My bedroom door opens, and my mother walks in. I honestly don’t know what time of the bright morning it is, and I also can’t recall what time I drowned into sleep last night. My head still feels so heavy with pending thoughts. I might have been thinking even in my sleep. Pss! Ooh me!

I lazily pull myself up, sitting straight on the bed, and wait for my mother to speak. She looks so heavily pregnant with utterance, which I don’t quite understand because we were on a clear page when we retired to bed last night. We had a loquacious family dialogue after Rita left, and we came into an understanding. I had a wide range of elucidating to do, and I did so without leaving out a thing. I poured out my all – my feelings, my thoughts, my sentiments, everything.

After the lengthy beneficial lectures, even from my younger siblings, sigh at that, I felt so much relieved, like a very enormous burden had been lifted off my chest. Nevertheless, I still found myself ambling in thoughts when I laid down on my bed, fathoming about their advises and opinions.Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

“Mother? What is it?” I wreck the lull, because my mother seems to have left her voice in their bedroom, and her facial expression is crystal clear that she has something to say, making me so damn anxious.

“Aaa… you have a guest.” She says at last, after what felt like a decade of total silence.

“A guest?” I query, putting on a scowl. “Who is it?””It would be best if you see for yourself dear.” She pats my shoulder with her hand, faking a small smile, and she walks out.

A guest, huh?

I kick off the duvet, and get my ass out of bed, walking to the bathroom to ease my bladder and wash off the eyes logs first.

Let’s see who Andy sent today, and it better not be that traitor of a friend, Rita. I still feel like killing her for what she did. In as much as I want to understand her, the damage she caused is just way too much. I can’t stay disgruntled to her all my life, but right now, I’m just hurting, and seeing her reminds me the I am in this situation all glory to her. Her intentions might have been good, but see what they caused? It’s not just me who is hurting, but Andy and Angel too. My family too is caught up in this tangle.

I get to the sitting room, stopping abruptly on my tracks after my eyes land on my supposed guest. My heart skips a beat or two. No, actually, a few beats.

He stands to face my direction after noticing my family’s eyes on me, his height dominating everyone else’s in this humble room, his rich candy odor filling the entire house. Talk of dominance, and Andrian Ashton is the real meaning of that.


Here he is, standing tall before me. I feel enranged and overwhelmed by his visit at the same time. I know I look like a confused idiot in front of them all, because the truth is, I really am confused. Something is strongly urging me to run in his arms, but a picture of him and Maria in her room two nights ago is clearly roaming in my mind, holding me back.

“He came last night, but he asked us not to wake you up, dear.” My father takes the liberty to explain, and rescue me from further looking like a complete idiot. “He has explained his version of the story and we understand him, Tania. You two need to talk, and whatever you decide, my dear, we are here for you.”It seems like they really have nothing against him, huh! Did he realy divulge everything to them, including what he was doing in Maria’s room the other night?

I spare a glance at all of them, finally stopping at Andy’s cold but pleading ones. He is quite a strong allure, and a heart warmer, because instantly my outrage towards him has evaporated, leaving me with a strong desire for him. I want so much to stare at him the whole day and night, and before the things I want him to clarify evaporates too, I turn my back on them, and make my way out to the bright morning sun outside.

I keep walking until I get to his black Lamborghini BMW parked at the far end of our compound, as his tracks stops just behind me. This sure will be the talk of the town for weeks. A Lamborghini spotted in this village, and in Lawson’s compound? We sure are gonna be the talk of the town. The sparkling machine looks so oddly in place, just like the owner.

“Ania!” His voice echoes through my ears, making me nearly jump as I turn around to face him, leaning my back on the car. He closes the gab between us, leaving just a thin space to prevent our body from brushing each other. “Let’s go back, Ania. Come back to me. To Angel. To your house, babe. Please, come with me.”I presume that this is the billionaire side of him speaking – the Adrian Ashton, and clearly, not my Andy. My Andy isn’t a jerk ass like this proud and arrogant son of… This one that is speaking to me with so much authority like he is ordering me.

I shoot my eyes at him, scanning his face for any trace of the Andy that I know. The Andy that I love. The Andy that loves me.

“That must be the newest exotic way of apologising, right?” I snap at him.

He closes his eyes for a minutes, holding his breath for a while, and when he finally release it, it comes out in a heart – stirring word that weakens my bones, touching the soft spot that only my Andy knows.

“SORRY!” His pheromones must fleeing from him and taking refuge in me, making me susceptible. I am grateful to my sixth sense that is still alarming me that my family is just inside the house that is only few steps from us, otherwise I would be melting in his arms right now. Truth be told, I missed him. That one day felt like a whole freaking decade away from him. I terribly miss him, and his sincere apology just hit a very soft spot in me. I know he is truly sorry, because his eyes, this beautiful eyes of his, never lie. “I am sorry, if you felt betrayed by me. Trust me, I know how much betrayal hurts, and I wear I can never make you feel that, Ania. Of all the people in the world, just not you, my love. I am sorry that you walked in on me and Maria like that. Believe me, I feel embarrassed. I feel so dirty, and ashamed, but believe me, like I told you, for you, I can do anything, except sleeping with Maria. I would be even disrespecting myself.”Can I please steal a kiss from him? Damn! Him being this vulnerable and honest is putting my mind out of order. Chill, Tania! Calm your little demons for now! You’ll have time with your man and when that happens, you will not need to steal a kiss. You will devour him the best way you please, as much as you want. I swallow hard at that thought, blocking my savage thoughts from driving me insane.

I clear my throat, crossing my arms on my chest, and maintaining the eye contact with him, which is quite a challenging thing for me.

“I just have two questions, and one request.” I utter, and his eyes soften.

“Anything for you.” He utters, keeping a straight face, his eyes not relinquishing from mine.

“How come you didn’t think I could be connected to Maria? Didn’t you do a background check on me before hiring me?””I was so desperately in need of help, and I put my full trust on my friends. The only friends that I have. It never would have crossed my mind that they would bring me someone related to Maria. I honestly didn’t know.””I believe you. So, what is it that you feel for Maria?””If there is anything, it’s just hatred. It’s resentment. You are the one I love, Tania. No one else. I personally will see to it that Maria leaves for good, but that is after finding her intentions. She is hazardous, Tania!””I know, and here comes my request.”

“What is it?”

“We are taking her down together. There will be no secrets between us, Andy. Anything that concerns her, don’t leave me out of it.””I promise.”

I nod my head, feeling so free and at peace. Love is really something, huh!

“So… am I forgiven?” He asks, his eyes darkening again, perhaps with eagerness? He might be thinking that I am still mad at him.

I lift paws, standing on my toes to match his height. I take a quick peek behind him, and when I don’t see anyone peeking on us at the door, or roaming at the compound, I pull him for a long kiss that I was so thirsty for. Darn! Did I miss him? He doesn’t seem to have missed this any less either.

I would love to chew his lips until they are swollen, or even take this to a higher notch, but my parents might just appear from the blue and find us hungrily grinding our lips on each other like this. I will die of embarrassment.

“What do you think?” I ask between broken breathing when we pull away.

He keeps my face between his palms, soothing my cheeks with his thumbs, a small smirk plastered on his face as his lips curve up to crack a joke that sounds too serious according to his gestures and soft voice. The devilish grin in his eyes, my oh my!

“I think we both need to make up to each other?””Ooh, yeah? And what exactly will I be making up for?””For abandoning me. For leaving me. For breaking your promise to me. Don’t do that again. Please?” His face changes to a serious pleading one on the last five words.

Now I feel guilty. I feel like I shouldn’t have left. But at least, my thoughts have been confirmed. I now am certain about my worth to him. I know exactly what I am to him, and what I need to do for him – for us. For this sweet love that is so strong to rebel against.

“I promise. This is the first and the last time I will run away from our problems, Andy. From now on, until eternity, I will be beside you.””And until eternity, I will love you, Tania, and protect you. I love you, love.””I love you, hun.”

At this point, his pheromones have really over worked their magic on me. I crash my lips on him again, and he receives the kiss with so much passion, longing, and ooh, what else?

“Mmh, mmh!”

Shit! Damn shi… i… ee… t!

We pull away to the sound of someone clearing his throat behind him. Jeez!

I lick my lips to wipe the evidence of that uncalled for act, but, my, is it helping? Definitely not, and I feel so embarrassed. I give up licking them, because I don’t know what sort of naughty thoughts that the sight is giving this guy here. He is now the one looking like an idiot, wearing a mega smile just by watching me lick my lips. Aah, right! I know what he is thinking and damn, I’m wetting my pants just by thinking of what he is thinking about.

We turn around, to the sight of my family standing right in front of us.

Well! well! well!

It seems like their grandiose about my stay here was just but a charade, huh! If not, why are they all here all dolly and bubbly with my suitcase? Are they for real?

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