Love Magic: Two Different Hearts

Chapter 14: The Infirmary 1

Chapter 14: The Infirmary 1

Glen's POV

She really is the best cousin I've ever had in my entire life.

"Thank you Kaylee" I mutter before I tried to stand up.

"Are you sure that you can?" She asked in a worried tone making me smile and give her a thumbs up

to assure her.

"Yup. I think I still can fight.... just in case" I said and she glared at me.

"Yeah..... yeah... whatever you say" she just said.

She holds me slowly and helped me try to stand up.

"Ah....damn my back hurts" I said making her got mad.

"See what did I say. Just sit down first okay so that I'll heal it for a moment" she said and I just followed


(Damn... I never thought that I would be blown away just like that)

I slowly put my sword that already turned into its hidden appearance which is a pen, back into my

pocket to keep it safe.

I always have this with me just in case and it sure really help me today. I look at Kaylee and she wore a

worried face.

(She is always there for me whatever happens. She's so protective of me like all my family does. Even

though I'm not like the rest I still feel special because they love me more than anything)

"Tell me if the pain is gone.... okay" she said and I just nod.

Suddenly I felt that my back is slowly feeling better so I tried to move my hand and my waist to see if

it’s all better now.

I slowly stand up and then Kaylee immediately holds my hand to help me get up.

"Can you really stand? Let’s just sit first" she said worriedly but I shrug.

"Nope I feel better now. Thank you by the way" I said before looking around and saw the mess we

made. Then I saw Tobios at the other end standing and looking at us. (I guess that impact was nothing

to him)

He was just standing there like nothing had ever happen then I saw a figure beside him. It was Sir

Tanner making me kind of confused then it suddenly hit me.

(Don't tell me it was him who......)

"Shit I'm fucked...."

I immediately turn around and look at Kaylee. She was giving me a confused expression so I

immediately ask her.

"W--as Sir Tanner the one who intervene the fight" I said in a shocked expression and when I saw her

nod her head my consciousness was already telling me that I'm in deep-- no deep, deep, deep trouble.

"Kaylee..... can you use your magic to teleport us away from here?" I asked her and she just stare at


"You want me to let you escape" she just said and I nod while saying.

"Yup.... just like tha--"

"After you made a big mess like this you just want to run away" she scolds making me just shrug.


"Tsk... If you do an action like this then take the consequence.... you idiot" she scolded making me sigh.

I slowly turn around and saw both Sir Tanner and Tobios walking towards us.

(Fuck.... I think death's coming near to take me. With their expressions like that I think they are the grim


I just smiled at them, just like me smiling when my end is near, as they close the distance when

suddenly my head hurts and I slowly loose balance.

Luckily Kaylee was near me so she immediately caught me making sure that I won't fall down.

"Hey Glen are you okay?" She said in worry.

"My head suddenly hurts" I simply stated before I fix myself again and tried to balance myself.

Then I felt another shot of pain in my head again making me close my eyes immediately.

And when I opened my eyes my vision got blurry and my body suddenly feels heavy and I feel

exhausted and tired even more.

"Glen. I think you should sit down-" I didn't catch what Kaylee said since my mind is focused on the

ground which looks like it's shaking.

"Is there an earth--"I never got to finish my sentence since suddenly my vision is turning black and I felt

my body slowly falling down but before I hit the ground my vision turned totally black.


I wake up with a sore body. I slowly opened my eyes and suddenly shut it again. I tried to raise my

body so that I will be in a sitting position and thank goodness I did it.

I slowly looked around me and I saw that I'm not in my bed.

I immediately panicked and look around. There were green curtains and the room's painting was white.

(Where the fuck am I?)

Suddenly my head hurts making me cringe and close my eyes to ease the pain.

"Ouch..... damn what happened?" I stated while massaging my head.

I tried to remember what happened but the pain in my head and body was getting all my attention so I

dismissed the thought immediately.

I suddenly released a deep sigh making me ease the pain that I'm feeling.

"Damn that was good" I said while smiling when suddenly...

"So you are finally awake" someone said.

I immediately opened my eyes and try to look at who is it. My vision is a little bit disoriented so I had to

blink a couple of times just to adjust to the light.

When my vision is clear now I saw Tobios sitting on a couch which is not that far from me.

I unconsciously tried to raise the blanket high enough to cover myself and my head was the only part

which is exposed.

"Tsk...." he sarcastically reacted.

"Are you a girl why are you covering yourself" he sarcastically said pissing me off.

"What are you talking about. How can I be covering--" I suddenly realize that I'm holding unto the

blanket like never before.

(Shit... did I unconsciously covered myself. Damn it.....think of a way out, Glen)

"I-- I feel c--old. Yeah, I feel cold. That’s the reason you idiot" I defended myself.

(Nice save)

"Sure... whatever you say" he said before he closed his eyes.

I slowly examined him and saw his face was covered with band aids and some scratches are visible on

his face.

(What happened to him. Did he had a fight with someone or fall from the stairs)

He suddenly opened his face and I immediately smile and he looked at me confused.

"What...." he snapped.

"Oh nothing you just have something on your face" I said while chuckling.

He immediately reaches his face and wipes it. I laughed even more and he stopped then look at me

realizing something.

He fixed himself and then grin at me.

"What are you laughing about you should see your face. It looks hideous" he comebacks and I

immediately stopped laughing.

(Is he trying to trick me) I tried to study his expression if his trying to trick me.

He was still staring at me but then suddenly yawns and close his eyes before resting his head on the


"What the fuck is he talking about" I mumble while I raise my hands and touch my face while I look

away at him.

When suddenly I could feel something pasted in my forehead and cheeks.

(Wait.... are these-- what the... why do I also have band aids pasted in my face. What the fuck really

happened to me)

Then the events came flooding my memory like a tsunami.

(The running, the fight, Sir Tanner and the crowd and.... the pain)

"Where is Kaylee" I immediately got worried and look at him but he was still closing his eyes which

annoys me.

"Uhm..... I'm trying to asked here nicely" I stated.

"How would I know? I'm not close to her" he simply stated making me feel a little bit angry but

suppressed it.

"Oh please.... enough with being so arrogant and just answer my question" I stated and this time he

never answered back.

"How to do this. I really need to know how is she. Please." I said and looked at my hands.

(Please... I hope she wasn't punished or taken the blame or whatsoever)

"She's still in class" he suddenly said and I immediately look at his side.

He was still closing his eyes and leaning on the couch.

"Thank goodness I taught she got punished" I said.

"How long have I been sleeping here" I asked him again and this time he opened his eyes and looks at

me with an annoyed face.

"I just want to know" I stated calmly while staring at him.

"Just a couple of minutes" he just stated and close his eyes and went back to sleep.

"Thank goodness I thought I have been sleeping for a day" I said again and fall on the bed creating a


I turn to my side and look at him. His still closing his eyes.

"So tell me why are you hear and not in class?" I questioned him. (I remember him standing before I


He opened his eyes and look at me with an annoyed expression.

"Could you just keep quiet already I'm trying to take some rest here" He stated in annoyance before

changing his position and turn his back on me.

"Okay" I simply replied and shut my mouth and stare at the ceiling.

I scanned around and saw that we are in a room. The white ceilings and green curtains are really

dominant in here.

"I think we are at the infirmary of the school" I mumble to myself.

(If we are in the infirmary why can't he find a empty bed and sleep on it)

I raise my upper body to look around and saw that there is no other bed that can be seen, only this

one. I panic and look at Tobios.

(Doesn't an infirmary have lots of bed. We're the fuck are we really are?)

"Hey where are we--" I asked and he immediately get up and sit on the couch while running his hands

on his face with an angry face.

"Can't you just-" I cut him and stare at his annoyed face again.

"I just want to know where are we. Why does this room only have one bed? Doesn't an infirmary have

lots of bed near together?" I asked a little bit nervous.

He looks at me then sigh.

"Look okay we're in one of the school’s infirmary and they will get us after class, so could you please

make me sleep since I'm exhausted too" he said annoyed and angry.

"If you want to sleep you could go to other rooms and why does this room only have one bed only" I


"If I can I would done it minutes ago" he said sarcastically while still closing his eyes.

"What-" he cuts me off this time.

"The doors locked, where stuck in an infirmary room that has only one bed and this is a punishment for

what we did. There I said everything. Do you still have any questions?" he simply stated but you can

feel from his tone that his mad and annoyed already.

"I didn't ask the third one" I said in amusement.

He immediately stands up and tried to get near me. I saw him gritting his teeth and I saw him trying to

control his anger.

"You really want me to beat you up... huh" he said angrily.

(Damn... no need to get angry. He's the one who started chasing me and fighting me. It's all his fault

why we are in this situation) I rolled my eyes at him and look at the door.

"By the way it's all your fault why are we here. If you haven't chased me this would never happen" I

mutter while looking at the flower near a table.

"Tsk..." I hear him scoff and sat down again on the couch.


Few minutes passed and we didn't talk to each other and just have our own worlds.

I ignored him and focus my eyes on the flower. It's already dying but still beautiful. The way its petals

fall on the ground is amazing. Calm, steady and accurate.

Suddenly I look at Tobios and he was sleeping quietly at the chair.

(We never talked for the past few minutes since I don't want him to really blow here. I already made

him mad already and that's enough....

....for now)

Besides the door's closed and I can't escape ones he really wants to kill me.

I glace at him and saw him still sleeping when suddenly I realized something.

"That is a very bad position. When you wake up your body will hurt" I mumble while looking at him.

He was uncomfortably sleeping and I can tell since he's falling.

"You can sleep here if you want" I offered him.

(Even though I hate this person I still have sympathy and kindness to others. I've been taught by my

grandparents to do so)

He didn't respond so I went out of the bed and went close to him. Still no movement and response.

"I know that you are still not asleep" I said but still no response at all.

"Did he really fall asleep already?" I mumbled while shaking my head.

I continued to walk close to him and when I got near him. I scan his face and I got fascinated by his


(He sure really has a red hair, fare and tan skin too, he also has good face too. I can't deny that. Too

bad he got some attitude and temper issues)

I was slowly going to touch his hair when he suddenly opened his eyes and got shocked causing him to

stumble and fall on the floor.

"What-- what the... what do you think you’re doing" he said in shocked and scrambled a little bit far

from me and then stares at me.

"I thought it was purely red but now I saw it up close it's a mixed of red and purple" I said amused and

at the same time gawking.

"What are you talking about. And what are doing" he shouted making me snap from my thoughts.

"Oh sorry I was admiring your hair and your eyes. I haven't seen anyone have those kinds of eyes and

hair" I said.

"Tsk. Your trying to take revenge aren't you" he said before immediately standing up and then dusted

his closed before he created a fire ball in his hands.

When he points it at me, I immediately raised my hand in defeat.

"No way I was just trying to offer you to go and sleep on that bed" I said pointing at the bed that I left.

He looks at me doubly and at the bed. His fireballs immediately disappeared and he looks at me.

"I don't need it" he said coldly and went to sit on the floor and lean on the wall.

(Damn this boy is really hard to talk to. Here I am offering the bed since I can see that he really needs it

yet he refuses. We'll sorry I don't back down that easily)

I slowly went near him and he immediately followed my movements like a hawk stalking his prey.

"What do you think you’re doing?" He said while eyeing me as I go near him.

I smiled teasingly as I got near him. I saw him scooting away so I immediately grab his hand and he

looked at me surprised.

"Fuck..... what the-- let go of me. You--"

"Look we may have fought but still I am not a jerk so just please accept my offer. I can see that you

really need it more than me. Besides I've been laying there long enough for me to gain my strength" I

said cutting him off not wanting to back down.

He suddenly relaxed and looked at me before suddenly swayed my hand.

"No need I am fine" he said boredly.

"You can cast a shield if you like" I insisted.

He still sat on the cold floor. (Tsk too prideful)

"Then at least take the pillow and blanket" I said and went to toss the pillow and blanket to him. Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

He just shrugs and picks up the pillow and blanket.

I climb up the bed and I saw him fixing the blanket at the floor before laying down.

"The bed is cozier than the hard floor" I said trying to give the bed to him for the last time.

(If he's still going to refuse it then that's it. I won't ask him again)

He looked at me then said something which pissed me to the core.

"If you keep on trying to make me sleep with you in that bed, I might think that you are trying to get into

my pants" he stated making me look at him in shock.

(Wait.... did I hear that right? He thinks that I'm trying to get him to-- fuck hell no)

I stared at him widely and he was still staring at me with a grin.

"Damn.... here I am trying to be kind to you while they're you are thinking of things I that never got into

my mind" I said angrily.

He just scoffs and just chuckle.

"Oh come on just say it if you're being attracted by me" he stated making me dumbfounded.

(What the-- he so full of himself) I thought while shaking my head.

"Tsk.... if you think all people that you meet thinks that your attractive and wants to bed you then you

are too full of yourself. Besides you're not even near my type, you're too ugly" I said and then lay on the


Few minutes passed and he haven't talk to me after what I just said to him.

"I think I hit a spot there and I'm not sorry because he went a little bit far when he said that" I whispered

to myself.

And also, the doors haven't been opened.

"Man, it's damn cold here" I said a moment later when I felt the coldness in the room.

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