Love for the Librarian


After Katelyn helps me dress, Kevin comes and helps me down the stairs, half carrying me. I think if there weren’t stairs involved he probably would have. Alex is close behind. Kevin helps me into the back seat and Alex slides in next to me. Katelyn and Kevin get in the front seats with Kevin driving.

Alex turns to me. “I will be in the waiting room, they won’t let me in during the delivery. Two is the maximum. I think Kevin and Katelyn should be there. Plus Katelyn plans to record it.”

“Damn straight. When you ever get around to telling Dylan he is going to want to see it. Plus Alex can see it later.” Katelyn laughs at the look on Alex’s face at the prospect of watching the birth.

“I think I am good. I will see the baby when it is done. Thank you very much. Plus I don’t think Riley needs me seeing that much of her body.” Alex tries to look dignified but he changes colors to a funny pale.

“If I wasn’t in so much pain I would find this humorous. However the only thought in my head right now is pain, pain, pain. And maybe Dylan’s balls in a vice. That is an afterthought.”

Kevin rolled his eyes. “That is why he should be here to understand the pain you went through for him. But of course you haven’t told him yet.”

I grit my teeth, “You know he is at home with another baby right now.”

He scoffs, “Yeah, a son he named Riley. Do you honestly think he is going anywhere?”

“Kevin not right now will ya.” I growl out.

“Fine, but that doesn’t change facts Riley, the sooner you deal with them the better.”

It remains silent on the way to the hospital, except for my grunting and groaning. As soon as we pull in Kevin runs to get a wheelchair and Alex and Katelyn help me out of the car. At check in they herd us up to the third floor, labor and delivery where the nurses stand behind a desk to check people in. A nurse comes out and tells us that they have a room for us, and ushers me and Katelyn back to get changed. Once in a robe they hook up the machines and check everyone’s hearts and monitor the contractions. Katelyn goes and gets the guys after we are all set up and they enter not really sure what to do.

The baby’s heartbeat is echoing in the room.

Everything else is quiet. I laugh, “You guys I am having a baby not going to my death bed. Come on, why are you guys so quiet?”

Katelyn nods to the others. “We all think you should call Dylan. I know you don’t want to but it is the right thing to do.”

“I don’t want to yet. I will tell him.”

“When? When the baby is thirty?” Kevin scoffs at me.

“No, look can we just get through this stressful situation without Dylan. He has a life, let him live it.”

Katelyn heaves a large sigh, “Riley you know this is wrong you are just too damn stubborn to do what you know is right. We can drop it today but it is getting to the point that we can’t let it go much longer.”

The nurse comes in a few minutes later, “Alright who is the father?” She looks at Kevin and Alex.

“Neither.” I moan as a contraction hit.

“Contraction.” I just nod. “Alright men folk, I am going to have you step out in the hall while I check her dilation. You can come back in a minute.” She waits for the guys to leave. “Alright Riley, I am going to check you out and see where we are. I understand that your water already broke so we should be getting close. The baby looks good right now. I want to make sure it is in the right position. Go ahead and lift your feet up on the stirrups and spread your knees.”

I do as she says then her hands are in my woo ha. I swear there have been so many people up there I am not shy about it anymore. She pulls out. “Alright we are head down. It looks like we are dilated to nine. So it will still be a little bit. But that number can jump real quick. So who do you want here during delivery?”

“Katelyn and Kevin.”

“Alright, the other gentleman will have to wait outside. He can be in here until the pushing starts. Do you know what we are having?”

“No, we wanted it to be a surprise.”

“Alright, will the father be showing up?”

“No, he isn’t in town.”

“Ok anyone else that is stopping by that we should be aware of? Is there any information that you don’t want talked about in front of others?”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“No, it is fine. Talk away. I know they will.”

“Alright then I will be back in a little bit to check your dialation. We probably won’t see the doctor until it’s time to push. I’ll let the guys back in. Push that button if you need anything.”

I nodded and she left letting Alex and Kevin know that they could come back in. “She said you can stay in here until it is time to push. Although she didn’t say anything about pain meds.”

“That’s because I gave them our birthing plan at the desk.”

I look at her like she is nuts, “What birthing plan?”

She rolled her eyes at me, “Remember when we sat down and planned out how you wanted the birth to go.”

“That was before, now I want drugs.”

She shook her head, “no you don’t, you will be glad in the end that I made you stick to it.”

She was right but as another contraction hit I glared at her. Kevin came to take his seat on my left side. He took my hand. “Hey, we are here for you. You will get through this. Even Alex, he will be here. If not in the room.” He patted my hand. “Now, Katelyn, you better pull out that camera and start getting some clips for Dylan. He won’t want to miss a part of this.”

Alex goes over to the window seat. “So, everyone says all these great things about this Dylan guy, but he is the one who broke Riley’s heart is he not.”

Kevin rolls his eyes. “You just want Riley to get over him so you can have her.”

Alex glares at Kevin, “If you weren’t obsessed with my cousin you would too. Riley is terrific. Anyone would be a fool to lose her. So I think Dylan is a fool.”

Kevin glares back. “So what if I want Katelyn, I still think that the guy deserves to know that he is having a baby. You don’t even know him. He really isn’t a bad guy.”

I look at Kevin, “I never said he was a bad guy. But he is confused about what he wants. He has a lot on his plate right now and I will not drag more into it. He didn’t even really know if he wanted me or Brittney. I made the choice easier. That night I found them together in a room he was going to pick her.”

“But he didn’t. Riley that has to mean something.”

“Yeah, that he is confused. I want him to be certain that he wants this. That he wants me. I know this is a big point where this is going to come up a lot but we need to curb it. He is not finding out tonight. Also this is not Alex’s fault. Don’t take it out on him.”

Kevin grits his teeth. “Fine. I will do my best.”

Time passes and we discuss names for the millionth time. Finally the nurse comes back in, “Alright let’s check you again. See if we are about ready to have this baby.” This time only Alex steps out. Kevin holds my hand. “Good news, we are at ten. I will get the doctor in here and we should be able to start pushing. Let’s have a baby.” The nurse goes to fetch the doctor. Alex comes back in for a moment.

He comes up on my right, “Hey, I’ll be out there waiting. You got this, don’t worry.”

I smile, “Hey maybe you’ll find a hot nurse out there you can take home.”

“They still wouldn’t compare to you.” He kisses me on the forehead and leaves the room.

“I don’t like him.” Kevin grumbles.

Katelyn rolls her eyes. “He has been nothing but perfect to Riley, you are just team Dylan. I think he should know about the baby too, but I don’t think she should run back to him. He fucked up. He needs to fix it. Alex is being nice. Would you rather he be a rude asshole?”

“No, but he knows she is messed up right now and needs time. Yet he is always around.”

I roll my eyes at both of them. “Right here guys.”

Katelyn takes out the video camera that she packed. She fires it up and then starts commentating. “Alright folks, here is the birth of the baby of Riley Anderson and Dylan Matthews. Yes, Dylan you heard that right. We also wanted to put that in there so it is no question that this baby will know who her daddy is.”

I groan, “We don’t know if it is a girl yet.”

“It’s a girl I know. Alright Kevin, what do you have to say to the baby?”

“Hurry up and get out here. Your mother has been nothing but a pain since you showed up.”

I groan, “More like Uncle Kevin has been a pain.”

Katelyn turns the camera to herself. “We are all happy to see you. Come out and greet us all with your beautiful face. Come on with your parents there is no way you are going to be an ugly baby. You are going to be the cutest baby on the block.”

She turns the camera back to the room. Just then the doctor comes in with the nurse right behind her. “Good evening, Riley. I am Dr. Goldsmith. I will be helping you get this baby out today. Are you the father?” He looks at Kevin.

Kevin shakes his head. “No, we are the aunt and uncle, the father couldn’t make it.”

“I see. Alright, well let’s have this baby. I can see that your contractions are close enough together that we can start pushing. So I am going to have my nurse bring you to the end of the bed and we are going to have you sit up. Uncle I am going to have you hold one hand and my nurse will hold the other. I see that the aunt is the official photographer. Most people get grossed out by the blood stuff so try not to focus on that.”

The nurse starts shifting me around with Kevin’s help. Once I am up in position the doctor tells me it is time to push. We wait for contractions and push along with them.

At one point I am squeezing Kevin’s hand, He hollers out. “Dylan this should really be you dude.”

Katelyn and I both turn to him, “Shut up.”

I keep pushing. “Alright so most of the head is clear. I need you to give me three good pushes. So here comes another contraction. I want you to take a deep breath and push with it. Alright now push, push, push. Keep pushing. Alright take a breath. We have the head through, now we just need the shoulders. This isn’t the time to rest. Alright come one deep breath deep and push, push, push, keep pushing. Alright one more good push and you get to see your baby. Come on, let’s do this Riley. Push.”

I was pushing along with him and I felt like my brains were going to explode. Once that last push did it’s job I felt it’s body slip free. Then there was some crying and the baby was in my arms. “Congratulations, it’s a girl.” She was the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen. Even covered in white goop and still connected to the umbilical cord. In my arms they did the long cut on the cord and then the nurse took her. “We will get her back in a minute. Come on uncle, let’s get the baby weighed and cleaned up.” They both walk away from me and then the doctor looks at me. “Alright I know you are tired but we aren’t done yet. You have to push out the after birth. I know it sounds gross, and it kind of is, but we gotta do it. So I am going to have you give me a couple more pushes and then you will be all clear. You will be able to rest with your baby as soon as this is done. Alright, breathe with me. Push, push. Alright one more.” Then I felt the most disgusting thing ever. Come out of my body and I heard it plop into this bucket.

“Alright Riley, you did a good job. I am going to have the nurse clean you up and I will check on you in a few hours and make sure everything is going well. Congratulations.” He smiled at me as I laid back as far as I could on the bed. I could only give him a nod.

The nurse came back with a nice clean little bundle. She placed her in my arms. I looked down at this amazing little thing. She had Dylan’s blonde hair and blue eyes. Although they could just be baby blues, I don’t think so. She had my nose and mouth. She was looking around everywhere in wonder. I know she can’t see very far, but it still looks really cute. Now that she is in my arms she isn’t crying any more. “Are you going to nurse?”

I nod to her. “Alright let’s get you set up make sure you got it right. This is your first baby I am assuming.” I nod again. “Then let’s make sure you got a good latch.” She showed me how to latch on and after a few minutes I got it right. My little angel is looking at me as she eats. “Do you have a name picked out?”

“Grace Elizabeth Anderson-Matthews.”

“Sounds like a strong name. Beautiful too. She is eight pounds six ounces, a perfectly healthy baby. I am going to give you a few minutes and then I am going to clean you up.” She walked away and started to clean up around the room. Setting up the bassinet, things like that.

Kevin came back over with Katelyn running the camera. “You did good. She is beautiful. That was certainly a lot grosser than I thought it would be. Definitely not something I want to do again anytime soon.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “Next time I’ll trade you places.”

“No thanks, it was painful enough on this side.”

Katelyn sets the camera down, seeing that Grace is sleeping. “She is so beautiful. Dylan will be so happy when he meets her.”

“Yeah, trust me, I want to tell him. I am just waiting for the right time. Ok guys he will know about her.”

The nurse comes back over. “Alright uncle I am going to kick you out for a moment so we can get momma cleaned up.” Kevin smiled at me and then headed out to join Alex. “Aunty, do you want to take the baby while I help momma.”

“Of course. I want to hold that baby.” Katelyn takes her and snuggles her close. I smile at her face. She looks so content holding her.

The nurse helps me up and wipes me up, and gives me a clean gown. These funny underwear that holds this huge pad up. All together a very gross ordeal but so worth it when I hold that baby close. She changes the sheets and then helps me back up in bed. After she clears all the dirty stuff the room looks good. You wouldn’t know all the gross things that just happened here. Now all that is left is the beauty.

Katelyn brought back Grace to me. “I will go get the guys.” She smiled at me and left with the nurse right behind her. I sat with my little bundle of joy in my arms. She was awake now I am sure with all the bustling around. She looks so adorable looking around. I just smile down at her. She is the most amazing thing ever. If anything Dylan gave me this amazing gift and I will forever be grateful for it.

Alex and Kevin come back in with Katelyn. “How is it to be a mother?” Alex asked as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

“It is the most amazing thing in the world.”

Kevin laughed, “Can you believe they gave me a pair of scissors around a newborn. It is not a safe option.”

“Kevin, you did a good job uncle.” I give him a look that shows him how grateful I am for him.

He shrugs, “Hey, you did all the work. I do think you need to get some sleep. We can help with the baby while you rest. That was a lot of work.”

I nod and hand Grace to Katelyn. Then I lay back and let my eyes close.

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