I wait for my Ania to come and get me for breakfast like she does most of the time, but today she doesn’t come. I understand her, though.

I know I screwed up last night, big times. I know she is mad and she has all the rights and reasons to be, but I will explain everything this morning.

Everything I have found about this fucking bitch named Maria, I will reveal it to her, so that she can understand why I will do anything and everything to protect her. She sees Maria as just a selfish pathetic bitch, which she sure is, but there is a more dangerous part of her that she is not aware of. Something that even I didn’t know until I did my investigation.

Now that I think about it, was my marriage to me a scam? Going by Tania’s thinking, I feel like I was taken for a ride! This woman might have played me back then because things are just not adding up.

It pains me to admit, but maybe I was so desperate for love back then that I refused to see through the curtain of her deceit. Her stupid fake love for me blinded me from realizing what a fake she was.

I was a lonely soul. A desperate young billionaire whose money couldn’t quench his heart’s desires. The desire to be accepted just for who I was. The longing to be loved and appreciated. I was in the blink of dying to experience true love. To know how it feels for someone to love you truly, not like what I had experienced with my family and my first fucking girlfriend.

I now hate my desperate state back then, because that is how I crossed paths with this fucked up whore called Maria. I should have known that girls from the clubs are just whores! Screwed-up whores who are pros at nothing but sex, and only sex.

The bitter truth is, I took so much pleasure in what she was offering. Her sex was epic! She taught me some naughty stuff that makes my dick want to jump out of its cage even right now.

We were burning in an ocean of the fire of love. I was willing to give up the world for her – my sweet Maria. I gave her my all – my time, my understanding, my unconditional love, my support, my everything. I can’t remember how much I spent on her for those few months I called her mine.

It was until when we were at the cliffhanger of pure bliss that things took a different turn. At first, I thought it was a past maternity trauma. I understood her. I gave her all my support, love, and care, but things just kept running down the drain.

Of the great love I felt for her, I forced myself to understand her even when nothing made sense anymore. Her rudeness, her insults, her drinking, her negligence to our beautiful daughter. I would have understood if it was me she got tired of loving and caring for. I wasn’t perfect. I had experienced so much cruelty in life that added to my list of fouls when I found love. But her child? Our daughter? She was just but a tiny precious jewel that lit up my face even just by looking at her. Pure and innocent! Yet she didn’t care about her. She didn’t love her.

I had taken too much, I was the one she was hurting with her despicable deteriorating behaviour, yet, she was the one who felt the need, the desire, to leave me. That is what a cruel selfish bitch she was! Still is!

And she dares show her ugly face to me and my daughter again? Does she dare open her mouth and tell me that she missed me? She misses our sex?

I swear to the devil that I can bend her back and fuck her the whole day and night just so I can let out this anger and hatred I feel towards her. I would fuck her up to the core, shove my cock into her mouth until I feel it choking the hell out of her in her groin, and I won’t care if she gets hurt or not, because that is what she deserves – pain!

She made me hate women for years, until one angel came into my life – Tania Lawson! My beautiful Ania!

She was able to pull me out of the cage I had locked in. She loved my daughter like she gave birth to her. She cares for her as if Angel is her own flesh and blood. Her love and care are beyond anything I have ever experienced in this world. She gave me the reason and the desire to love again, because I wanted to taste the purity of her love, and drink from her overflowing pot of honesty and care.

She is my all! For her I can turn this world upside down, or bring heaven down to earth if possible, just to see her happy. My sanity depends solely and entirely on her.

I can’t let her stay mad at me for long. I need to clear this up!

I tuck my daughter under the duvet properly. This cute angel right here is my source of joy. I wasn’t wrong in naming her Angel, because that is exactly what she is – my beautiful Angel. I can’t imagine my life without her, and if someone dares to take her away from me, I will crash them before they can even try.

I walk out of my room, and run downstairs.

The dining area is all set, but the one sitting there is someone I don’t want to see.

I dash to the kitchen.

She is not here. She is still sleeping. I must have hurt her so much. I feel like a total jerk!

I walk out of the kitchen, and make my way to her room. I hear the bitch calling my name for breakfast, but I don’t even turn. She is the reason why Tania looked at me with so much anger in her beautiful eyes last night. The reason why she is mad at me!

I slightly knock on her door, and for the first time, I am afraid of facing her. I have this fear inside me that is tearing me apart.

I push the door open slowly, since she didn’t get it.

I walk inside, more fear creeping into me.

No sight of her!

“Love?” I call, thinking that she is probably in the bathroom.

No one answers!

I start to grow restless!

I opt to check the bathroom myself. Maybe she is there, but she just doesn’t want to talk to me. I understand that perfectly.

Before walking to the bathroom, I notice a small piece of paper lying on her bed.

I reach for it, albeit with trembling hands.

This may not be the right thing to do according to you, my love, but I need some time alone to think. What’s happening is too much, and what I saw last night further complicates things for me. I need some space.

With love,


I feel my legs tremble, making me drop onto her bed.

I fold the paper in my hands, closing my eyes to the sharp pain of the dagger piercing through my heart.

She left me! She is gone? My Ania left!

NO! I won’t allow that! I can’t let her go!

I check my wristwatch, and it’s ticking seven o’clock just now. It’s still too early. She couldn’t have gone that far!

I walk out, shoving the small folded paper inside my pocket.

I run into this disgusting whore along the stairs. She tries to talk to me, but I push her out of my way. I hear a faint scream from her behind me, but whether she fell and rolled down the stairs, none is my business.

I walk out, shouting Mark’s name like a psycho. I am going insane just by thinking that Tania is drifting away from me with every passing second. My blood is boiling!

“Sir Adrian! Good m….”© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Where is my wife, Mark?” I demand.

“Miss Tania..”

“Mrs Ashton, Mark! She is my wife!”

“Sorry, sir! Your wife left before five o’clock.””What? And you let her go?”

“She insisted sir.”

“Insisted? And you didn’t fucking care to inform me?””But she…”

“Did she say where she was going?”

“No, sir! I didn’t ask!”

Damn it! This can not be happening! This can’t happen! She can’t leave me!

Where do I look for her?

Wait, that crazy friend of hers and her husband might have an idea.

“Is there a problem, boss?”

“Not yet, but this place will burn down if I don’t find my wife whom you just carelessly let wander out in the darkness. Pray that I find her, and without a single scratch, Mark! Because otherwise, you are not gonna like what I will do to you.”I walk back inside, only to collide with this bitch again. Does she ever learn or understand?

“I see she finally left. I told you before, Adrian, no one can ever love you. You are pathetically impossible to love, Adrian Ashton! But I’m willing to give you a second chance. I am the one who stayed with you the longest, so I believe I can make adjustments and stick with you and my daughter forever.”I shut her mouth with a resounding slap that echoes throughout the whole house, coupled with her screams, sending her down to the cold floor where she belongs. I reach for her, grabbing her by the neck.

“Where is Tania?” I shout at her. But how can she speak if she can’t even be able to breathe? I throw her roughly to the couch, giving her a few seconds to catch her breath. “I will ask you one more time, you bitch! Where the hell is my wife?””I.. I I do…”

I pull her to her feet by the neck again, choking the hell out of her.

“Boss.. Adrian! Stop this please, I beg you!” Mark speaks, trying to pull me away from her.

I let go of her, and she drops to the floor again, gasping for breath, tears washing her face. The red marks are starting to show on her right cheek and the neck.

It’s her fault! She is provoking the beast in me! The beast that only Tania can come down!

“I want you gone by the time I return, Maria, and I fucking mean it!” I say, and leave Mark to help her.

I scoop my daughter and my car keys, and run out, ordering Mark to leave the bitch be and open the gate for me. She can die for fucks sake!

My mind is a mess as I savagely drive through the roads. I feel like this is the end that I don’t want to witness.

I have called her phone a hundred times during the short drive, but she is off.

She can’t shut me out like this for God’s sake!

I pull up at Ambrose’s gate, hooting nonstop like a lunatic.

I’m growing more desperate and impatient with every passing second. I feel like the chances of finding her are closing up on me with every ticking of the clock. My happiness is slipping away rapidly, and I need to get a hold of it before I lose it. Before I lose my cool. I don’t know what I would become if Tania leaves me for good. She is my life!

I pack the damn limo and get my daughter, placing her carefully on my chest as I walk to their door.

I keep ringing their damn doorbell continuously without caring if it freaks them to death or not, until Ambrose opens it, a very annoying frown plastered on his face that I don’t give a fuck about.

“What’s up, man?”

“Put my daughter to rest and be your wife. I believe she has lots of explanations to do. Be quick because I don’t have time.”My tone of voice doesn’t give room for questions.

He takes my daughter, and walks with her upstairs, while I am left restlessly pacing back and forth, trying to call Tania for the nth call. I lost count of how many calls I have made, yet all I am still getting is the voice mail message.

“Come on, Ania, please!”


I turn around, to the sight of Rita beside her husband.

“Where is my wife, Rita? And you better tell me the truth! Where is Tania?”They stare at each other, dismay being the only thing I can see on their faces. She didn’t tell them either?

“What are you talking about, Adrian? First, you two cancel the wedding on the very morning it was supposed to hold. Second, you both turn off your phones since then. For two days we haven’t been able to contact any of you. We came to your house but no one opened the gate for us. Now you show up here asking for Tania? What is happening?” Rita speaks on behalf of her shocked-beyond-shock husband.

“She left this morning. Everything that has happened for the past two days has a name that you two very well know. MARIA! The butch returned the night to our wedding and she is causing havoc! Why on devil’s name wasn’t I informed that Tania was my first wife’s cousin, huh? Would someone care to explain?” I hysterically demand answers.

“Ahh.. sorry, Adrian.. I..”

“Keep your sorry for later, Rita! What was the point of concealing such important info from me?””Because I knew Tania wouldn’t let herself fall for her cousin’s ex-husband. I knew Tania would give you the happiness you deserved, Adrian, but not if she knew you were married to her cousin.””And you thought you could only do that by hiding the truth from her? From me? Did you ever think that a time like this would come? Do you have a slight idea of how she feels right now?””Well, no! Okay? I was certain that that bitch had no reason to return! Why did she come back anyway?””I don’t give a fuck about the reasons for her return any more. All I know is that the Maria who returned isn’t the Maria I once knew. She is dangerous. But all the fuck about her aside for now. I need to find my Ania. Give me her address. I will go get her!””I’m sorry, Adrian. You are not in the right state to do that. Let…””She can not leave me, Rita! I need her before I lose my mind.” My voice reverberates in all the corners of this house.

“Alright. You’ll have her back, Adrian, I promise. But let me clean the mess I made. I will be the one to talk and explain things to her.””I don’t want you to talk to her, Rita. I want you to bring her back to me. If you can’t do that, just give me her address and I will be the one to go after her.””I will bring her back, Adrian. I promise!”

“By evening, I want her here, Rita! So. Hurry. The. Fuck. Up!”

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