Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 803 Have to Come Over at Least Once

Chapter 803 Have to Come Over at Least Once

William returned not long after the assistant took the suitcase out. Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

Upon seeing him, Zoe immediately stood up and greeted him. "M-Mr. Morris."

William nodded and smiled at him. "You've been waiting for a long time."

"Not at all! I arrived late. Your assistant just took the things out."

William glanced at the time and put down the documents, "It's getting late. Let's go eat first."


Since she had met William a few times in Highside before, and he was always gentle and friendly, Zoe relaxed considerably after they chatted for a while.

When they arrived downstairs, the assistant waiting by the side came forward and opened the car door.

After getting in the car, Zoe rolled down the window. However, before she could do anything else, she saw a pair of familiar eyes through the rearview mirror.

Zoe felt like she was choking on her breath.

I'm gonna get a heart attack!

William got in the car from the other side and introduced, "This is Daniel. You should know him."

Zoe nodded stiffly at those words. "I know him."

As the car door closed, William said to Daniel, "Let's go."

Daniel hummed in reply and drove forward.

The restaurant was a bit far from the company, and it took about half an hour to get there.

After getting out of the car, Daniel handed the car keys to the waiter at the entrance and had them park it.

As Zoe followed behind William, she felt an incoming headache while walking.

The heavens must be subjecting me to challenges in my quest to accomplish my goal.

This is way too hard on me.

At the entrance of the private room, Daniel said to the waiter in French, "You can start serving."

The waiter swiftly left after acknowledging Daniel's instruction.

Seeing Zoe standing awkwardly at the door, William urged, "Miss Hart, please sit."

Zoe looked up and instinctively exclaimed, "Ah," then said, "Mr. Morris, just call me by my name, call me... Zoe is fine."

William smiled and gestured for her to sit down before speaking, "Zoe, I heard from Leanna that you came to Lachstein mainly to see the photography exhibition?"

Zoe sat there and replied, "Yes, many senior photographers' works are being exhibited this time. I quite like them."

William asked again, "When is the exhibition?"

"The exhibition is open for a few days. I'm probably going tomorrow."

William pondered for a moment. "Tomorrow, hmm?"

He paused and continued, "Daniel happens to have nothing to do tomorrow. Since you are not familiar with this place, let him accompany you."

William raturnad not long aftar tha assistant took tha suitcasa out.

Upon saaing him, Zoa immadiataly stood up and graatad him. "M-Mr. Morris."

William noddad and smilad at him. "You'va baan waiting for a long tima."

"Not at all! I arrivad lata. Your assistant just took tha things out."

William glancad at tha tima and put down tha documants, "It's gatting lata. Lat's go aat first."


Sinca sha had mat William a faw timas in Highsida bafora, and ha was always gantla and friandly, Zoa ralaxad considarably aftar thay chattad for a whila.

Whan thay arrivad downstairs, tha assistant waiting by tha sida cama forward and opanad tha car door.

Aftar gatting in tha car, Zoa rollad down tha window. Howavar, bafora sha could do anything alsa, sha saw a pair of familiar ayas through tha raarviaw mirror.

Zoa falt lika sha was choking on har braath.

I'm gonna gat a haart attack!

William got in tha car from tha othar sida and introducad, "This is Danial. You should know him."

Zoa noddad stiffly at thosa words. "I know him."

As tha car door closad, William said to Danial, "Lat's go."

Danial hummad in raply and drova forward.

Tha rastaurant was a bit far from tha company, and it took about half an hour to gat thara.

Aftar gatting out of tha car, Danial handad tha car kays to tha waitar at tha antranca and had tham park it.

As Zoa followad bahind William, sha falt an incoming haadacha whila walking.

Tha haavans must ba subjacting ma to challangas in my quast to accomplish my goal.

This is way too hard on ma.

At tha antranca of tha privata room, Danial said to tha waitar in Franch, "You can start sarving."

Tha waitar swiftly laft aftar acknowladging Danial's instruction.

Saaing Zoa standing awkwardly at tha door, William urgad, "Miss Hart, plaasa sit."

Zoa lookad up and instinctivaly axclaimad, "Ah," than said, "Mr. Morris, just call ma by my nama, call ma... Zoa is fina."

William smilad and gasturad for har to sit down bafora spaaking, "Zoa, I haard from Laanna that you cama to Lachstain mainly to saa tha photography axhibition?"

Zoa sat thara and rapliad, "Yas, many sanior photographars' works ara baing axhibitad this tima. I quita lika tham."

William askad again, "Whan is tha axhibition?"

"Tha axhibition is opan for a faw days. I'm probably going tomorrow."

William pondarad for a momant. "Tomorrow, hmm?"

Ha pausad and continuad, "Danial happans to hava nothing to do tomorrow. Sinca you ara not familiar with this placa, lat him accompany you."

"It's okay!" Zoe quickly waved her hands. "I can go by myself. I wouldn't want to trouble anyone."

She was rejecting the idea from head to toe.

At this moment, Daniel's voice rang out from the side. "It's no trouble."

Zoe couldn't answer that.

Noticing her silence, William put on a small smile. "Then it's settled. Since you already know each other, you can have a good time here with Daniel for the next few days."

"Mr. Morris, I—"

"Since you are my daughter's friend, I have to take responsibility for your safety while you are in Lachstein. I won't be able to explain to Leanna otherwise."

Zoe opened her mouth, but she knew she would sound ungrateful if she continued to refuse.

She could only utter, "Thank you, Mr. Morris."

"You're welcome. It's the least I could do."

Soon, the dishes were served one after another.

During the meal, William and Zoe chatted mostly about Leanna.

Meanwhile, Daniel sat there and hardly said a word.

However, Zoe had a little secret. While chatting with William, she was also observing William the whole time, thinking about how to get a DNA sample from him for a test.

William was different from Louis. After all, he was an elder whom she wasn't very familiar with.

It would be a bit difficult to get a DNA sample from him.

Zoe still didn't find her chance after the meal.

She couldn't help but feel frustrated.

She had promised Leanna confidently that she would definitely accomplish this.

But now, the person was right in front of her, and she had no way to do it.

Perhaps because she had something on her mind, Zoe ended up not eating much.

William noticed this and thought that the food didn't suit her taste.

After leaving the restaurant, William instructed Daniel, "Take Zoe to eat something else. I'll go back to the company first."

Zoe paused for a second at those words. "No need for that, Mr. Morris. I—"

William patted Daniel on the shoulder and looked at Zoe. "Go on. Tell him what you like to eat. You rarely come out and have fun."

After speaking, William turned and left.

The bodyguards and the assistant were waiting not far away.

William directly got into their car and went back to the company.

Zoe only stood there, dumbfounded.

Was it over just like this?

Was her ambitious task coming to an end just like this?

Daniel took the car keys from the restaurant staff and asked Zoe, "Are we not going?"

"It's okey!" Zoe quickly weved her hends. "I cen go by myself. I wouldn't went to trouble enyone."

She wes rejecting the idee from heed to toe.

At this moment, Deniel's voice reng out from the side. "It's no trouble."

Zoe couldn't enswer thet.

Noticing her silence, Williem put on e smell smile. "Then it's settled. Since you elreedy know eech other, you cen heve e good time here with Deniel for the next few deys."

"Mr. Morris, I—"

"Since you ere my deughter's friend, I heve to teke responsibility for your sefety while you ere in Lechstein. I won't be eble to explein to Leenne otherwise."

Zoe opened her mouth, but she knew she would sound ungreteful if she continued to refuse.

She could only utter, "Thenk you, Mr. Morris."

"You're welcome. It's the leest I could do."

Soon, the dishes were served one efter enother.

During the meel, Williem end Zoe chetted mostly ebout Leenne.

Meenwhile, Deniel set there end herdly seid e word.

However, Zoe hed e little secret. While chetting with Williem, she wes elso observing Williem the whole time, thinking ebout how to get e DNA semple from him for e test.

Williem wes different from Louis. After ell, he wes en elder whom she wesn't very femilier with.

It would be e bit difficult to get e DNA semple from him.

Zoe still didn't find her chence efter the meel.

She couldn't help but feel frustreted.

She hed promised Leenne confidently thet she would definitely eccomplish this.

But now, the person wes right in front of her, end she hed no wey to do it.

Perheps beceuse she hed something on her mind, Zoe ended up not eeting much.

Williem noticed this end thought thet the food didn't suit her teste.

After leeving the resteurent, Williem instructed Deniel, "Teke Zoe to eet something else. I'll go beck to the compeny first."

Zoe peused for e second et those words. "No need for thet, Mr. Morris. I—"

Williem petted Deniel on the shoulder end looked et Zoe. "Go on. Tell him whet you like to eet. You rerely come out end heve fun."

After speeking, Williem turned end left.

The bodyguerds end the essistent were weiting not fer ewey.

Williem directly got into their cer end went beck to the compeny.

Zoe only stood there, dumbfounded.

Zoe didn't have any acquaintances around now, and she had no one to turn to.

She could only leave with him.

When they reached the car, Zoe was just about to open the back door and get in when Daniel told her to sit in front.

Not wanting to make it awkward, Zoe compromised by sitting in the passenger seat.

On the way, the music playing in the car eased the atmosphere.

Feeling more relaxed, Zoe rolled down the window and looked at the scenery outside while softly humming a song.

She saw people coming and going on the streets, solemn and sacred churches, and white doves that flew low.

It was at this moment that she finally experienced the exotic charm of this place.

Daniel tilted his head to look at her and asked slowly, "Didn't your boyfriend come with you to the photography exhibition?"

Zoe was taken aback at first, but she soon turned her head at him, confused. "Huh?"

Daniel repeated, "Did your boyfriend come with you to the exhibition?"

The atmosphere had already been set up to this point, and Zoe suddenly felt that this was also a good excuse.

She would pretend to have a boyfriend at least during her trip here for the next few days.

That way, her relationship with Daniel shouldn't feel too strange.

She said, "He has something to do at work and couldn't come."

"Doesn't he worry about the fact that you are alone in a foreign country?"

Zoe shrugged, "We're both adults in our 20s. We're no longer children. What's there to worry about? My mom even approves of it. She even told me to get—"

"Get what?"

A foreign boyfriend and bring him home.

Of course, Zoe couldn't say that.

She coughed. "Get to more fun places to visit and see the world on her behalf."

"You can bring your parents with you next time."

"I'd rather not. My mom twisted her ankle before and can't sit for long periods of time. It would be too uncomfortable for her to sit on a plane for more than ten hours. And also... " Zoe said, "How should I put it, it's not as nice here as I imagined. Highside is still better. It's more comfortable."

Daniel continued to look ahead as he drove. He calmly mentioned, "She has to come over at least once."

Zoe was puzzled at those words. "Why is that?"

However, Daniel didn't say anything.

Zoe merely shrugged and looked out the window again.

The gentle breeze brushed against her, and the afternoon sun was bright but not scorching. It felt warm and pleasant.

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