Love In Between


Chapter 8 “Is that your stomach or a trapped animal?” “Very funny Bruce. You’re such a comedian.” Bruce loved to tease her. He knew she was hungry, and he was too but it seemed she was a tad more so than he was. The whole meeting felt like one long blur to her. She had had enough meetings today and couldn’t wait to wrap this one up. The presenter kept on talking and talking and talking. It felt like hell to her. A hell made personally for her. She imagined how much more enjoyable life would be if she could fast-forward certain moments. She’d speed up this moment in a heartbeat. But as much as she’d like to speed up certain moments she’d love to rewind and relive others even more. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to relive certain moments, especially the ones with Bruce in them. Her mind had wandered off for a moment but hunger pains brought her back to earth. Her stomach growled once again and this time it was louder than it was the previous time. “Can’t you just adjourn the meeting? I mean the noises your stomach is making are starting to get me concerned,” “You’re concerned now? Moments ago you were making fun of my predicament.,” “I’m sorry.” Ava stared at him and couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t need to apologize but he did. He did care about her. It was nice to have someone make you feel like a priority. “And with that, our meeting comes to an end.” That was the man who stood in front of a white board. The meeting was over and they could leave. She got up and made her way to the door. People inside the conference room tried to stop her and speak to her but Bruce wouldn’t let them. “Miss Quinn is currently occupied and will see you all later.” She liked that her name sounded like him. ‘Miss Quinn’ he said and she replayed it in her head over a dozen times. Last time he was picked where they ate so it was l her turn to choose. She wanted to take him somewhere nice and maybe far away. Somewhere they could be away from work and have some alone time. “You drive,” she said as she chucked her car keys in his direction. “I thought you liked to be in control?

“I do but if I drive in my current state we might die. Does that sound like something you’d want to do huh? Spend your last moments with me?” As much as it was a joke a little part of her hoped he’d say yes. “Fine, fine you don’t have to make a big deal out of it. I’ll drive.” Her hopes had failed her. Still,From NôvelDrama.Org.

she had an entire afternoon alongside him to look forward to. They got a garage and headed and drove out. “Where to?” Bruce asked as they backed out of the office building. “Follow the GPS I’ve put in the coordinates to our location there. As told Bruce followed the GPS and drove west. They were headed in the direction of one of Ava’s favorite restaurants. She rarely went there. It was her safe space and she didn’t want to overuse it. She had never taken anyone there but now felt so comfortable taking Bruce there. One of her favorite parts of the restaurant was the route to it. Ava loved king drives. They were a safe space for her, like a pocket in time. One where the rest of the world seemed to be far away and she could recollect. Her head was on the glass as they drove through the city. She loved the sites and the streets. It all culminated in the beauty of the city. “We’re here.” His words broke the silence like a knife cutting through the cake. the ride here was faster than she had anticipated. At first, it made her wonder if they were in the right place. Maybe he had gotten the directions wrong. All her disbelief was put to rest as soon as she glanced at the sign outside. She stepped out and they went in. It was a casual place, not too fancy, and not lacking class. They took a seat at a table in the middle of the restaurant. “Good evening, my name is Maxwell and I’m here to take your order. What would you like to eat?” “I’d like the…” “Well, both have the special thank you.” Ava cut Bruce’s words short. He shot her a stare raising one of his brows as if trying to imitate Dwayne Johnson. “Just trust me,” she said, and trust her he did. Maxwell came back soon enough with their food. As they satisfied their cravings they dove into conversation. She wanted to know everything she could about him. “You seem like the type to break a girl’s heart. Tell about a few you’ve broken,” Bruce was stunned. She was so direct and to it. “You think I’m a heartbreaker?” “if you aren’t then prove me wrong,” “well I don’t think I’ve ever broken a heart before, maybe it’s because I’ve never been in love,” “You mean you’ve never liked anyone?” “No, I have but that’s not love. Love comes with a certain intimacy and vulnerability that’s hard to mistake. I don’t think I’ve felt that. What about you?” “I’ve been in relationships but they all ended horribly. You men have a real problem dating women who intimidate you.” “That makes no sense. Why would anyone want to feel intimidated by the person they’re in a relationship with.” Ava was stunned. She’d never seen it from that angle. “I know you must’ve felt hurt or offended when all those men broke things off with you. But you have you remember relationships are supposed to make you feel happy and not like you’re not enough. So if these men ended things because they didn’t feel good that doesn’t make them bad guys does it?” “I suppose you’re right but still I’d like a man who wasn’t intimidated by me enough to make the thing work.” “See it’s not your fault and it’s not there’s. It’s just a matter of compatibility and varying interests,” “I guess you’re right.” “As I always am,” “Cocky much?” They both laughed and continued to talk. Soon after night had fallen and they went their separate ways. Ava arrived home and couldn’t stop thinking about Bruce. From his smiles to his choice of words to the way he walked, she loved it all. Morning came and she arrived at the office. She was walking towards her office to continue some work when they bumped into each other. “Hey,” Bruce said. “Hey,” “How was your night? Did you get home safe,” “Yeah, I got by quite alright,” “That’s good to hear. I just got in should we head in and get to work?” “Lead the way, mister.” They both walked into her office and shut the door. What they weren’t aware of was the staff who had overheard them and now the tales of their escapades had filled the office.

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