Love for the Librarian

Back Home

Two months fly by. Soon I am back in my hometown and back in my old house. I look in my old room and everything has changed. “Mom, what did you do?”

She peeks in behind me. “What? I thought you could use a bigger bed. Plus you don’t really need the desk in here anymore. I am sure you will have an office at the Library now that you are taking over. I put in more updated curtains. I put the little girl ones that used to be in here in the room for Grace.”

“You put together a room for Grace?”

“What kind of Grandma would I be if I never put together a room for my little angel. It was hard hiding it from Dylan though. You know he still comes for breakfast every morning. You should have seen it when he showed up and I was moving your old bed into the guest room. Of course he offered to help, but he panicked like it was a sign that you were never coming back. I had to clarify that I was giving you a bigger bed. He then asked why I was making a guest room. I said I just wanted one. I don’t think he found anything wrong.”

I walked over to the room that she set up for Grace and she did an amazing job. She got this bed set that is a really beautiful purple then matched it with a light blue rug in front. She set up some stuffed animals that I am sure she bought just for her. She put cushions on an old bench and made it a window seat. “This is perfect, mom.” Just then Grace ran in.

“I love it Grandma.” She started spinning and dancing around. “When is uncle Alex coming over?” She stops spinning.

“He will be here in about a month with nanny Adel. They are coming together.” I give her a smile. I am glad she likes my friends. It makes me hopeful that she will like Dylan.

“Mommy, when do I get to meet Aunt Polly?” I of course told her all about her family. Well, except Dylan. I didn’t want to breach that subject until I talked to him and knew that he wouldn’t reject her. I would hate to see her crushed little face.

“We are going to meet Aunt Polly tomorrow. She is really excited to meet you. She wants to show you all the books in the library. Won’t that be fun?”

She gives me a big smile and then nods. “Yes, I like books.”

My mom smiles. “Just like her mother. I am going to make dinner, you guys get settled in. Your things are supposed to arrive in a couple of days. I assume you have enough things to get by.”

“Yeah, mom. Hey, are you expecting Dylan in the morning? I just want to be prepared.”

“No, I told him that you needed some time to get comfortable. And we would be busy. However I am sure he is going to show up at the library tomorrow.”

She gives me a knowing look. Dylan knew full well when I was going to arrive. I am glad it will be in public, he can’t totally yell at me there. Plus after we meet with Aunt Polly, Katelyn is going to take Grace to the park, so there is more of a chance that I will see Dylan will be eased into her.

“Grace, wash up for dinner and thank Grandma for the amazing job she did in your new room.”

She smiles at my mom. “Thank you Grandma. I love it. It isn’t as big as my old room but it is really nice.”

She laughs. “Yeah, my house isn’t as big as that fancy one you have been living in but it was good enough for your mom. Soon it will be your house.”

I look at my mom. “What do you mean?”

“I am moving in with Polly. We decided that it was time you had your own house. Plus Polly and I are going to start traveling a lot. We are leaving a lot to you.” She smiled at me, that smile that warms the heart. “You are the Anderson that is going to take over everything. Although you should be Williamson, it’s ok. Besides, you might be something else soon. Like maybe Matthews.” She gives me a smirk.

“Funny mom.”

“Why would your name be Matthews, mommy?” Grace looks up at me.

“I will explain tomorrow ok. Right now go wash up.” I nod my head towards the bathroom.

“Ok mommy.” She runs off to the bathroom.

“So you are breaking the news tomorrow?”

I take a deep breath. “Yeah, At least that is the plan. This is really hard for me. I know he needs to know, but I don’t want him upset at her because I kept her from him. It was my choice. I am also really scared he will never speak to me again.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it. He is buzzing that you are here. He would have been at the train station but I had to tell him to give you some time to adjust. I didn’t think that it would be a great time to introduce them.”

“Thank God. That would have been very awkward. I am still scared. I don’t think I will sleep a wink tonight.” She pats me on the back.

“It’s time dear. We have all done our best to make sure he didn’t know, but she deserves a father. He is a great dad. He brings Riley over here and it is like he is one of the most loved children on the planet. If he can do that for a child that isn’t even his then I am sure it would be even better for a child that is.”

“So, you like his son?”

“After all I have a strong feeling he will be my grandson too. I mean he named him after you for crying out loud. His momma isn’t in the picture. She took off soon after he was born. No one has seen her since.”

“Figures Brittney would do that. Thanks mom. I will get Grace ready for dinner and then I am giving her a bath and putting her to bed. It has been a long three days. But better than driving.”

“See, told you.” She smiles as she leaves for the kitchen.

I finish getting Grace cleaned up for dinner and we head into the living room and wait for my mom to call us into dinner.

“Mommy are we going back home?”Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Grace, you remember I told you that we are moving here. We put all your toys in boxes. They will be here soon. This is where mommy’s new job is. Mommy is going to run the library. That is fun huh?”

“Yes mommy. I was just hoping to find a daddy. I think this place is too small to find one.” She looks at me so solemnly.

God she is too smart for her own good. “We can still find a daddy here. If not, is it so bad to be you and me?” I give her a silly smile that makes her laugh.

“No, I love you mommy.” She gives me a serious face. This is what she does when she wants to make sure that I know she is telling the truth.

“Good. Cause I love you, bug.” I open my arms for a hug and she runs into them. God I love this little girl. He better not reject her tomorrow.

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