Andy opened up to me about that shit she taught him. What’s more, he swore never to take me through that? He said he can control himself. He has done that. He is over that.

“Tell me you have not seen that breast even once, Tania.””I have, Maria, and do you know what else? He himself, told me this rubbish that you are feeding me. But guess what? What you had with him is nothing compared to what he and I have. This is love. We don’t need some fucking special kind of evil sex just to satisfy ourselves. We make love, Maria, not just have sex.””You are so fucking wrong about that. The moment someone gets into BDSM, there is no way for them to quit. He is a dorm, Tania, and he can not change. That is why he still has that room in the mansion and fully equipped.”Dorm? Bbds whatever? A room? What is all this nonsense she is ranting about? No, why am I letting her lies get to me? Andy would have told me. He isn’t that… That… What did she call it again? Dorm? What sort of a name is that? It’s sounds horrible.

“I see you are taken aback. This proves to me that I was right. Anyway, if you think I am lying, go ask your beloved Adrian. But I must warn you, he turns into an uncontrollable sex beast when he walks into that room. Chiao!”She is messing with me, right?

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